Alyra Grey


The other day I was thinking “man, I know how much you all like girls with tattoos – I should feature more girls with tattoos! And maybe even piercings! I’m sure no one will leave any negative comments about it!”

So that’s what I’ve done here with Alyra Grey. Supposedly she’s full Asian, although I struggle to find her complete ethnicity so I’m fairly certain she’s half. She’s also new to nude modeling and has several galleries below.Stats:

Age: 22
Located: California






She Devils

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0 thoughts on “Alyra Grey”

  1. What’s that wrinkle three inches ABOVE her belly button?

    I like the natural shape of her boobs. But it hurts me to look at what she’s done. So I shall stop.

  2. her left book looks completely different to her right boob both in shape and nipple size/direction. quite bizarre for a natural set.

  3. Hey French, I don’t think her boobs are natural shaped at all. It actually looks like two different plastic surgeons worked on them (one for each boob).

  4. She is really hot, but almost doesn’t look Asian let alone full Asian.
    I like her right boob better than her left one.

  5. She is as gorgeous as those tats are effed up. And those tats are REALLY effed up. Why do women continue to mutilate their bodies in this manner?

  6. tats seem like the biggest trend in the past 5-10 years I would say. I personally don’t like too many, it is a bit masculine of a female that can take the needle lol. But she has a really pretty face. I wonder if they have any type of cosmetic surgery that would even those boobs out?

  7. In response to those who say she isn’t Asian looking, she is remarkably like one of my Chinese students – facially anyway. lol..not that I have seen any of that, (or any other) student’s body!
    Except for the ‘crosseyed’ nipples she is quite attractive.
    Love the last pic! More nakedity!

  8. The wrinkle on her belly, I can live with that, no biggie. Her breasts…not all womens breast are going to be exactly the same but I agree it is a quirk. The tats aren’t horribly bad. I still think she’s friggin’ hot and would be gorgeous if it weren’t for all the piercings she has.

  9. Abe that is some funny s#it. And I have to agree, if I were a meth dealer (or user) I think she’s be real prize. Even the weird boobs wouldn’t faze me.

    But as I am not a meth dealer or user, I will pass.

  10. Regular viewer, rare to comment, but this one is worthy.

    Imperfections are no problem for me; i think she is stunning!!

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