I first picked up on Yi Yi about a year ago from the ever wonderful Andry Photo site and she’s been on the list of girls to feature since then, but somehow never made it to the top. Not sure why exactly, as she’s unquestionably worthy of a feature. Who wouldn’t want to look at such a girl?
Yi Yi Stats
Age: ???
Height: ???
Ethnicity: Han Chinese
From: Shenzhen??? Pretty much all the models on Andrey Photo are from there.
Yi Yi Links
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oh yeah… I’ll save this lady for winter….
I have seasonal preferences… skinny small-breasted and a bit of sun-tan in the summer months….. and the “built for comfort” type in those cold winter months…
I guess it’s kinda like needing a ferrari and toyota land-cruiser in the one garage….
Yi Yi (one one???) would definitely be comfortable, no matter how long you sat on her……
( i might add that even if Rockhampton had siberian winters, it still wouldn’t be cold enough for the local “ladies”)….
I certainly like her variety of pics. She’s got some outstanding features (in addition to the two features you’re thinking of). Doc is really gonna like this one.
Too thick for me, and an unfortunate boob job.
Cute face. Cute voluptuous body. Enhancements look a little wonky but , you can’t tell when she has bra and clothes on. What are the ugly weird marks, scars on her legs?
yikes….. I didn’t even notice the marks on the legs…
I was distracted by other things….
Even I’m surprised, but I have to admit that I like her. I think her breast implants were very well done, and her face is quite cute. Pretty eyes and great hair. This is normally not my type of girl at all but I approve.
Ooooh WoW!…Nice.
I find her very cute, and I actually like her boob job – very unnatural, yes, but big and perky, which almost always turns me on.
Her Martial Arts skills leave something to be desired, but that’s OK, ’cause she’s very desirable in all other aspects.
Doc-never thought I’d hear “big” and “perky” in the same sentence.
very pretty girl…i like her look in the pics with her in the blue dress
Yi Yi, Yes Yes, Where do I meet her she maybe one of the best ever. Cute, Sweet, Sexy, and definately has all the right curves!
Yes, it’s the boob job is obvious but in a pleasant way. And I’m not too big on implants but she really does it for me.
Wondered when Yi Yi would be featured here. Better late than never; she has gorgeous tits – and I am not a big tit lover.
Thanks for the extra galleries.
I just love them bossoms of hers. I had to come back for a second look. So refreshing.
The first couple of photos didn’t impress me very much — the parts were all there, but the integration seemed to be lacking. However, as I viewed more of her photos, she definitely grew (heh heh!) on me.
Busted weave…so-so face…she still wins big.
Bonus point for being able to pull off “buxom” while actually being slim.Approved.
Too chunky. Some poor guy is going to have a fat wife with a great face in about 10 years.
Incredibly cute. I don’t like the super skinny ones. She has a great smile.
Pretty nice, probably my favorite of the mainland posts so far though not to the level of the viet and filipinas for me.
With boobs like those and that cuteness, she’s another plus on my book.
WestCoast, coming to think of it, 90% of them wives put on fat, with time. At least with this one, that ‘poor’ guy would at least have 10 good years guaranteed.