Asian Sirens is back!

More than 8 years ago I started, a website devoted to one of the most beautiful models I’ve ever met. Soon after I started with, a site that became one of the largest sites for fans, photographers and asian models. It was also one of the first sites that started a Yahoo! Group, a community with more than 25,000 members. Daily discussions about and with models and photographers. Absolute milestones were the Asian Sirens Expos in Los Angeles back in 2000 and 2001.

Back in the late nineties was part of my life but it took so much time that I decided to take a break. In the past few years I have spent most of the time on my work, friends, my fantastic girlfriend and last but not least my two lovely daughters.

Two people have pushed me lately to start working again on Lee from ‘down under’ and Robin from Amsterdam. They both will help me to build the site and the community up again.

Finally, it would be great to meet some of my friends again from the good old days. Don’t know if you are still hanging around but if so, please drop a message here.

Part of the old site still can be found here.

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0 thoughts on “Asian Sirens is back!”

  1. Great to have you back! Been following asian sirens for many years now and was sorry to see you step away for awhile. I gotta say that the new layout and color scheme gives the site a sleek and clean look. Bravo! Hope to see more great content in the coming months.

  2. Thanks Donutboy! I hope the blogformat makes it easy for us to update more often and to get direct respons from the readers.

    Good to see you’re still there!

  3. it’s great to see that is
    back and that you’re doing well.

    we’ve been waiting for a site such
    as yours that will continue to serve as
    an excellent resource for hot
    asian/asian american babes. updates
    to this site were sorely missed while you were on hiatus.

    yup, it’s interesting to see which models
    still have “staying power” after all
    these years. it’s too bad to see that
    a lot of sites have pretty much been

    best of luck to you and your staff.
    ‘love this blog format!

  4. Thanks norikola, good to hear that you like the new format. We are still working on it but I’m happy with both the technical and design format so far.

    Suggestions to improve it are more than welcome btw!

  5. Dear Marco,

    You are using my copyrighted work. Please remove all Images of Iris Estrada by Aug. 5. So, we may avoid legal issues. Thank you.

    Brett Pruitt
    Grass Shack Productions

  6. Marco,
    You may use select images from the Women of Perfection site, on any models you wish to feature. I’ll e-mail you the user ID and password. Just e-mail me which ones you want to use. The images in the members section are actually supersized, so if you want me to e-mail you resized images for this site, just let me know.


  7. Marco,
    Thank you for removing my image from your site. What called my attention to this matter was a call from Iris, asking if I had sold images of her to Asian-sirens. She was upset that there was a link to soft-core stuff she had done in the past that she regretted. We have all done stuff in our lives that we wished we could take back. I would imagine having it spread across the web is hart wrenching. After all, the women on your site are real people, with real feelings. I don’t know Iris very well, we have work together on the Image you posted which was for a make-up artists portfolio, but she seem nice and to that end I would like to ask that you be compassionate and remove the link. Thanks again.


  8. Brett, I was the one who posted the link to the softcore thumbnail galleries that Iris has done in a comment. I didn’t realize that she regretted doing them but unfortunately they are not going to go away regardless if they are mentioned or not in a comment on this site. I suggest she take it up with the folks at where I found links to the thumbnail galleries but I am sure that is not the only place they can be found. I don’t think I can delete my own comment but it is fine with me if that comment is deleted. I like the photos that Marco found better anyway.

  9. reading these latest posts reminded me of a model named Joanne Choo. she objected to soft-core photos of her posted in a yahoo club several years ago.
    At that time, she was going by the names, Caroline and Miss Singapore. She was trying to become an actress. Well, I think I saw some of her acting skills in a recent video I saw, “Up and Cummers 125”, billed as Hibachi.

    It looks like she’s in Sweden now.

  10. Brett, no problem. We don’t want to destroy careers of models. Asian Sirens should be a place were we can share our passion for Asian beauty whatever they do modelling, singing, acting or even adult movies.

