Two More ID Requests


On the one hand, I know you guys like model ID requests because they usually feature some pretty stunning girls. On the other hand, I know you guys kinda hate them because they sit here for 2 days and you don’t get any other pictures or galleries. So maybe if there are two model ID requests in one post you guys will be a bit happier. Also, don’t forget to check some of the old ones – lots of them finally got responses a few weeks after it was posted.


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0 thoughts on “Two More ID Requests”

  1. I think the babe in the second picture is outstanding–except for that hideous tattoo. I’m not down on any and every tattoo, but one as horrendously stupid as “Taylor Gang” says a lot about the person: none of it good. If you aren’t familiar with the expression “taylor gang” it is a thinly disguised marketing slogan created by talentless rapper Wiz Khalifa. Unbelievably shallow.

    The writing on her neck doesn’t do anything for me, either. If you’re going to get a tattoo, why not try some tasteful art?

    But damn, she’s pretty hot otherwise.

  2. The siren in the second photo is the Asian version of the American girl who would get Chinese characters tattooed onto her back- without knowing what the Chinese characters mean.

    This one gets rap slogans tattooed onto her arm- without having a clue.

    Another tat on the inside of her finger on her right hand.

  3. lol kroos – and is that outboard unbelievably big or is she unbelievably tiny?
    The second model is rather foxy. No comment on the tats.

  4. It is a big engine, 2.5l V6 I believe so she is small lady but pretty nice on the eyes – love to have her on my boat! The second is very hot and they look like fake tats to me for some cheesy shoot. I could enjoy having her on my boat too. 🙂

  5. There’s an old joke about a guy looking for a wife and boat…something like that. Anyway, the punch line is “send picture of boat.”

    Travis, that”s one damn fine looking boat.

  6. The joke about the two greatest days of a boat owner’s life?
    1) The day he buys it.
    2) The day he sells it.

    You know, those tats in picture #2 have to be temporary- the font and spacing are just “too good”.

    Picture #1 looks kind of “American Redneck” to me. Not California but maybe Georgia?

  7. Thank you Ragnbull. I’ve been patiently waiting for someone to identify that first girl. I can’t get enough of her pic.

  8. Yes, scamlover is a pretty good spot for those of us THAT ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!!! the Asian Girl. But not as good as Asian-Sirens of course. ANyway, now can someone help me locate something. This girl Lisa Bay is so hot it makes me hurt just a little in a good way. She has a few sets up on but there is a video of her out there somewhere too.

    I’VE GOT TO FIND IT!!! Someone help me please.

  9. ha! I was actually guessing MN for awhile there. Having grown up in MN I know there’s a large Hmong population. Also a large boat population.

    no idea on the second one, but yea I think those are temps.

  10. Though I’ve seen both of these pics before, I have no idea who they are but I hope someone does because they need to be featured immediately. Smoking hot!

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