Moko.CC have whipped out some body paint (along with their usual Photoshop paint) to produce this stunning array of images – as always with Moko.CC, they may not be real, but they are breathtaking! It contains 32 wonderful images – one for each nation in the Soccer World Cup.
Oh yes – while we’re on the subject of the Soccer World Cup, I’d be very interested to know if there’s anyone here apart from me who has no interest in watching sport whatsoever. Personally, I much prefer watching beautiful women – especially Asian of course. 😉
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Great pictures, Doc. And while there is a fair share of Photoshop going on, I’d be surprised if the Moko girls aren’t very pretty in person.
I am enjoying the World Cup (Viva Italia!) but I’m not glued to the set like I am with American Football.
They almost look like video game characters painted up like that.
I only know a small handful of people with any interest in the World Cup. But then again, I’m in the U.S.
Wylde, the World Cup is probably the most popular sporting event in the world.
Doc you are a brave man for admitting you dont like watching sport.
So you might need allies.
Count me as one.
And I agree totally with you, watching delicious Asian women is much more exciting.
We will probably both burn in Hell for saying this!
But no harm in combining the 2 as you’ve done here. Probably the closest I would want to get to the World Cup.
Oh my, No 10 (and she appears later, in green) looks like the girl who works at the Shiseido cosmetics shop here in China. I always hope she’s on duty when I walk past.
And crushed when she isn’t.
Mind you, while not taking anything away from the moko model, I think the salesgirl is much much prettier.
Gotta agree with you there Doc, on all accounts.
I never quite understood the whole “What??! you DON”T like watching a group of sweaty men hugging each other and wrestling on the grass? You big poof!!”.
Never really made sense to me.
Now body-painted asian female soccer supporters…. much more watchable.
I couldn’t keep track of the numbers for all of them, but #4 is hot, hot hot!
I like sports, but soccer — meh! Not enough action. Sounds like me in my single days:-(
I think I like every one of them. They’re just so leggy and curvy with such perfect creamy skin.
Geez Doc I think most people would call you un-Australian for saying you don’t like sport. There are so many good sports to watch but the AFL puts the NRL to shame IMO so it may be a Qld thing 😉
arf likes them all!?
Only during the World Cup am I a big soccer fan. I caught World Cup Fever in 2002 when Korea and Japan co-hosted the event. That was also the year of “Miss World Cup” Shin Mina.
The 2006 Cup wasn’t as eventful in Korea (since it was hosted in Germany) but it did bring us Han Jang-hee aka “Elf Girl.”
@Luke72: I am aware that a lot of Aussie yobbos would call me un-Australian, but I don’t care, as I consider myself a citizen of the world – nationalism doesn’t mean much to me either.
Good stuff! I would expect nothing less from Moko.
As far as sports go, I have zero interest in sports as institution – especially team sports. The whole thing is really nothing more than a social control mechanism.
Bigfoot, I understand that it is immensely popular throughout the world, but that doesn’t hold true here in the middle of the US. Personally, I love Formula 1 racing, but I’m one of the very few in this country that enjoys it even though its popular in most other countries.
nice find – some real hot ladies there but the one you chose to have in the post was not the best
here in toronto, there are a lot of fans of the world cup…however, i’m not really that into it but if these girls were playing in those uniforms, id quit my job and watch it 24/7
Ooh yeah…I remember Han Jang-hee, the hot elf girl. Them mammaries were truly a work of art.
I like watching World Cup, but if compare to beatiful Asian women, World Cup can wait 🙂
Truly, it doesn’t get much cuter than these girls dressed up in body paint. You can see their slender curves without any interference from “clothing” yet get the eye foolery of women that are dressed. A delight.
Not a big soccer fan either but I can find it interesting to watch at times.
I’m a bit shocked at the general lack of interest in sports and, specifically, the World Cup! ^^;; Hell, I’m streaming the Australia v Ghana game right now while typing this post — and I’m Canadian! The World Cup is actually pretty popular in the Greater Toronto Area but maybe not so much outside the major metro areas in Canada. Yesterday I was at a bar and it was absolutely rammed with English supporters (myself being one of them).
While (ice!) hockey is my fave sport, I’m pretty much into almost all sports and especially love international tournaments. Great drama!
While I also love looking at women I can’t really compare it to watching sports. I love both! Heck, isn’t watching women a sport in and unto itself?! 😛
CEC: It’s hard to forget Shin Mina and Han Jang-Hee. Utterly gorgeous. *drool*
Great pix, too bad the most interesting features got shopped out. There is a similar type of set on thechive.com – a faux game played with body-painted ladies. No photoshopping allowed.
Doc opened the door & I will barge right in.
Soccer (world football) – dull beyond belief. 90 minutes of boredom interrupted by a few seconds of action.
American football – 12 minutes of action stretched into a 60 minute game stretched into 3 hours of TV time. Thank goodness for DVR. The exception is American Thanksgiving in late November, which has evolved from remembering the early settlers to gorging ourselves with tasteless turkey & trimmings with football watching. What a great holiday.
Australian football – REAL men play this sport.
American baseball – almost as boring a soccer. Better to go to the games to ogle the women in the stands.
