Casey Cammies is a model from Virginia. She also dances. I get the impression she’s done much more modeling than this from some of the websites I visited, but they didn’t have any photos that weren’t featured here, so maybe she’s done it under other names.Stats:
Age: 21
Height: 5’1
Located: Virginia

(Visited 152 times, 1 visits today)
pretty sexy overall. good find travis!
I likey.
I’d like KC Cammies
Wearing no jammies.
Also, the best (or worst) use of diffenbachia I’ve ever seen.
Tough to rhyme with diffenbachia, though.
Show me a better smile, dear.
Pretty face and nice rack! Girl comes with an attitude! Could do something more with the hair! Photos 2, 3, & 4 hair is nice!
dbldipper is hurting on this thread and I don’t blame him …
So, dipper’s having trouble
rhyming things with diefenbachia?
For me it is no problem
She’s got a real nice rack, yeah?
She sure ain’t from Czechoslovakia!
Why are photographs think, a girl looks better without a smile?
I love this Flickr shot:
I agree with Travis and get the feeling she has other photos out there.
I don’t like the way she smiled in this photo which is like #5 above except in this one she lost the shirt and added a feather which sort of makes up for the odd smile.
I should have waited and posted both together, sorry!
Another nice Flickr shot:
Bingo, video of her at Exxotica
Found it at her semi-old blog:
Holy mackeral!…she is such a sexy cutiepie in that vid from youtube. Thanks Lard. I’m really lovin this girl.
By the way, daznlover seems to be absent from class right now. 🙂 Interested in what he thinks of the beautiful Casey…I happen to love her.
Here’s another vid I just found on youtube.
Cute spinner.