AV Idol Maiko Kazano

Maiko Kazano

So many Japanese AV idols, so little time! I find Maiko Kazano especially striking and wanted to share some photos with you.Actually, Maiko Kazano already retired, but recently came back for a few new videos. She was born in 1981 and says in an older interview that she hopes to marry at 25. No matter, on the web she will be forever young.

Links for Maiko Kazano:

Maiko Kazano
Maiko Kazano
Maiko Kazano
Maiko Kazano

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0 thoughts on “AV Idol Maiko Kazano”

  1. Great rack.

    Oh, wait. “Rack” could be potentially offensive toward deer or other mammals with antlers. I’ll try again.

    Nice breasts.

  2. Extremely doubt they are real.
    Yummy lips; imagine them to be quite useful.
    She’s hot, to be sure.
    Me love her long time!

  3. AV Idol?

    I am going to marry a Filipino girl.

    But if you keep posting photo’s like these, I might change my mind.

  4. If you go to the scanlover link, you can see the lovely breasts when they were sweet little b-cups, before they went to Implant City and got interesting

  5. Thanks Candyman.
    I used clean.scanlover.com rather than just scanlover.com without really thinking about it.
    You learn something new every day.

  6. Nice! No tats, no piercings, no bleached hair, no tacky poses. Beautiful, feminine Asian flower. Nice post!

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