Carine LL


Only 19, Carine LL has some elegance in her photos that is rare for someone that age. Already with a fairly in depth portfolio with a number of different styles, I’d be interested to see if she evolves into someone more well known by the time she’s 24/25.Stats:

Age: 19
Height: 5’5
Located: Singapore







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0 thoughts on “Carine LL”

  1. Truly a very exquisite beauty! Such a great work of art with beautiful features from head to toe! Her face is very intriguing and her eyes are intoxicating! There has to be great future for this beauty!

  2. Sort of has Bai Ling look about her (probably the bang) .. but with serious bootie!!!

  3. I’m stunned. The girl is absolutely gorgeous! I’ll take two please 🙂

    Also, I’d like to take a moment to nominate pic 5 for best ass shot ever on AS.

  4. Oh my WoW!!!…she’s so hot! Beautiful shapely glutes. Hope it’s not to crazy to say she’s perfect to me. 😉

  5. Holy crap,

    The first photo is not good advertising- I wasn’t even gonna bother checking her out further but for some reason decided to.

    Glad I did!! I agree with the bess ass shot nomination, and I’m gonna queue jump in front of wyld8 to order two of her…..

  6. She’s very hot, nice find. There’s another 1 or 2 Singapore models that caught my eye recently. Will get round to posting on them also in the coming months.

  7. I would be happy to assess your nominations as well Doc, but I’m confident this lady is in the running….

  8. Oh come on Doc. You know that butt makes you want to sing a certain Sir Mix-a-Lot song.

  9. There are many more shots of this fine beauty on the word “photos” highlighted in yellow above. Just click on it and enjoy!

  10. Pretty body..nice little booty…but she looks average to me…maybe better quality photos?

  11. That is the case with pretty much every post Werewolf! Go back through the archives there are some classic links 🙂

  12. I’m a visual guy, not so verbal, and I think that’s what AS is about.

    When contributors like the venerable Dr. Lee retort “the best ass shot ever on AS? Seriously?” I question why are there no substantiating links. I agree with him, but this forum would be more compelling if there were more thoughtfully curated links here supporting user opinions.

    To date on this topic there are >15 posts with no links, and only Travis has done legwork.


    BTW in regards to a previous poster’s point, this is how butts should be done, nice hip-to-waist ratio, as well as, well, you’ll see. Enjoy.

  13. Has there ever been a post, or a vote, for the top 10 of anything at this site? That would be a fascinating academic endeavor.

  14. Art – holy mirrors, Batman. The mm pic of her posing in the multiple mirrors may just ruin my entire day. Not just one view, but 10 within the same picture. I need to go away and clear my head.

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