Nina Minami was born on 30 December 1985 in Ibraki, Japan. She has a self-titled DVD and photobook on the market.
I could not find a lot of biographical information, so you will just have to enjoy the photos I selected. And if that is not enough, there are plenty of links to other galleries.Some facts:
Name: Nina Minami
Birthday: 1985/12/30
Country: Ibaraki, Japan
Height: 156cm
Burt: 91cm
Waist: 60cm
Hip: 88cm
Foot: 24cm

Some galleries:
Nina Minami @ scanlover.com
Nina Minami @ astrumas.com
Nina Minami @ shareapic.net
Nina Minami @ outie.net
Nina Minami @ myasianidols.com
Nina Minami @ vngallery.blogspot.com
Nina Minami @ flickr.com
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Yes,yes…All ways yes.Effortlessly sexy.Curvy with the purrrrfect amount of baby fat in all the right places.That last pic appears to show her original nose.
She makes a nice little package, though I’m not crazy about the nose and she could use a little toning.
Rock! I just discovered this amazingly sexy girl the other day. Thanks for starting a topic about her.
I don’t think I’ve seen a bad photoset of hers so far. The blue bandeau bikini set sampled above, and the set of her in the nurse’s outfit and glasses are my favourites despite not being really representative of her look. And the third pic from the bottom (ahem) sure undermines the idea that J-girls don’t have much on the A side of the T&A equation.
Excellent find, Mr. Hood! Thanks.
She needs to show more, heheh drooling
All been said already: great figure, lovely baby fat, hot babe.
Nice booty. Nice everything, really.
“…I’m not crazy about the nose and she could use a little toning.”
Are you f****** kidding me, wylde8?
I think what makes a lot of Asian women darlings –or all women, for that matter–is their subtle, so-called imperfections: a nose with a bump, slightly big ears, small shoulders, a smattering of freckles (a la Lucy Liu), and other unique characteristics.
The all-out perfectly glossed types are a yawner to me.
agreed with inactionhero
her face is innocent enough for me to do all kinds of kinky things for her.
odd to say, I’ve never been attracted to thick women, but this one….. god, you make some fine babes.
Nina was a coke image girl with kana tsugihara
I like her nose just fine…
you guys are easy…at most she is a 6…and thats only if her father owns a factory
Dartdude and inactionhero have it right – the combination of a sweet, slightly plain (but still extremely pretty) face and sexy, strong-looking body are enough to set all sorts of naughty imaginings whirring.
ok maybe a 7
SherBo, from what you say, I’m sure you would say no to her… Thank you for that.
Let’s clear something up,,,I wouldn’t say no to her..or her Mom…or her grandmother…..But I’m not Mel Gibson
my GOSH ..she looks like my sister in law ! :
r u like high ?
ur sister in law doesnt look anything like her…..at all……period……lol
Wow, I really LOVE that last picture. Just beautiful.
Nina Nina Nina…we’re on quite a roll here lately.
I think the body may be better then the face
pretty gal, too bad she retired already