Quick one for you guys today. This is Thu. She’s Vietnamese. As far as I know, she only exists on ModFx from back in 2006. I could only find these photos, but she has 4 or 5 more galleries somewhere if you guys are interested. I had trouble locating those, though.Stats:
Age: ?
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Located: Orange County

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very hot…i like her 🙂
I would love to see her in nude 🙂
Nice tits if they are real but I dont like that much eye shadow.
Loving the “baby fat” on the hips.I still think she could stand a little weight training …paradoxically speaking.The arrogance of youth is that diet & exercise are options.Go back to the original black hair color.
She’s nice, I like the hair. Being picky I would prefer if her teeth weren’t so white, but overall lovely.
what a fresh breath of air. she has such a unique look to her… so easy to pick her apart from all of the other import models. i think it must be her fantastic boob job, grey colour contacts, bleached hair, strangely arched overplucked orange eyebrows, and general lack of muscle tone.
oh wait…
joking aside, i think she actually does have a nice face and a great smile. in particular, she has an enviable nose and face shape/structure. i wish she weren’t burying it under so much unnecessary and trashy makeup. i guess that’s a personal style choice, but IMO she would look so much prettier rocking that smile without bleached hair and the clowny eyeshadow.
To be fair, Christine, she was on a website dedicated to Import models. You can’t go to foot fetish sites and be surprised there are a lot of feet ;).
Ah Christine, your comments will be missed when your holidays are over. 🙂
Needless to say, I think your comments are very much on the money – I couldn’t have said it better myself. 😉
christine is totally right,
and i’m not one usually for import models as they are very a bit overdone
but this chick is still smoking hot despite
liking Viet girls more and more it has to said
I don’t think that hair color works for her. But she’s pretty and hot, anyway. I wonder if she’s a real OC girl.
All Asian models should be required to have at least ONE photo with naturally black hair. Even then, most Asian women that I know color their hair black to cover the gray.
She’s nice, but I wanna see a little more.
What christine said. It is indeed unfortunate that she uses so much makeup, etc.
I like her non-toned but curvy and squishy body, though.
And no apparent piercings or tats:-)
Looks like a total import chick… Not sure I see the Vietnamese in her – at any rate she’s your typical americanized asian princess.
Actually, her facial features (the shape/structure Christine refers to) are very Vietnamese, but they’re buried under the SoCal import model stylings.
She seems to have some mixture other than 100% Vietnamese.
I don’t know why people think this girl doesn’t look Vietnamese. As I’ve state repeatedly, her face is classically Viet (beneath the gaudy makeup). And besides, I don’t think any modern Vietnamese are truly “100% Vietnamese” anyway – they’ve had a long history of interracial mixing.
With all of the caked on makeup it’s hard to know exactly what Thu really looks like. She seems to have a pretty cute smile and a nice body and definitely agree with the Doc that she looks classically Vietnamese.
Not really my type but I wouldn’t kick her out of the car show.
She looks great, imo. Bring on the nude shots! 😀
She completely looks vietnamese, especially the bolsa type down in the OC. Very cute in a common way (that’s not meant as an insult), she’s beautiful in the way alot of the socal girls are. If anyone visits socal and wants to see an endless parade of beautiful viet girls, don’t miss the Bolsa area, there’s great food and hot girls galore.
So…what’s the final verdict, is she from the philippines or thailand? :)) Joking of course.
slackerking, you make me think of an interesting (I hope) discussion…if Thu is representative of the ‘SoCal” look:
What do Vietnamese women look like in Orange County California vs., say Vancouver or New York?
That is, how have the different local cultures affected the hair/make-up/dress/implants/tattoos/piercings of the Vietnamese?
Dr. Lee? Anyone? Bueller?
By the way, I think I now have to take a trip to the OC…
She is one smoking hot Viet girl.
They’re probably more tan in the OC.
BTW, love the Bueller reference.
The Vietnamese community in the OC is huge – the largest outside of Vietnam apparently. So I imagine the looks will range from very traditional to full-on SoCal. Here in oz, they tend to look more traditional – luckily for us! 🙂 I can’t speak for Vancouver or New York.
I think Texas is actually second in the US. And I am sure they are tan. =).
I appreciate the responses. I know that many Vietnamese women right outside of Washington DC (Arlington, Virginia) tend to be more traditional in appearance- until Saturday night when many adopt the SoCal look as far as hair and make-up….not as many breast jobs there…
Where is oz?
When I visit cousins in Houston I end up wanting to move there after stopping by the Vietnamese areas. A Vietnamese woman with a slight southern accent is a dangerous thing 🙂
You really don’t know where the land of oz is, as in the land downunder? We aren’t all Americans here. 🙂
Let’s mark those areas on google maps. 🙂
Oh, OK, I get it now. Thanks!
From Yahoo Answer groups:
Why are Australia’s nicknames “oz” and down under?
Australia is called “Down under” because the entire continent lies “down under” the equator.
“Oz” comes from the shortened, badly pronounced version of the name “Australia” – as in “Auz-tralia”.
As Stripes said “love the baby fat on the hips”! Shame about the makeup but this is a photo shoot for import models so shouldn’t complain.
All in all very cute though.
Backing up what Doc said, there is a large Vietnamese community in Melbourne (Richmond and Springvale notably) but they don’t seem to go for this type of look. Lots of cute girls though and great food.
her personal gallery with her friend is at: