Art or Photography?


Check out these 47 fantastic photos on Modo Hut. “40p Static Movie – Bullet Speed”. Photography: Chen Zhun. FHM (China) – 3rd Anniversary. Models: Liu Wen, Wu Lan TuoYa, Wang Dongmei, Qiao Qi, Zhang Xue, Dong Wen, Liao Shiyu, Liang Zhenzhen & Zhang Zhongyun.



All photos here

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0 thoughts on “Art or Photography?”

  1. wow? this is fhm in china? at least they put some thought into the photos .. instead of women in skimpy outfits =) haha not that i’m complaining but as a photographer i def like to see some creativity

  2. I think it is the combination of both art and photography. Basically I think the photos are to promote modern fashion to Chinese ladies.

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