Porn version YouTube: Porno Tube

An American company recently launched a porn version of the popular videosite YouTube. On Porno Tube users can send in their own movies and share them with others.

YouTube, with it’s 100 million videoviews a day, is the number one Video Search site on the web. There are many categories, but porn is (officially) not allowed there. So this is where PornoTube steps in!

Both sites have the same functionalities: people can rate the movies, or favourite them. You no longer can leave comments though. So if you are looking for (Asian) porn, head over there right now.

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0 thoughts on “Porn version YouTube: Porno Tube”

  1. Sooner or later, there is gonna be serious backlash against Porno Tube by the news media and probably Congress.

    I created an account in less than 4 minutes based on my birthdate claiming I’m over 18. What happens if kids figure this out?

    Furthermore, the nature of being able to post video clips smply with embaed commands is going to be a serious problem on myspace since there are lots of trouble makers out there.

    I give Porno Tube less than a year before they force you to use a credit card to register.

  2. Backlash by the media, heck backlash by the property owners.

    Anyway while it lasts it gives me something else to brows through and download.

    Yes I know the difference between downloading and streaming trust me, I do mean download.

  3. <embed src=”” loop=”false” quality=”high” width=”480″ height=”400″ name=”pornoPlayer” allowScriptAccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=”” />

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