Cricket – they are updating the sport to get the length to only one day. That says enough.
Pro basketball – watch the last 2 minutes and you’ve watched the game.
Rugby – interesting sport with lots of action, but I haven’t figured out the strategy or rules.
Hockey – non-stop action & a relatively simple game to understand. Was fun to watch the recently playoffs. Imagine golf as a contact sport.
No doubt, stick to the Sirens.
Never trust a man that doesn’t like sports. It’s downright inhuman! Have you no heart?
@darklighter1: In response to your comment, I might well say: “you like to waste time watching sport? Have you no brain?” 😉
Great Pics, love them all. But where are their nipples?!?!?!! These are either some serious sex-freaks of nature or some crazy airbrushing is going on.
Seems to me they have tiny underwear on and I’m guessing something to cover their nipples.
The world cup is pretty crazy here in Shanghai, I’ve had to stop going to the bar because they have it on and the place is packed with weirdos. Between the monotonous drone from the crowd intermixed with the screams from weirdos I’ll just stay home until it’s over.
I play basketball, so I also like to watch it, but I don’t know anyone else who is a Raptors fan so I don’t get into it as much as I might otherwise.
Back to the girls. I hope this fashion catches on, it’s hot here in Shanghai, it would be nice if the prettier girls just put on some body paint in the morning. hmmm and maybe it would start smudging when they sweat…
Thanks, TS. I’d place a token bet that those are garments they’re wearing and not paint, but how much is any of this worth?
Soccer is like Tic-Tac-Toe, too many tie games to take seriously. That’s why Americans prefer games with sudden death, extra innings, overtime, and extra holes. We want a winner and a loser after spending time watching a game. Hockey suffers from the same issue.
The other killer for soccer is the gray area where the refs can call a foul with no explanation for it, like when scoring figure skating competitions. Ridiculous that this is allowed to continue.
The non PC reason soccer is such a huge sport worldwide, including every third world country, is because all the kids need is a soccer ball (the goals can be anything) to play the sport. Not so with American football, baseball, basketball, golf, tennis etc. Expense is a huge part of the equation.
“The other killer for soccer is the gray area where the refs can call a foul with no explanation for it”
I know what you’re probably referring to, TivoMan and those that have been following the World Cup know that right now there is one particular ref that owes the US team a BIG explanation.
All teams feel they get the rough calls, the Aussies keep getting their best players sent off the park in what the papers would have you believe are grey areas.
@ dbldipper hilarious and accurate summation of all the sports even though I do enjoy soccer and cricket. My problem with hockey as someone who is uninitiated, is I can’t see the puck.
I find I enjoy most sports but find tennis and golf to be a complete waste of time.
Doc I got the feeling you weren’t a card carrying member of One Nation when you led with the girl in Kiwi colours, although from the current results I think the All Whites need to adopt the familar path of Split Enz, Russell Crowe etc and become adopted Aussies while they are enjoying some success 😉
Cycling is the only sport I really care about, because I can actually get up off my butt and go out and do it myself, insead of just sitting on the couch, drinking beer, following a bunch of stats and scores. Also It does the body good.
Not that beer is bad or anything. It’s actually pretty good.
How can you guys chat about soccer rules etc while these gorgeous women are about? It’s like..oh the women (the models) are over there >> and we are in a huddle talking sports over here<<<.
You would be surprised how many women attend AFL matches, in fact there is plenty of opportunities to combine sport and watching women with cheerleaders etc. I struggle to watch women’s sports though.
@Luke72: “Doc I got the feeling you weren’t a card carrying member of One Nation”
You certainly got that right! 🙂
Upon seeing one of the girls nude pics, i come to appreciate photoshop even more.
Kaka before a private shoot
one of the pics from the shoot
Thanks for that kevgud – it was very instructive!
I am looking at this on my phone so the size is not great, but her skin in the nude link looks terrible! It reminds me of a magazine I bought years ago where the model was quite attractive and naked but had a band-aid on her knee which I found very off putting. Makes you appreciate the Photoshop guy.
Which country was she?
Ну хуй знает! А где соски?
And for those interested but couldn’t bother translating from the Russian… Irbis said:
“Well, dick knows! Where’s nipples?”
Thanks to Google Translate for that!
And well said Irbis..I think…
If you reverse the statements by Irbis, it sorta makes a little more sense.
hahahahaha YES myrke! It does.
Well I’d normally delete a non-English post like Irbis’, but given the rather amusing responses, I think I’ll leave it. 🙂
Yer a gentleman and a scholar Doc.
But surely Irbis knows that English is the lingua franca here and if he wants to share his comment, he must be aware of translation engines.
Irbis is probably not much different from other (English speaking) contributors in his appreciation of Asian women, it’s just not many of us are fluent in Russian.
So if the odd one does slip through I can’t see it being a major hindrance – unless it becomes the thin edge of the wedge. But, sure, you’re the moderator here, and from what I’ve seen, a fair one, and posting rules are rules.
Yes, whenever I use a foreign language phrase, I’m careful to provide a translation. Sige?
Superbe collection 😉 woua ;o)