Charmane Star – Blowjob Video

This is the only kind of blowjob we can show here on Asian-Sirens. 🙂 I wonder if Charmane Star will be getting a boob job? As far as I know she’s still all natural.

In the Asian porn world, it seems Charmane and Sabrine are bing replaced by younger models these days. Two that come to mind are Evelyn Lin (Chinese) and Tia Tanaka (Vietnamese). Who am I forgetting?

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0 thoughts on “Charmane Star – Blowjob Video”

  1. Hi Lawboy, yes it’s true, we (or you) can link to most any content you want. But we have a policy of not showing hardcore directly on the site.

    Our other policy is “no pink on the home page”. That is why you only see the most explicit shots on the “More” page.

  2. Well Charmane and Sabrine were replaced a while with Sabrine being out of porn for a long time now. Charmane is still around but you really can’t replace them and the chicks coming in really can’t take their place. Evelyn is alright and Tia Tanaka is also out of porn. Two that I love right now are Lana Laine and Jandi Lin.

  3. Hasn’t Tia been around for a long time?

    Anyway, Charmane looks a little bigger than most Asian girls. Could be a very good and discreet job.

  4. Charmane has awesome natural boobs. I hope she never gets a boob job. I wish she would have stopped with the tattoos too. That new one on her back is not good.

  5. I wish it was “no pink on any page”, but obviously I’m alone in that. 😉

    And I have to say, I really hate that supposedly “sexy” way these girls speak in these videos. Trying to make out is if they’re the sexiest and horniest girl on earth just doesn’t do it for me; indeed, it really turns me off. But that’s American porn for you – super fake and exaggerated. As usual, Japanese porn looks far more natural, even though they censor the genitalia.

  6. Come on Doc, don’t you think they’re cute???

    Charmanes always going to be one of my favorites. Its rare to find a newbie in her league.

  7. a little too much overload on the kitty, North :)) with out a face attached to it, it made me queezy too :))

  8. I agree that if Doc were to stare at that 1 hour daily and practice relaxation and deep breathing, he could overcome his phobia in about, I’d say, 20 years. Pretty odd for a self-professed straight guy! 🙂

  9. Charmane is one of my absolute favorites. I prefer to see her with women, though, because I tend to get jealous when she’s with guys. 🙂

    I hope she stays all natural. I will die a little inside if she ever gets implants.

    Charmane did a scene with a girl named Alayla; as far as I can tell, she did one or two movies and then disappeared. Too bad.

    As far as up and coming girls, well, I come here to hear about them, but there’s a French-Vietnamese girl named Nikki I’d love to see more of.

  10. I’m with LawBoy. Close-ups of the insides of vaginas are almost as bad as close-ups of anuses for me – they’re both smelly and unclean orifices that excrete bodily wastes. We’re meant to use them, but I don’t think we’re meant to look at them. 🙂

  11. Twat did you say, Doc? Did I hear you correctly? Also, I’ve been a big fan of Charmane’s little perfect ass and sexy legs for awhile now. I think I first saw her in a Club International magazine I bought at at the airport in Seattle enroute to okinawa 8 years ago. But who cares. She’s hot. 🙂

  12. what ???

    japanese porn look more natural !!!

    not agree with this at all

    japanese porn is for not normal personn

    and the girl play (act) like no one in the world (this is super super fake & too exagerate)
    we call that pornstar ?? (yes only for japan)

    i prefer 100 % american porn with asian ladies inside than other asian country who do porn.

    and i know a bit coz i lived in japan 3 years (japanese girl are so……..special) that is the word.

    japanese porn is the worst in the world

    aahhh yes maybe for the 1st time to have a look, its fun (you can see many freak things..) but at all all the girls are like screaming pig with hairy sex, except 1 or 2 girls)

    nothing glamour or sexy,…..

    answer to Dr Lee (its just my pont of view)

    concerning Charmanne star : yes i find this girl very attractive and nice !!!

    i would like to meet her for sure

    she seems very natural & simple, sweat.

  13. I find it hard to believe anyone could think American “oh I love your dick” porn is natural, but each to his own I guess. 😉

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