Asia from Met Art


This is one of the older Met Art models. Asia was from back in 2004, maybe earlier. My apologies if she has been featured here before, but “Asia” is not exactly the most user friendly search term on the archives. If it’s a repost, then go ahead and enjoy her again.Stats:

Age: ?
Height: ?
Ethnicity: ?
Located: ?















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0 thoughts on “Asia from Met Art”

  1. I like her, she’s got a body like my girlfriend and the photographer really knows how to show it off. Good stuff!

  2. btw, although she has small breasts, I can almost guarantee that a tit-job would not be an improvement for her. Glad she’s still aux naturel.

  3. A fairly fine example of feminine elegance complementing a very womanly lady. There is just something about her that I find tantalizingly enthralling.

  4. She has pretty, exotic features (I certainly wouldn’t complain if she said hi to me), but not exactly my type. Maybe its because she looks a little unapproachable, and I’m a bit intimidated :-p

    I think I prefer women who are a bit softer and look more friendly.

  5. Would be nice to see some photos that haven’t been processed in such an over the top way. Why can’t they learn how to use photoshop properly….

    Not really my type but certainly wouldn’t kick her out of bed as they say.

  6. I like her face, probably because she reminds me of a friend in Shanghai. Her body is fine but I would like to see her in more natural poses. I think some of “unapproachable” aspects would disappear in a natural setting.

    I’m curious where she’s from. Any guesses?

  7. She looks like the kind of girl I’d go crazy for in real life. She’s got the tight body, exotic features, and looks pretty natural. She gets a vote from me.

  8. My guess is Chinese and she has my favorite kind of figure. So slim and tight. Quite in favor among Chinese natives too. They traditionally look down on women with large breasts. She looks delightful all around.

  9. Great face, but the boobs and ass are a bit of a turnoff. I don’t need a girl to have huge boobs but filling up my hand is a good start. A lot of Chinese girls have a curveless ass, so that is just typical, not bad but not especially nice either.

  10. Her face is a bit too masculine for my liking and her body is nothing to write home about. I suppose she does have a sort of sexy androgenous appeal… if that’s your thing (I can’t tell if I like it or not… lol).

    I’m going to bet that without the heavy makeup and over-processing of these photos she probably wouldn’t stand out in a crowd.

    (gotta be critical once in a while) ^^;;

  11. I think I’m going to agree with Wings on this one. If I met her at a bar or at Wal-Mart…shoot yeah I’d play dress up with her.

  12. BTW, did anyone else notice that the Doc felt that a flat-chested model is “pretty hot regardless”? That’s even more amazing than arf not really digging her.

  13. Come on Wings – there’s been a lot of flat-chested models that I’ve liked! Not that she wouldn’t benefit from a visit to my surgery though. 😉

  14. Doc: A lot? How about a few?

    Anyway, I agree with you that she could benefit from some good (modest) implants. Right now, I don’t think hers even rise to the level of “perky”.

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