Bing Bing


After a reader’s request, we’ve put together this article on Bing Bing. She actually featured back in this article on Yan Feng-Jiao by Travis a while back. I believe Bing Bing to actually be much better looking than the more famous Yan Feng Jiao.

That might be personal opinion but one thing that can’t be denied is she’s certainly more flexible. Check out some of the moves she’s able to pull off! Bing Bing also seems to be one of those models who really loves showing her body off. Her playfulness really shines through in her photos and also the video.










Age: ???
Height: ???
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
From: ???

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4 Very Large Photos (might load slowly)

Same video on Chinese Video site (faster for China based readers)

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0 thoughts on “Bing Bing”

  1. I wasn’t too taken with the first pic – her expression looked weird to me. But it got better and the video, especially the first one got me totally hooked on her.
    Shuai Ge, I think you meant to say the 2nd video was ‘censored’ for Chinese audiences, not ‘faster’, as it wasn’t the same (nice surprise indeed!) as the other one.
    And amazingly, that wonderful first vid opened up (like her legs mmmm) for this China resident.
    Pretty remarkable all round arf.

  2. If she had a hot body, naked would be a plus, but with this girl, the most attractive part by far is her face, so it doesn’t make much difference to me.

  3. Bang Bang Bing Bing !!!

    Love her eys, Love her hair … Love her naturally cute body.

    Call me crazy but I prefer her over most of the made up, fake boob babes on mainland hotties …

  4. I wanna see more of the majestic forest on the girl on the right, picture 7.

    Bing bing could be a very very fun night however.

  5. Although her nipples look different, I’m pretty sure this is Bing Bing, going by the same look on her face in this set as in the first pic above:

    19 pics here, the better ones IMO are from about pic 4 onwards and 17-19 are just delicious.
    What do you reckon? Same girl?

  6. Nice photo’s LT (I particularly like #8) but I am pretty sure it is a different lady. For me the as well as the nipples her eyes and lips are quite different, also her grooming style which could just have grown itself of course.

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