Those Japanese sure know how to come up with something special! I just found this story about 500 Japanese people having sex together in a big room at the same time! Soft On Demand’s largest ever group sex extravaganza! 250 girls and 250 guys go at it together in a large warehouse. Every sexual action is in sync. You can download the movie, but need to be a member. I am guessing it will only be a matter of time untill it’s available at YouTube…
More photo’s:

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I think one of our readers mentioned this previously, but I can’t remember where.
the japanese are group-sex-crazy!
i lived there for 8 years, and i can tell you that the whole “group mentality” thing there definitely applies to sexual activities (in the right circumstances:-) as well as so many other things there.
not a brag; just an opinion based on (a bit of) experience.
Yes, the Japanese probably have more of a ‘group mentality’ than any other race on the planet.
I may have said this before: In Dave Barry Does Japan he writes that it would be easier to get all of Tokyo to wear the same outfit on the same day than to get two Americans to agree on what to have for Barbecue….
This is some agreement here….
Beats the Korean mass weddings for sure!
What must that sound like?
That last photo above is pretty much my idea of heaven .
That’s a whole lot of pixelation…
Interestingly, I don’t find this arousing at all. I guess sex is a one on one thing for me.
yeah; it’s overkill… put that’s porn for you!
its like in heaven
That just blows my mind. The guys? No-brainer. But that so many women would be so seemingly casual about posing for the picture, not to mention the actual sex (with someone they know, or with random strangers?), is hard for me to get my Western mind around.
Just remembered where this first turned up on AS – it was mentioned by HotBytes2000 in the soccer thread. Here’s the link he posted:
I really wish Asian people in general would stop doing that Hand Gesture thing.
Dr Lee
I know exactly what you mean. I never really dug the whole threesome thing. Group Sex is just wierd to me.
Yeah, I’m pretty ‘over’ seeing Asians do the peace sign in photos too. 😉
The peace sign with one finger pushed up against an “inflated cheek”… What’s with that?
BTW, the first mention (as far as I know) of this event was mentioned in the Chinese Soccer Babes post here:
See my comment above BlueSkies. 🙂
I would have loved to have been there.
Oops, my bad…
Mass synchronized sex. Now there’s a great sport!
kadzluv: Porn 2.0. Gotta love it.
where to buy the uncensored version?