Tiara Lestari’s journey from sensual to elegance

From sensual to elegance

On April 23rd, 2006, Tiara Lestar‘s journey from SENSUAL to ELEGANCE started with an exhibition for friends in Jakarta. I have no idea where this journey will end but don’t forget to check out tiaralestari.com tomorrow!
From sensual to elegance

From sensual to elegance


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0 thoughts on “Tiara Lestari’s journey from sensual to elegance”

  1. Wow,
    such a nice pics….. . When you will make photos exibition in Bali ? Looking forward for it, Good Luck.


  2. tiaralestari.com IS indeed online…it redirects to her blogspot site…this is it! buddy

  3. BTW Tiara is back in Indonesia…now that Singapore is too expensive to live for her since photo modeling jobs got thin…

  4. Do you think that’s the reason she returned to Indonesia?
    In that case perhaps she should reconsider her ‘I don’t want to pose nude anymore’ attitude… That should get her plenty of cash to live anywere 😉

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