A while ago, I saw a reader mention that there was a lack of nudity in the articles that were being posted. It’s been a while since I last wrote about someone who posed nude, so my next couple of articles will be on women who do show skin, beginning with Babi Syn who is a sexy, Cambodian webcam model.

Cam Site
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This girl is built to be a webcam girl. She’s got the features that go over well in a chatroom, and with some good interaction, she could be a big hit. I’d certainly watch her get down and dirty.
I like her basic features but I think that as an art director I can’t get past how badly she was handled for makeup and lighting. Please, take the shine off the face and curves (I can see the lights reflected) and let her have natural eyes (mostly). I want to take her into PShop and soften her up again. Powdah, please.
Let me be the first to say – nice boob job. 🙂
Regarding luvasianwimin’s comments, I’ve often wondered why shiny skin is considered so evil in modern glamour photography. What’s the problem with it?
uhhh….way too much eyeliner and brows are obviously heavily drawn. Would like to see her soften her eyes and brows. She probably would look better. I think she’s hot in a porn star kind of way lol
Oh yeah. She’s British. So that makes her extra hot hahaha
she definitely has some sex appeal…i likey
I actually like her better with the reddish brown hair.
Not gonna mention the tats, nope, not gonna mention them at all.
I agree with wylde8’s assessment. It looks as if her face is swollen in the first pic.
She is a full bodied woman. That is what I like. Not really too into the very skinny ladies. Interesting comment from the doc. I also noticed how much the eye make up hides her natural beauty. I wonder why they chose to do that… Anyway. Beautiful model.
A very Sinful looking Babi. I prefer the darker hair myself. Great looking woman.
A bit ‘thick-in-the-withers’ (pic 5), but otherwise very tasty. A smile would be nice. =:-p
nice body with great boob job. Face is very plain and average. A little thick for me. Without the boob job she would just be maybe slightly above average.
Looks like a blow-up doll or mannequin, not at all human.
Not big on girls with eyebrows that look like they were drawn on with a magic marker.
I like her. I thinks she’s pretty sexy and cute in face. Good boob job. I would have never pegged her to be Cambodian at all. For some reason, I would think along the lines of Chinese or Japanese.
I’ll jump in while dbldipper is busy trading erotic animal porn with mongolian smugglers… or whatever the hell he actually does while jetsetting about the world…..
Babi has her talents
as others here have stated
but i don’t agree with all the glee
I think she’s too inflated
On her back while in the sack
she’d have me soon unloaded
But I’d fear to press her giant chest
In case her boobs exploded…
I’m not against the western look
Fat and thin I’ve laid ’em
But I prefer my asian girls
to look like Allah made ’em…
Nice one kroos. And without a rhyme with Syn in sight.
Maybe dipper will oblige when he returns. So you think that’s what he does eh?
Now Ms Syn: Very taken with the first pic and quite a few of the others. The alternating brown/black hair was kinda weird; maybe grouping them would have made her less like 2 different women.
And omg i did a doubletake: she looks just like one of my Chinese students with the brownish blonde hair (particularly the beach one).
Brown hair beach photo is nice but I’m with kroos on the inflation. But hey! Can’t complain too much looking at naked girl…
She’s actually a pretty girl, but not big on the makeup either and those things look like they’d put my eye out accidentally. Certainly doesn’t look Cambodian to me at all, but not too bad.
Yay. More nudity!!