Here is a pretty girl shot from the side. I’m sure one of our readers will identify her. Sorry about the quickie posts lately. Just trying to keep the site active with everyone busy. UPDATE: Thanks to LyleStyleZ, she has been identified as Ayumi Kinoshita.
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she’s pretty. 🙂
this is ayumi kinoshita. i believe she’s been featured here before. she’s been in a show equivalent to what we know here in the states as ‘power rangers’. the show was called “dekaranger” and she was known as jasmine or dekayellow. this was back in 2004. since then, she’s been featured in magazines, photobooks, DVDs, commercials, TV dramas and movies. she’s still one of my faves!
She made a nice photobook with both her and the picture looking very good, you can see it here http://jappydolls.net/wpg2?g2_itemId=16091
She’s cute. Thanks for keeping the posts coming NorthMan.
Is she a semi-nude model?
I can’t find one picture of her being fully naked… well, at least in the pictures..:p
if anyone is able to find a nude picture of her,, please! 🙂
(i’ll try also)
I think she’s like Jessica Alba and Christina Aguilera and many other young actresses and singers who sometimes pose showing all except the goods. This keeps them from crossing the line that they think keeps them respectable. I understand it, but it’s so silly! 🙂
She’s very cute, always has been one of my favorites….
As I’ve mentioned before, this “implied nude” silliness borders on hypocrisy IMHO.
Here is another site.
wow she’s gorgeous
yea…get naked already
Thx to XS1001 and timertwo
Nice to see her gallery.
Stunning picture.
i can’t really tell from her profile if she has a really nice face shape or facial features…but she does look pretty from this profile angle, slender nose and nicely shaped eyebrows and pretty layered hair cut. her eyes look wide from this profile angle
She was so hot as Jasmine in Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. She’s got a killer smile too
i watch much toku especialy kamen rider and super sentai and i have her picture book so i know her she is a good actrass and a beautiful model
@steviewong dont try me on that one she smiled evil O_0 to the camera once and i was glad i aint an alien criminal