Casey Cammies


Casey Cammies is a model from Virginia. She also dances. I get the impression she’s done much more modeling than this from some of the websites I visited, but they didn’t have any photos that weren’t featured here, so maybe she’s done it under other names.Stats:

Age: 21
Height: 5’1
Located: Virginia






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0 thoughts on “Casey Cammies”

  1. Also, the best (or worst) use of diffenbachia I’ve ever seen.

    Tough to rhyme with diffenbachia, though.

  2. Pretty face and nice rack! Girl comes with an attitude! Could do something more with the hair! Photos 2, 3, & 4 hair is nice!

  3. So, dipper’s having trouble
    rhyming things with diefenbachia?
    For me it is no problem
    She’s got a real nice rack, yeah?

  4. Holy mackeral!…she is such a sexy cutiepie in that vid from youtube. Thanks Lard. I’m really lovin this girl.

  5. By the way, daznlover seems to be absent from class right now. 🙂 Interested in what he thinks of the beautiful Casey…I happen to love her.

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