A New Store, DVD and a Kiss from Me for Christmas!

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that we’ve launched a brand new online store, where we have put my Exercise and Yoga DVD on sale! And as you can see above, we have also put together a promo video for it (higher quality versions are available at the store). And not only that, but we’ve just launched a win a kiss from me for Christmas competition as well! See this post at my blog for more information.

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0 thoughts on “A New Store, DVD and a Kiss from Me for Christmas!”

  1. Actually, the piece I play is my own creation, based on some jazz piano scales believe it or not! I developed it into my own piece, to express the feeling of the following story I had in mind:

    A man is walking along the side of a quiet and misty river surrounded by willow trees. He is walking alone, enjoying the beautiful scenery, yet at the same time he is feeling sad, because of his loneliness.

    All of a sudden, he sees a slender young lady with long, straight, dark silky hair, wearing a long white dress, walking along the other side of the river all alone. The wind blows up a bit, and it makes her fine waterfall-like hair fly, and so does the corner and bottom of her dress. Sometimes she stops to sit down for a few moments looking at the river, and he can start to see her godess-like face a bit more clearly from the distance. She is so feminine, graceful and elegant, yet also looks somehow fragile.

    He wishes to be able to get close to her, but he is on this side of the river, and he has lost his way to find the bridge to cross the river. He feels too shy and too embarrassed to yell to get her attention, and even if he dared to do that, his throat can’t make a sound because he is breathless over her beauty. He imagines trying his best to catch her unreachable beautiful shadow by flying on the clouds, but the only thing he can really do is worship her beauty, and continue in his deep loneliness and sadness.

    I hope the piece I composed captures the feeling of the story I had in mind when I composed it!

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