    Today I also removed the posting of Sung Tang. She’s using different names for different purposes. That’s fine for me although I think it’s a little bit naive to think you can hide yourself on the internet behind another name.

    The case of Joanne Choo mentioned by Zamscan is a good example. I know Joanne and even met her when I was in LA. Can’t remember which name she was using that time but it sound vry silly for me.

    Anyway, I have just finished my work and will be on vacation for a few weeks. Hope you guys will behave yourself and please be nice for Robin, Lee and Badboy πŸ˜‰

  11. Its amazing this thing is up and running again. I really didnt know after so many years until I found it out at fleshbot.

  12. Just back home from a few weeks vacation. Still have to catch up a lot of work but will be back online now Robin is in heaven πŸ˜‰

    Mike, good to see you! Just send you and email but it got bounced. Are you sure the emailadres is okay?

    MrMoopy, good to see you at Asian Sirens as well. Hope you will enjoy it!

  13. Marco,

    Think you can post the Grace Delarosa set from the old site onto this one? I loved those!!


  14. Hello,I am a new member,and I would like you to know,that at last I have found your site,which has everything I could wish for.Information,beauty and up to date on the beautiful ladies you have and get…..It was well worth the time and effort to find Asian Sirens…..Thanks

  15. Wow – Asian Sirens is back! I was a member of the yahoo club and frequent visitor to the Asian Sirens website back in the day. It is fantastic to have this excellent resource of Asian Beauty back for all to enjoy! Welcome back Thanirz!

  16. Marco,

    Yeah! You are back. Let me know if I can be of any help.

    Let me know which passwords you need from the sites too.


    p.s. I’ll send you some Mika Tan’s Crazy Horse outtakes since I was her roadie. We had an wonderful time!!!!

  17. Hi Akira, it’s great to see you here. You’re more than welcome and I will reply on your email. Can’t wait on Mika Tan’s Crazy Horse outtakes πŸ˜‰

  18. Welcome back to the only guy who’s ever been ahead of me (aka Loser Van Faben) in the “Hot New Asian Chicks” game! (At least in my own mind!) πŸ™‚

  19. Marco,

    Thanks to google I have found some full nude shots of DJ Queen Nakadia. Can send you some if you are interested – did not save the links but saved the photos!

  20. I’d need a link to send them – maybe it’s me but I can’t find any link for uploading or an email for Marco.

    But I’ll tell you how I found them …. googled for “nakadia” and got back a lot of Euro, non-English web sites in the result set. Many of them included her name and some variant on “photo” or “foto”. There were three or four sites in particular that had some really nice shots – some sites promoting individual photographers. So just some web surfing and clicking on lots of links one night when I had little better to do.

  21. Okay, just put six of them there. Enjoy!

    Oh, she says she’s going to be DJ’ing in Hong Kong in mid October and I plan to try to meet her.

  22. Damn busy with work these days. Will be back at Asian Sirens in a few weeks!

    But I see Robin, Lee, Brian and all the others are creating a great community here. Thanks guys, you are the best!

  23. Welcome back Marco!!
    Nice to have Asian-Sirens back!!

    Let me know if you need anything.

    We have come a long way!!!

    Dida and Greg of Island Eyes, Inc

  24. Thanks Marco for keeping the site nice and fresh…it’s greatly appreciated. Got a quick q for you — do you know what happened to LeAnna Scott? I though the old site had a bio of her, but I couldnt find it. I saw a “LeAnna Scott Mean Green ” photo shoot on, which is advertised to be new..but i’m not sure how up to date that is…thanks for any info.

  25. Hi vin122, good to see you!

    As for LeAnne, I don’t think she is still working as a model. Photos that are released nowadays are likely to be taken a few years ago. I’m not 100% sure so I will do some research soon!

  26. Hi JGirl. We are always on the lookout for new bloggers to Asian Sirens, but as you can understand we can’t just allow everyone to do it. Post a few comments to show us what you know, and we may be able to give you posting rights!

