Sung Hi Lee lesbian kiss scene

We have posted about Sung Hi Lee many times before, but as far as I can remember never a kiss scene! 😉 Check this clip out. The other woman is Elizabeth Mitchell.

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0 thoughts on “Sung Hi Lee lesbian kiss scene”

  1. Speaking of Sung Hi Lee with other women, here she is with our friend Khwan.

    Khwan bumped into SHL at Blockbuster video (in LA) purely by chance. This was around Christmas time 2002.

    No evidence of kissing though! 🙂

  2. Jeez Kwan smile! She looks like she just got told her boyfriend was gay or something. That’s Sung freakin Hi damn Lee next to ya girl!!

  3. Ah yes……what can be said about Sung “Don’t Ever Stop!” Hi Lee that hasn’t already been said before?

    So I’ll say it again: SHL is fine — damn fine!

  4. Unfortunately, this videoclip doesn’t work anymore.

    When I checked this photoset of Sung Hi Lee in The Girl Next Door I foud this picture and thought, damn, is she finally doing porn?

    I was just joking. Although I haven’t talked with her for ages – I just read on her official website that she’s officialy engaged now. Congrats to Sung Hi and Jeremy! – I’m almost sure she will never do porn.

  5. Sung Hi and Jeremy married last year, in May, and she has officially retired from acting, but she is continuing her website. She still has her chats with members just about every week. She is still as sweet and nice as ever and still looks great, for going on 38!

  6. HOLDIT!!! Didn’t Sung Hi Lee perform in a movie called Art Of War III Retribution which was made this year? (2009)

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