Category Archives: Humour

Create Flickr Strips With Bubblr


Bubblr! made it really easy for you to create a strip online using your own or somebody else’s Flickr pics. First you search through the Flickr pics database by entering the name of a Flickr user or by entering a tag. After that the only thing you have to do is drag and drop the pics you like into the strip. Add some text balloons and some text and voila: your very own pic-strip on the web.

Here’s the Asian-Sirens strip that I created in a couple of minutes.

Thanks to FreshCreation

Looking For A Japanese Girlfriend?


Looking for a Japanese girlfriend? Wearing this T-shirt could help you out!

Apparently there’s a whole bunch of guys in the world who wouldn’t mind getting attention from Japanese females in the world. This T-shirt features clear, clean text and a message that is perhaps best translated as “Now accepting applications for Japanese girlfriends.” Features a nice red “rising sun of Japan” in the design. You never know what conversation this T-shirt could start, or where it might lead!

Buy one at Also check out this one. Hell, check out all the Japanese Shirts, they are all funny!