Saki Yamaguchi


Saki Yamaguchi has an upside down photo, and I know how much you guys like upside down photos. She’s not nude, but nobody’s perfect. Except nude women. Nude women are perfect.Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5’4
Ethnicity: Japanese
Located: Japan









Photos 2
Photos 3
Blue Photos

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0 thoughts on “Saki Yamaguchi”

  1. Would have to say that even ‘non-nude’ Saki Yamaguchi is close to perfect. Thanks Travis! She is simply captivating.

  2. Even ugly women look better upside down… but when a cutie like this is vertically reversed… the word “SCHWOIKINGINGING!!!” comes to mind… this word of course being completely made up but somehow denoting the sound of sudden physical excitement in a male at the first glance of an upside down Saki… (a sound uncannily similar of that an arrow hitting a tree in a robin hood movie).

  3. the first 2 pics didn’t really do it for me but then i scrolled down and dang…she is indeed a cutie! nice one

  4. So kroos, your local Rocky women look better upside down too! lol hard to believe 😉
    Unless they looked like Saki here who is gorgeous esp the pool table shot.
    ‘Blue photos’ slackerking? Point me in that direction please.

  5. you have a point Longtack. I should have specified that only women that you can flip upside down without a crane and stabilizers look better upside down. An upside down Rocky specimen would distort the gravitational field of the entire central queensland region, and would probably suck everything into a giant back hole. Not to mention that the hairy armpits would look horrible.

  6. Very pretty, wholesome appearing. I noticed she seems to have very nice toes and I don’t have a foot fetish.

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