Adult video star Annie Cruz has been (sort of) featured here before, but it was a while back and more on what she was doing rather than who she is. So ….having been in the adult entertainment business since 2003, Annie has good things to say about the industry, in which she has become a top name. At last count from the Internet Adult Film Database, she has 373 titles to her credit. (However, Annie later told me that they have it wrong and she’s actually appeared in over 600.)
During her time in the biz, Annie has pretty much done it all on camera, says she hasn’t done anything on camera that she hasn’t done in her personal life, and even says she’d do it all again. Known for a particular, special talent, her enthusiastic performances, and the fact that she can actually act, it’s no wonder she’s one porn’s top stars and future AVN hall of famer. (Above photo by Chi of Rue99.com.)Besides smut (a term she joyfully uses herself), Annie has been involved in boxing, professional wrestling, plays golf, and has been a prolific blogger since 1999. She’s also a horror film fanatic and has appeared in some indie films of that genre, most recently Streets of the Dead, where she plays a zombie and a SWAT team officer. I was recently fortunate enough to get Annie to take some time out for an interview in which she revealed she’s about much more than just being a porn star. Read it here.
From her wrestler profile at UltimateSurrender.com
From a photo shoot at horror guru Clive Barker’s house
Would I be so forced to choose
‘Tween my hand and little Annie Cruz
You may not agree with my views
But my hand may just not lose.
Her sexiness doth obviously ooze
And doubtless I wouldn’t refuse
Plus, here’s some really good news
She’s completely free of tattoos
(not igniting the usual comments – just an easy rhyme)
So as I sit at the computer and muse
‘Bout what to do with Ms. Cruz
An idea, ‘bout which I enthuse
She’d be a great gift for my good mate Sir kroos.
Thank you dip
but i decline
she suits some tastes,
but just not mine
I have this fear
of warts and stuff
and god knows what
is in that muff
She’s been around
the block or two
One redeeming thing
is no tattoo
But that alone
does not equate
to saying “yes”
She’s Longtack’s, mate.
Nice work guys. 🙂
My hand would win for sure I’m afraid, especially after looking at the fourth pic. Looks like she’s done some interesting stuff though.
My hand would win…in a runaways.
Because Ms. Cruz’s body has seen better days.
(yeah that sucked)
She appears talented beyond what she’s done on-camera…and I gotta think that it’s about time to start pursuing that in earnest.
She is a dirty, dirty girl. Some of the stuff I’ve seen of hers would curl your hair. But when she cleans up, she cleans up nice. She has very nice natural breasts.
Ya i’ve seen some dirty things she has done in her vids…not one of my favs but i don’t close the window when she pops up
Oh Mr kroos
I thought you knew me
Knew my taste
and knew my views.
I’ll not be takin’
This one here from you
Handed down from
Looks a little rough
To me, no mmm or Wow!
for her I’ll say.
She is yours arf.
Cool, I think I’m gonna visit Asian-sirens.com for the quality comments rather the girl now! Longtack, Kroos, dbldipper – thumbs up to you guys for the genial commentaries that supply me with laughs! I get a kick out of you guys.
I can’t even watch her vids anymore. After seeing a clip of hers on efukt some time ago, I’m turned off by the mere thought of her.
Thanks longtack, I’m feelin a little shy now though. 🙂
There appears to be a reader among us
Who goes by the name farm of fungus
He enjoys our bits
Of rhyming and wits
Gotta hope that Lee doesn’t bust us.
I’m afraid good Fan of RedWings
The Cup will belong to the Kings
Ne’er Chicago nor Detroit
Their deeds can exploit
We’ll see what the next season brings.
Doc – I know it’s off topic, but I’m finally in a single time zone for a few days and I’ve got all this pent up creativity. Cut me some slack.
I really enjoyed the interview, she obviously aims for the extreme or fetish market and I think her make-up reflects this. I think pic 4 is unfortunate and maybe doesn’t do her justice (I wonder how many of the girls photos are like this before getting touch ups). It sounds like her weight fluctuates a bit.
I am not familiar with her video work, but I wonder if this pic had been used above some of the others if the feeling might have been different.
Regarless of any reward I’d might imagine is a-cum’in,
I’d behave mighty rightious while in her presence, least I be supremely bum’in.
Actually dbldipper, if it couldn’t be the Wings, I’m very happy it was the Kings — my adopted team now that I live out west.
Back on topic, while Annie Cruz isn’t one of my favorites, she certainly can look better than she does in pic 4.
ah cmon arf..that’s not like you! 😉
just say you love her, with the exception of pic 4.
By the way, if she exuded more of the look in the last pic (b/w too, mind you), I’d be much more impressed.
Yeah…pic 4 just aint my cup of tea i agree.