Audrey Quock by Yanick Dery

Audrey Quock for Vellum (Photography: Yanick Dery)

Searching for some new photo’s of one of my favorite models Audrey Quock, I found three fantastic black & white studio photo’s by photographer Yanick Dery. Check out the hi-res ones!

Who is Yanick Dery?

Born and raised in Montreal, QC, Canada, Yanick Dery graduated from CEGEP du Vieux Montreal. He began working as a press photographer for two different local newspapers, focusing on sports and special events. During this time, he experimented with fashion photography by shooting local models.Yanick Dery has since photographed models and celebrities for countless prestigious fashion magazines, including Time Out New York, Biba, Jalouse, L’Optimum, Vital, Max, German Amica, Ocean Drive, National Post, Clind’Oeil, Mariage Quebec, Instinct, Razor, Overture and many more. Advertising clients are equally in demand for Yanick Dery’s time. He has shot campaigns for Effigi, Jack Victor, Joseph Ribkoff, Simon Chang, Point Zero.”

I examined his work, and can only say: this man knows his job! 🙂

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0 thoughts on “Audrey Quock by Yanick Dery”

  1. Calling Audrey “the first and only Asian supermodel” both a very loaded statement and downright wrong. There has been some discussion here in the past as to whether any Asian model is truly worthy of being called a ‘supermodel’, but I can definitely say that there are other Asian models who could more justifiably be called supermodels than Audrey.

    That’s not to say I don’t like her though – far from it!

  2. according to the statement above it is not wrong. she IS the first and only Asian model to make it in Sports Illustrated.

  3. If a model is in Sports Illustrated does that make her an automatic Supermodel? And if a model is not in Sports Illustrated does that mean she is not (or never going to be) a Supermodel?

  4. No it does not make her an automatic supermodel, and that is my point. I think the Wikipedia definition of “a model who has attained celebrity status” is the most accurate one, and Audrey is far from that.

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