Asian Persuasion: Kelly Anne Tyler

Asian Persuasion: Kelly Anne Tyler

Some time ago Playboy Cyber Club had a pictorial named ‘Asian Persuasion’ featuring Asian models from the past and today. In the next few weeks I will feature some of them at Asian Sirens with the original photo. It would be great if you can help to tell us what happened with the model after she appeared in Playboy. Do you know any recent interviews, photos or interesting links?

Today we have Kelly Anne Tyler.

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0 thoughts on “Asian Persuasion: Kelly Anne Tyler”

  1. Sensational!…I bet she spins like a slo-mo frisbee.The pose suggests a soft pretzel-like flexibility.Kelly…if you’ll allow me to test my theories for the A-S readership…and report back…I promise not to pull on the hair extensions.;->

    P.S. All “research” is strictly in the interest
    of bio-scientific discovery.No really.

  2. I believe she is part vietnamese and something else…i read somewhere she use to work in Garden Grove in a coffee shop and was originally from TX…i dont know can someone confirm thanks

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