Simone Starr (Simone Farrow)


I’m filing this under “News” instead of “Model” for two reasons. First, Simone Starr is only 1/4 Asian, as her father is Thai/Peruvian. Second, Simone Starr, former Penthouse model by the name of Simone Farrow, was arrested and is being charged as a drug kingpin.. Weird stuff.More Photos:




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0 thoughts on “Simone Starr (Simone Farrow)”

  1. Evil has many forms including this externally beautiful woman. A smile wouldn’t kill her but, “underworld figures” might. Serves her right. Kinda has a wonky boob job anyway….

  2. If the charges are true, she’s scum of the earth, but that doesn’t mean she can’t also be sinfully hot. The 3rd pic in particular would have me spouting off sailing innuendo like there’s no tomorrow.

  3. 37 year old? dang…she looks good for 37. why would a girl this hot do something this stupid? she would have been better off just finding some rich dude and latching on if she was desparate for $ and couldnt make enough in her own career…

  4. She says that she fled the country because her various ex boyfriends were trying to kill her. If true then it’s not news that beautiful women are attracted to bad boys but bad boys with weak personal boundaries!!?? Yes it takes drugs to get there. I’ll await the findings

  5. yoweeeeee!!!…. And to think I had begun believing white women just didn’t do it for me any more…..

  6. Now, when I’m up at a quarter to three
    There’s nuthin’ on the bloody TV.
    Shows about stores where stuff you can pawn
    And reruns of movies that make one yawn.
    So there’s only one thing I’d like to see.

    Turn on the computer and pop open the screen
    You know where I’m headed; you know what I mean
    Young Asian ladies baring all that they got
    Faces that stun and bodies so hot
    Plus three extra points for being obscene.

    Guys – it’s time to get back to reality. Subtitle of the site is “The Essence of Asian Beauty”. I can get my news from CNN or something. [Of course, if you can do a post about hot Asian newscasters, well, bring them on. Betty Nguyen was lookin’ mighty fine until she left CBS awhile back.]

  7. I’m not going to quibble about her Asianness; she’s hot, showing skin and has Asian heritage. Variety is the spice of life, no??

  8. She is so HoT! in the first photo above. Such a perfect sexy pose the way she’s looking at you thinking something something kinky and naughty.

  9. Suprised this hasn’t been posted before, actually a pretty old story by now. There are plenty of nude penthouse pics of her available and she certanly is smoking hot but these are old pics, she doesn’t look quite so good in prison garb.

  10. I think she’d look plenty good to the other inmates, which would make an awesome movie!!

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