I am not sure how I found this guy, but I know I loved his photo’s and bookmarked his site for a future posting. So today I present to you Bruno Talledo.
Bruno has been photographing for six years and his services are not limited to photography, but also include webdesign and music production. So why is this guy worth featuring on Asian-Sirens? Well, he seems to work with quite a few famous Asian models! Kay Sivilay, Natasha Yi, Shauna Ko, Cora Linn, Ginni Ramos, Kaila Yu, Michelle Lin, Gina Hiraizumi and Kimona. Some of them speak very highly of him on the testimonial pge. Personally I find his work artistic, but still very real.
Check it out for yourself: www.brunotalledo.com (click ‘photography’ ;-))
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Natasha Yi is in the photogallery too.
Ah yes, forgot to mention her! Will do so right away! Thanx.
Hey Lee, I am a bit surprised you have not given your opinion about Bruno? 😉
I also saw Shauna Ko in that gallery. I wish he would put the names of the models with the photos somehow. Some are obvious of course.
I agree. I sent Bruno a message about this post, so maybe he will follow your advice…
Hadn’t gotten around to checking him out. I quite like his work actually – more dynamic than the usual American stuff. But I do wish his images looked a little less ‘Photoshopped’.