Korean born Ji Mi Yu was featured in both the 2004 and 2005 East West Calendar (Photography: Kim Mizuno) and you can find some photos of her at dEaring Film (also here) (Photography: Joshua Dearing), here (Photography: David Dowling) and at her Xanga-page (thanks Zam).
In know that she used to live in LA and had a fotki account where she posted webcam pics but that was closed about two months ago. Also her official website ji-mi-yu.com was closed around that time. Does anyone know what’s up with Ji Mi Yu these days?
I’ll add some info that I read on her Fotki site, since closed. She had problems with Fotki because someone was stealing her pics and impersonating her.
Posted monthly webcam pics there.
Went to college in Michigan.
Is a vegan and waitressed at a vegan restaurant.
Was, or is, a singer in a punk-rock band.
Found out she’s not 100% Korean.
Thought about getting a breast reduction because they hung too low.
Had a modeling assignment in Taiwan this year.
Was talking about a big modeling job in Japan.
Living in San Fernando Valley (suburb of L.A.) with her boyfriend and his parents.
Breast reduction? Nooooooo………….. 🙂
O.k. Lee,
Real or Not?
Here we go again! 🙂
It’s very hard to tell for sure without nude pics, but she looks as though she may actually be natural!
Response from photographer Joshua Dearing (via email):
“Im not going to register but this is my post if I could post it
Joshua Dearing here… “Zamscan” must know her personally because he is right on about most of it. Yes she is not fake at all, all real.”
[ -_- ]
joshua dearing
Don’t mean to put this in the wrong spot, but I can’t find contact info…
You must be aware of Brandy Grace, but a search on AS pulls up nothing. So…
I can make her PB CyberGirl pictorial available on request.
Is this girl suppossed to be Asian? If so she’s one of the most un-Asian-looking Asian girls I’ve seen. For my taste, she’s also another word starting with u – let’s just say that for me she isn’t exactly pretty. Her body looks pretty nice though.
you talking about Ji Mi or Brandy?
Absolutley, positively Brandy – Ji Mi’s gorgeous! 🙂
I agree I had those Brandy pics from PB, but they ended up my recycle bin.
Brandy Grace is Eurasian (half Korean and half Caucasian). I saw her in person at a couple of Asian Model Expos. I think she looks good in several of her photos and would like to see her Playboy cybergirl feature that Curtis G mentioned.
I suppose in certain cases we all have different tastes. I personally don’t find Ji Mi that attractive and might use similar comments that Lee made about Brandy to describe Ji Mi (such as her not looking Asian).
can i put the BG PB pics in asiandivas?
Looking at Ji Mi’s pics again, I agree she doesn’t look very Asian, but for some reason I feel she has a kind of Asian ‘mood’, which many Asian American models lack. Does anybody else relate to what I’m sensing here? Could anyone shed more light on it?
Zamscan, sure if you like you can put them there and I can move them to my lower profile asiandivaoftheyear group like I did with the Candace Kita ones. Thanks in advance!
Lee, as far as the Asian mood, maybe that is due to her being born in Korea? Also, her use of a very Korean name (is that her real name?) shows that she still feels some attachment to her birth country (and its culture?).
uploaded the BG files in the Asiandivas Yahoo Group:
// had to edit this comment because of the layout ;(
Zamscan, thanks for posting the Brandy Grace pics. Like I said, I guess it is a matter of taste but I liked her nude pics. I moved them to the Files section of my asiandivaoftheyear Yahoo Group where they can keep Candace Kita company. The direct link to the photos for those who are already members of that group is Brandy Grace nude.
Hi badboy. While the ‘Asian mood’ thing is hard to define, the fact that she has chosen such an ‘Asian sounding’ name for herself does indeed indicate something about her character, so I guess my perception is probably somehow correct.
In response to the headline to this page, “What is wrong with Ji Mi Yu”, I would think that the answer is obvious. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her. She is gorgeous.
talis, the headline doesn’t mean “What is wrong with Ji Mi Yu”. It is asking what is going on with her now.
she went out of the limelight for awhile. but she is back
She has some modeling plans in asia, but i dont know exactly specifically. Met her at a photo shoot once, she is so hot and freakin nice. I’m glad she is back.
Too bad she hasn’t got a real camera. All photo’s are webcam shots; very small size. Nice enough though and she looks great!
Yeah, these are very disappointing pics! A shame, as I really like this girl – classy, pretty face and extraordinary (seemingly) natural breasts.
how do we know thats not just another faker?
We don’t, but they look natural to this doctor (although I am never confident if I don’t see them nude).
i meant the person with the flickr account
Yeah doc, who said anything about boobs? 😉
When melia said faker, I thought they were talking about her boobs (as my message immediately prior to it talked about this). Don’t know about the person with the flickr account.
i think it’s a faker, “she” has decided not to post any more photos on flickr without posting any new ones just the same photos we’ve all seen before and quite frankly anyone could do that if they’d saved them from her fotki account.
JI MI YU is one of the hottest girls I have seen.
I’m a photographer that shoots some of the hottest girls in NY and I can’t believe this girl is not working more. Someone please find her and shoot more photos of her (and her breasts) and alert me.
Ha Ha! This is so funny!