Can You Focus Fast Enough?


I thought Asian Sirens readers might enjoy this Korean ad for the Olympus E-3, which they claim has the world’s fastest autofocus (when used with their new “SWD” lenses) – a larger image is here. Can anyone identify the model?

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0 thoughts on “Can You Focus Fast Enough?”

  1. Good call on linking that brochure, Aoi Miyazaki is an immense beauty. She has that “grunge” 1990’s Seattle look going for herself, and it suits her fine. I don’t care what anybody says, the face is probably the most important aspect of a woman to me, and Aoi has a mug you could fall in love with.

  2. This ad for Olympus E-3 is published in November 2007 and was created by by the advertising agency Diamond Ogilvy, Seoul, Korea. People that worked on the ad were Wain Choi (Chief Creative Director), Jaehyuk Jang (Art Director) and Honik Lee (Photographer). Unfortunately no name (yet), but at least we know that it’s probably a South-Korean model 😉

    Great find Lee!

  3. That second youtube video doc is actually of Jun Ji-Hyun most famous for staring in the mega blockbuster Korean film My Sassy Girl which is a pretty well made film for being a romantic comedy.

  4. I didn’t mean the girl in the print ad was Kim Tae Hee (only the girl in the video clips I linked to in my comment). Kim isn’t anywhere near busty enough to be the girl in the print ad. 😉

  5. She’s not a well-known model or celeb.
    I’ll search around some to try to at least come up with a name for her, though.

  6. While it bothers me that this is what I look like to others while in the same situation, I am not sure if I would buy a camera because of this add. Another pair of shorts, maybe… but lets not go there.

  7. Yeah… actually, the type you see sleazy cab drivers wearing where the front pockets offer more coverage than the shorts themselves (gross… I’ve actually seen that… haha. I was thinking: Science Damn It, man! It’s ok to show leg-hair but not the hair on you upper thighs… BARF!)

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