Chen Xin (Mainland Sirens 6)


Chen Xin is a relatively unkown model. However I feel fairly confident in wagering that situation will change completely over the next year. Xin has devastating good looks and is already starting to produce some killer photo shoots.

To give you some idea of the lack of info on her, I had to work very hard to even find out her age. It was worth the effort though as I finally found it listed in her stats on a very awesome bikini contest video. You can catch the vid at the end of the post.She does have a moko account which has been active for almost a year but is only at MP level which confirms she’s not very established in the industry.

Just remember where you saw her first readers!














Age: 21
Height: 5’5 / 169cm
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
Located: Guangzhou (kinda near Hong kong)
From: Xi’an (Ancient capital of China and home to the Terracotta warriors)

Bikini contest vid. Xin is model 52; the second one introduced.

Direct link to same video on

Blog 1
Blog 2
Mainland Hotties Article

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0 thoughts on “Chen Xin (Mainland Sirens 6)”

  1. Let me be the first to say – these photos are hot! The legginess of modern Chinese girls combined with a decent bust (often with some tasteful surgical help) makes for one hell of a combination. I have to question the accuracy of some of these photos though, given how she looks in the bikini video. Indeed, my favourite girl in the video is 51 (the first one) – she’s nice and slim with a sexuality that’s rare for Chinese girls. Who is she?

  2. Oooooh…Aaaaah! She’s magnificent. Nice boobs and long legs, what more could you ask for.

  3. To be honest, I have no idea if she’s pretty or not. I can’t tear my eyes away from her spectacular lungs. They are really impressive.

  4. I am leaning a bit towards Hidy Ho, a body to die for but I don’t find her pretty at all.

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