I really shouldn’t give out my number so much. Look at these twenty nude Japanese porn starlets from Soft on Demand literally climb all over themselves just to get into a phone booth.
Seriously, girls, just use your cellphones.
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Yeah that’s a great vid! Saw it, but could not find it anywhere online. YouTube banned it. Great find!
Thanks, Robin! Can anyone ID any of the girls in the phone booth? I can’t remember who I give my number to anymore.
i just wished i was in the middle of all the girls…hahaha
This reminds me of my weekend three weeks ago….minus the phone booth…and the Asian honeys….but someone did call me on the phone….deja vu huh?
I hope no one farted…
hotbytes…but the farts of a hot girl dont smell does it?…that is what i heard…i could be wrong…:)
Youtube bans everything, they are so prude. Yet, they get chased for copyright infringement all the time… Go figure.
After being inside that booth, I think they need some open space to relax. I can welcome a few of them to my big living room! Any more volunteers?
Yeah, Sachiko’s original Blasphemy Challenge got deleted, even though her ‘naughty bits’ were completely covered by her hair! So I just put up a censored version, telling people to go to her site for the full version. 😉
i have a feeling that those girls weren’t actually porn stars. they are all too flat-chested. probably “amateurs”…
Screw youtube, they took down a video i posted of the inside of a thailand massage parlor. It was a 10 sec clip of the girls sitting in the fishbowl FULLY dressed, and it got taken down because it was “too sexual.” Hmph
wanna be there… where is the phone booth?
why doesnt it work when i click on it?
It’s just you Aznranger. Take it personally.
Found it here: