Unlock the Incredible Secrets to Finding, Wooing, Seducing, and Dating the Most Beautiful Asian Women in the World with the Secrets in This Guide!
That is what the eBook ‘Better Than Money: A Guide to Meeting Asian Women’ promises. Now, I know a lot of us already have Asian girlfriends/wifes, but for those of you who can’t seem to succeed with Asian women this book might be just what you need! 😉
I must admit I haven’t read it yet (thanks for the complimentary issue Travis), so check it out yourself! The guide is not as salesy as the website, so don’t be scared away by the sales language.
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I haven’t had time to read it properly yet, but I had a quick flick through the copy Travis sent us. I am happy to say that what I read seemed to be pretty much on the money, and mercifully a lot less hyped than the web site is! I think the web site makes it look like a scam, but I don’t think it is really. Still, like most such things it probably doesn’t tell you anything you couldn’t figure out for yourself with a bit of careful observation and common sense. And if you lack those two things, you probably can’t make good use of the info on offer here anyway!
Thanks for the review. We knew the website was almost frighteningly hyped – Market research shows that that type of website content helps digital media sell better.
But what we have recently realized is that the type of people that appreciate the beauty of Asian women are a surprisingly high class group of individuals. You would think it would be the same spectrum men, just a subsection. In reality, the majority of men that appreciate Asian women are towards the upper end of the class and intelligence bracket. And that bracket does not like to be sold. Maybe intelligence is why we love Asian women? :). I’d like to think so.
So we will likely un-hype the website in the next few weeks, but the process takes quite a bit of time.
Until then, we hope some of you will find the guide useful. Thanks.
You may be interested to know that one of the most successful companies in the world right now (Apple) never does market research – as Henry Ford said, if he asked the people what they wanted, they would have told him “a faster horse”!
Anyway, I think the marketing should at least reflect the product, otherwise you will end up selling to the wrong people. Judging from your web site, I would have dismissed your book as a scam if I hadn’t actually seen it.
I’m inclined to agree with you. Simpler, in this case, would be better – especially because we are trying to sell people a product that will help them, not something they impulse buy.
Also, I really, really hate red text. I think that will be the first to go.
I trust the reviewers regarding their endorsement of the content.
But they are also right about the site! Geez! It does not make a good impression. Tons of typos, spelling & grammar errors. That is something that casts doubt for me as to legitimacy. Sorry.
Good luck Travis. I’ve had great success with Asian women, have a lovely Japanese GF now. So maybe I figured it out. Not to say I couldn’t be even more successful, hahaha…hmmm…maybe I do need it…
I have spent most of my adult life in consumer research (for television, mostly), and can tell you that most research projects:
1. are poorly designed and executed (and usually under-funded)
2. suffer from the data being interpreted far too superficially or tortured to the extent the study is used to answer questions it was never designed to examine
3. has its findings poorly communicated to those who use the data to “improve” the product (or marketing)
4. results with the findings poorly integrated (with questionable execution) by those responsible for the final products.
Because of this, IMO, many people discount or poo poo research as a valuable tool. I can hardly blame them.
But, carefully designed and executed research, interpreted wisely (and conservatively), communicated with respect, to talented creators secure enough, and intelligent enough to use the information as another tool in their arsenal, can be extremely valuable. Of course, that’s my opinion.
I regularly observe products (or marketing for products) where I immediately think one of two things:
1. It is obvious that no research, whatsoever, was done on this project.
2. It is obvious this project was a creation of research go awry.
In a sense, this book in question is like marketing research for the man looking to meet Asian Women. As I haven’t read it, I can’t comment on the quality of the methods, report, etc. But, my guess is, someone with natural intelligence, some self confidence, a good personality, etc..is more likely to make good use of the information that someone who is ignorant, obnoxious, unlikeable, etc.
I know. We know. Pretty harsh, huh?
I wouldn’t mind bringing it up for discussion, actually, if you all would like to participate:
If you did have problems talking to Asian women, whether it be confidence or simply not knowing how to begin – and you believe a guide will help you, what would you want to see on the website? Any format? What about something as simple as colors? How much do you think you would need to be “Sold” on the idea of buying it? Remember, most people that genuinely could use a guide probably won’t search for it. So the website has to be designed for people that happen upon it, in order to help them realize that the guide will help them.
Any thoughts? Considering, in a way, all of you our the audience (even those with a girlfriend/wife), what do you think would convince you to make the purchase?
We will be updating the site in a few weeks, so any help you can provide would be appreciated.
“But, my guess is, someone with natural intelligence, some self confidence, a good personality, etc..is more likely to make good use of the information that someone who is ignorant, obnoxious, unlikeable, etc.”
Yeah, this is what we’ve begun to notice. And we did not do the research ourselves, we used research we already knew about and looked at similar websites that have had success.
But you’re right, this type of material really doesn’t appeal to people that don’t have natural intelligence, and people with naturally intelligence don’t like to be sold.
What do you think you would like to see (if you were a potential customer)?
*natural intelligence…
Apparently that’s not me.
“What do you think you would like to see (if you were a potential customer)?”
I like the layout of Charisma Arts. It screams “not scam”. 😉
Not bad. A little bit of heavy programming that may be difficult to break out considering our time line, but I do like how it stays on one page.
What about this site?
It’s not about dating, but we have a relationship with the company that made it and can get the template if we needed it.
I say leave the USA and actually go live in an asian country for a while, you will will have much better luck meeting the asian woman of your dreams. Over here in the states…not so much. Too americanized for my tastes.
Or heck…just make a stop in Pattaya for a couple of days, and…ZOIKS! Nooo problem. You’ll be a changed man. It’s just so easy over there.
Ohw, and if you think one guide is not enough, here’s another one. How about that one Travis?
No. God no. That is actually one of the ones we are trying to replace. Half of his tips are racist stereotypes. I find his entire website offensive.
The idea for our eBook came to us because we found a few sites like that one that were filled with ridiculous Hollywood stereotypes. We wanted to write a guide that would be honest and based on observations, rather than stereotyped generalizations.
I recognize that our eBook looks similar in selling style, but I guarantee the information isn’t based on ridiculous stereotypes. If people treat Asian women the way they are written about on websites like that (“The Super Happy Sex Kitty”??????) that’s not okay with me.
I live in Southern California and have the opportunity to talk to asian women every day.
The first sterotype to go is that asian women are submissive and doll like.
They are not.
What impresses asian women is money and education.
They don’t mind being put on a pedistal but you do have to be careful in your approach.
The most important thing, unlike white women, they truly enjoy their femininity.
They like being an object of desire but also need to be treated like a real person.
In America.
Things are changing.
The marriages of Black men and White women have been around since the 1960’s. This is a downward move in social mobility.
The marriages of White men and Asian women has been rising since the 1980’s. This is upward pressure in their social mobility
I have also noticed an increasing number of marriages of Latino women and working class Asian males lately. This is lateral movement in social mobility.
This leaves Latino males and Black females as the odd couple out.
My observations are not rooted in race, but Sociology
I got my BS Degree in Public Health but work as an Organic Chemist.
One More Thing.
Whenever I talk to an asian chick, one of the first things she asks is whether or not I go to school.
When I respond that I already have a BS Degree, she responds positively.
clrman: whether based on sociology or not, making sweeping generalisations about all people of a given race in relation to their “social mobility” is a form of racial profiling, and therefore racism IMHO. Furthermore, it is inaccurate: there will of course be cases where marrying a black person might be an “upward move in social mobility”, as you put it, and this is becoming increasingly common as opportunities for blacks improve. Anyway, racist comments are not welcome here, and I fail to see how these comments relate to this topic anyway.
I’m with Dr. Lee.
Also, I prefer the term “Asian women” to “Asian chick.” They are women who happen to be Asian. Just like if you are talking about a Chinese woman, you should say “Chinese woman” rather than “Asian woman” or “Chinese chick.”
Dr Lee:
I knew that there would be those who couldn’t get past race.
Sociology is about broad generalizations.
I do not appreciate your generalizations about my attitude. Neither do I appreciate your threats about “racist comments are not welcome here” when I make my context quite clear.
I am sorry that what I said grieves you so much. Aren’t racial purity attitudes racist in nature?
The term asian chick is in common use here in So California.
Used mostly by asian women when they want to disinguish themselves out in conversation.
I reviewed my posts and saw that I used “asian women” several times and “asian chick” only once.
Looks like I struck a raw nerve with Dr Lee and Travis.
I feel no obligation to apologize.
I think my posts are on topic.
Is not the subject about meeting asian women (not “chicks” I suppose)? Is there no possibility of marriage involved?
Or is this about playing some kind of game in the club scene?
Is it not the target audience white males?
Shouldn’t I be offended as a white male?
I’m not.
clrman: as I said, you made sweeping generalisations about all people of a given race; even if you’d used words like “frequently” or “commonly”, your post would have been a whole lot less racist – and a whole lot more accurate. If you are going to make these sorts of comments on the basis of authorotative knowledge (although I notice sociology is well outside of your expertise), then you’d better make damn sure they are at least technically correct. And what does marriage to blacks and latinas have to do with this topic?
Oh, and you may not feel the need to apologise, but if you want to continue contributing to this forum, then you have to play by our rules – I will not be giving you any further warnings on this.
Travis, you need to be more specific about what you’re actually selling.
What format is this eBook? Do I need a reader for it? Is it a pdf file (I’d prefer this)? Can I view it on a Mac?
I couldn’t find this anywhere on your web site.
It is a PDF, and it can be viewed on a Mac without any problems (I did!).
too much drama in this topic. You guys are worse than a bunch of korean teenage girls
Dr Lee, I know the point you’re trying to make, but doesn’t the title of the book itself “How to meet asian women” violate these same rules?
Without resorting to generalizations (which is not nearly the bad thing that many think it is) there is no way a book like this could even be written.
Obviously, this book is all about the asian demographic and what tends to appeal to them.
If a person says something like, “the over age 55 demographic is the most affluent and tends to like traditional programing”, is that claiming that ALL people over 55 fit this generalization?
Generalizations (even sweeping ones) are our friend and we as a species wouldn’t have survived one week without the ability to recognize and grasp them.
Travis, does your book make a distinction between women who are immigrants as opposed to those that 2nd or 3rd generation and Americanized?
I ask this, because one of the biggest mistakes a guy can make with an asian girl is to make glowing comments about their country or culture. We had a similar topic about this a few weeks ago – it think it was angry asian girl or something like that.
Recent immigrants can actually be flattered and impressed if you are interested in their homeland – a 2nd or 3rd generation, on the other hand, will come to the conclusion that the guy just has an asian fetish and will be turned off.
I think only silly asian women will dislike a guy only on the basis of him appreciating asian culture. So, don’t take that so seriously. If the guy is not a obvious fetishist and if the woman is smart enough to understand a preference, all is cool.
crlman, you wrote this:
The marriages of Black men and White women have been around since the 1960’s. This is a downward move in social mobility.
Who is doing the downward move in this case? And in what sociology book are you reading that? This is so unbased in any solid criteria, I wouldn’t recommend that book to anyone.
The book may be handy, I haven’t had much problems with asian women, but I always want MORE! 🙂
I’ll take a look at these websites.
kaine: one of the key points of this book (and I think one of the keys to dating Asian women in general) is that it doesn’t make sweeping generalisations about Asian women. It identifies the racial and cultural variations, as well as the individual range you are likely to encounter – it puts considerable emphasis on the fact that Asian women are not all the same. It is okay to discuss racial and cultural similarities and differences, but to say all people of a given race are the same – particularly in a derogatory way – is racism IMHO.
Kaine –
We did explain the considerable differences between generational Asian women and Asian American women, as well as different cultural differences between the Asian ethnicities (Japanese vs. Korean vs. Indonesian, etc.). But as Dr. Lee says, you can never know exactly how much of a cultural heritage any Asian women will still have, regardless of how long they’ve been in America. There are “Americanized” (as defined in the book – not my favorite word but still apt) women that still live in their respective Asian countries, as well as culturally Chinese women who have lived in America all their lives. I’m sure you yourself have met a Caucasian female who is, almost 100% culturally Japanese :).
The point of the book is to provide people with schemata to help them make good decisions when approaching or flirting with or simply meeting Asian women. Your own intelligence will help you be successful, but understanding different methods of conversing, etc., can help increase your chances of “success” or, at the very least, decrease your chances of making a harmful mistake to your relationship/dynamic.
And Afterimage, it is viewable via Mac provided you have Mac’s pdf reader. If you purchase it and have problems, do not hesitate to email. We should be able to respond to any problems within 24 hours.
Hope that helps!
Actually Travis, as the Mac OS X 2D imaging engine (Quartz) is based on PDF, the ability to read PDFs is actually built into the system (you can view them in Preview). No extra software is required, although you can install Acrobat if you want (this is required on OS 9 or earlier).
Oh. Great, thanks. One of our purchasers told use they could not open it because they had a Mac, so we assumed that must be the reason.
How about displaying a table of content on your web page? Info is so vague as it is…
I like to take a look at table of content on Amazon for instance…
Not a bad idea. Thanks Paul.
I don’t think the social mobility comments are racist.
If a white or asian woman dates black men, she is narrowing her options, because a lot of white and asian men will see her as less desirable because she is willing to date black men. There are many reasons for this, some racist and some not, but the end result is that many white and asian women who date black men end up dating ONLY black men, because of potential white/asian suitors being turned off, and because they will get a lot of attention from black men who see that, unlike most white/asian women, they’ve actually got a shot with this one. So all this greatly narrows the dating pool for these women.
By contrast, an asian woman who dates white men has a vastly larger dating pool, because there are so many more white men than asian men in the US. Asian women who only date asian men have limited options.
I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many hot korean women I see with average looking korean guys because the korean women were unwilling to date anyone but other koreans and simply had to make do.
One difference I notice with asian women is that, on average, they seem to care more about a guy’s intelligence, education, and career, and less about his muscles, popularity/sociability, and ‘manliness’.
This isn’t an iron-clad rule, I just said on average.
And yes, they do care about race. Many asian women only date other asians, and many only date whites. I don’t know many asian women who will seriously date both white and asian men. Blacks and Hispanics are not an option for most of them.
This means an educated professional guy with a good job who happens to be a nice guy, will usually have a better shot with asian women than with other women.
One drawback with asian women is, on average, her parents will have a lot more power over her than you might expect with a white girl. The parents know it too, and if you don’t kowtow they can really interfere with your relationship.
Lawfin: there is nothing racist about your comments, or social mobility comments per se – it really depends on how you say it (and most importantly the intent with which you do so).
Hey – We updated the website to be less… Bad. So far, the results have been great, and we are getting all these pleased emails with the guide, so that’s a plus. Any thoughts from you?
Psst. 17 dollars for the next few weeks or so. Psst.