The video above – from the people who brought us Sexy Mandarin – appears to be the latest YouTube video to go ‘viral’. It’s actually a spoof of the most viewed video on YouTube ever, the infamous Charlie Bit My Finger. Personally, I find the original video pretty lame, although I find the new one quite entertaining, for obvious reasons! Along with my previous post on YouTube sensation Natalie Tran, this led me to wonder: what is it that makes a YouTube video go viral? I am very interested to hear our readers’ opinions on this!BTW, I will be doing a feature soon on the new models at Sexy Mandarin. Here’s the two girls from this video, Candice and Vrenna:

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Female homo eroticism usually just bores me these days…but THAT was damn hot!
Ummm…well..OK Doktor. I get these two are pretty hot…OH YEAH..!? Kept waiting to see A LOT MORE from these two…but…??? (Maybe I don’t have a finger-fetish?? =;-}
i want to see more too! still hot regardless…
As I mentioned, I will be doing a follow-up post, so you will see more.
I don’t find them that attractive and the video is just creepy to me
I just bit my tongue watching that. I’ll have to go with hot on that.