  27. That’s completely understandable. Maybe sometime in the future, you could setup a submission service? Whereby people can submit articles, which in turn can be reviewed and checked for validity with sources by your people…

    I just had some fairly recent award info on Mika Tan.

  28. I think Leeann is 1/4 or 1/8th. OK, OK, not asian enough… hmmm, I haven’t seen Francoise Yip here. She was the babe in Black Mask and in a Jackie Chan movie Rumble in the Bronx? Not overtly sexy but very beautiful. It appears that she hasn’t been able to get any decent roles in American films yet.

  29. hi there marco…. great site… i’m asian but you sure know a lot about asian babes…. keep up the good stuffs.. cheers!!!

  30. I noticed that Lena Yada and Christine Nguyen don’t appear here. They are both working actresses with legit credits, and both appear in “Naked in the 21st Century: A Journey through Naturism” on sale March 7 everywhere.

  31. Here is a general question to anyone that might know… I dont know where else to ask. πŸ™‚

    What is the deal with the “blood type” references in Asian model profiles? Is there something more significant than the possible marriage fantasy?

    Thanks in advance.

  32. Hey Marco, I tried sending you a “contact” email but it bounced – over quota! I wanted to point out an aspiring Filipina model to you – she has a (free) web site with lots of photos.

  33. Marco, if it wasn’t for you and Sung Hi Lee, I may have never caught Asian fever in 1998. I was a frequent visitor of the old Asian Siren’s website and Yahoo Group and of course a member of Sung Hi’s website. You even inspired me to start a Yahoo Club for a short time which never really took off.
    If you had stayed around and developed your website and community, I believe it would be huge now. Thanks to you and Sung Hi, an eternal love for Asian women was concieved and I have continued to worship Asian women ever since.
    By the way, I think Tila Tequila has taken over where Sung Hi left off. I had worshipped Sung Hi so long and no one could seem to dethrone her for me until Tila came along. Well, they actually reigned together for a few years. I have been following Tila for 5 or 6 years or however long ago she started and now I’m waiting to see who will be next. Maybe you will help me find her. I look forward to exploring millions of more beautiful Asian women with you for years to come. Thank God you are back. Sorry for the long comment, I just got excited.

  34. dear asian-sirens team,

    if you want to use my photo on your header banner, at very least credit me OR/AND tell me about it.

    you’ll know where to find me.


  35. So sorry potatoe! I took some images of flickr and when they landed in my PSD template I forgot all about where I got them. Will do so next time. And credit in ALT tag if possible asap. Please accept my apologie.

  36. Hi Marco;

    Used to be V******* Lee’s roadie helper kinda thing… we never met, but i chatted w/ u a lot and old shoopdog… you set us up with akira and her friendly self to help push miss vl along…

    anywyas, i’m outta that biz, living in shanghai now, amongst 24 milllion asian sirens hehehehe

    anyways, i still can’t get enough. thx for your site

    say hi to akira, mika, linda o’neil and tigetlily for me… they’ll probabaly remember me… and they are the nicest ever… i miss the old days sometimes

    ohhh talk to lawrence at 935draggers… he’s got a line with all the car girls…


  37. How do i ask if you recgonize a model?

    Can I post a pic of her on here to see if any body knows who she is?

  38. anybody has any information on the existance of asiansirenphotos group?
    why is it no longer available at yahoogroups?

    pardon my English.

  39. And check out Lena Yada in “Naked in the 21st Century,” on Video on Demand at

    No, she doesn’t get naked but this is one of the few videos where you get to see her being herself. Simple, down to earth and a lot of fun.


  40. you know the pop-up too j-list
    the book used as link

    Ive searched for it everywhere and still haven’t found it balen!!! >_<

    so if someone knows a site where the book is scanned and free tel me please
    i realy like asami kai(magiblue) ^_^
    book: asami kai:birth

  41. Did a search for an old fav of mine but had no luck, do u have anything on Michiko Nishiwaki, I heard she did a nude scene once, would luv 2 c it!

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