Scarlet Chan is a 27 year old model and reality TV show star on a show called K-Town, which is essentially the Korea Town jersey shore. She’s been a model for years, lost a great deal of weight, and is supposed to be the crazy one on the show – though I haven’t seen it. It also features Violet Kim, who is very pretty, and a few other attractive women.
You can find more photos here. As always, don’t be greedy and share your favorites in the comments.

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i find her a bit too masculine facially in most pics…
The first photo is pretty scary then I thought pics 2&3 were promising but overall I agree with ….. Not really my thing.
For me, I find this woman very sexy. Her legs really look amazing…
I’m with you arf! Especially pics 1 and 4. Pic 5 – the overexposed shot (no not the Bevacqua shot lol) is delicious.
The Koreans have a Jersey Shore-type show? They are doomed, lol.
Not my type but I like arf’s photo a lot:
Maybe because in that photo she is “softened”?
I think she’s pretty. I like her! Smiling would help though!
Not keen on a show that probably makes Asians look like fools.
Actually love the first pic, but underwhelmed by the rest. She’s quite typical of thousands of girls down in Ktown, many of them even hotter though.
In LA, the Koreans are big partiers and have some of the best nightlife in the city. Hollywood could make a Jersey type show about every race or culture though. The shows don’t make races of people look like fools, they make the participants in the shows look that way. Though, most people I know were wild and crazy in their twenties so I’m not sure what the big deal is. I’m twice their age and still like to party on the rare occasion I have the energy.
She has a good sense of her own physicality.
More please 🙂 (I have been searching for more nudes, but can’t find any)
I kinda like the slightly annoyed and irritated expression on her face but to be honest no one does it better than Yoo Rim. But whatever happened to her.
Maybe a little too masculine, but sexy as hell. Is she the Korean Snooki or the Korean Jwow?
If I remember correctly she’s Chinese and hangs out with the main “characters” on the show. And yes, the show is quite bad
Beautiful girl. My Asian girlfriend has that visable line going from crotch to navel (as seen in pic #3). I’ve never seen this on any white partners of mine. I don’t mind this, but what is it and why is it common among Asian women?
laowai2003 that line is called a linea nigra.
Yeah, we had a discussion about this a few years back. I did a bit of research on it at the time – I’ll try and dig it up later.
I’ll have to do some research as well — my magnifying glass is always at the ready. Send the ladies here!