A few years back, Hustler (Netherlands) launched a special series of their magazine, called ‘Asian Girls’. I bought one, and was somewhat disappointed. It was a rather sleazy mix between Penthouse and porn. But still, it was a nice initiative. Only a couple of issue’s appeared, before the magazine died a quiet death. Too bad.
Does anyone know if there are any classy, erotic magazines (outside Asia) dedicated solely to Asian Girls?On special request, some ‘decent’ photo’s from the magazine.
Jasmine and Mizuho Tohno.

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and robin, why don’t you try to scan some pic of them and post it here
The Asian magazines produced outside Asia are all crap as far as I can tell. Maybe we should release an Asian Sirens magazine? I reckon there’s a gap in the market.
BTW, the girl on the cover has a fabulous boob job!
komanz, you want me to scan from this old mag? well, most of the pics are too pornographic for this ‘classy’ site! 😉
And there are not really any model names…
I’ll have a second look though.
yeah robin, just choose some with ‘classy’ pic, it can’t be all too pornographic, right?
Lee, we are an Asian Sirens magazine, online that is! 😉
Okay, komanz, If I find any, I will put them here.
I think an Asian Sirens print magazine would be a great way for Marco to use that enormous personal fortune he’s amassed. 😉
I think he allready gave up on those magazine plans… The more reason for us to make this site en enormous succes! 🙂
A print magazine is difficult just based on distribution alone plus most successful magazines rely heavily on advertising (which is surprisingly becoming localized).
What I would like to see is something higher quality than a standard magazine like the mooks in Japan (a cross between a magazine and a book). I suppose the Playboy Special Editions are a close approximation. I am not saying that Asian Sirens should produce such a magazine though.
To add further value another idea from Japan would be to include a DVD full of video of the models in the magazine/mook.
And to launch a new mag, one needs loads of $$$…
komanz, here you are. Two ‘decent’ photo’s from the magazine.
Doesn’t our playboy Google master have loads of $$$? 😉
Hey all! I agree with everyone in this thread – launch Asian Sirens in print! I’ll help!
As to other mags dedicated to Asian women, I *may* have happened across few in my days; none too ‘classy’ though in my opinion.
Firstly, I beleive the ‘Asian Girls’ mag shown above is simply a offshoot of Hustler’s ‘Asian Fever’ mag; which runs in the US and I beleive is still in print..? This was a test market ploy in the Netherlands best I can tell and they felt there was some reason to change from ‘Fever’ to ‘Girls’…
Two others that I know of are ‘Asian 18’ – again not so classy. And then ‘Asian Beauties’ which is a small mag/operation comparatively speaking. Low budget and their ‘editor’ is actually an Asian pornstar of days gone by… I could be more specific – but it would take a little research as usual.
Cheers all!
Hey doc, sure 😉
We’ve talked about Asian Sirens in print format many years ago. And although I still believe in cross-media formats, we have to realise that interest in print (specially when it comes to adult stuff) is decreasing.
When there is a sponsor and some advertisers who are really interested, I’m more than willing to look what the possibilities are!
here’s a magazine similar to Hustler
called Triple Asian Delights published by Private Media
Katsumi’s on the cover
inside is Bamboo, Mika Tan, Teanna Kai, Kaylani Lei, etc.
on pages 92-96 is is what they call Japanese Pictionary. translations of Japanese sex words in various languages. words like manko, iku, dikku, etc.
it’s in pdf format and you need winrar to open it. 14.7mb
probably have to edit the link