Nico Lai Siyun


Nico Lai Siyun is, I believe, a Taiwanese blogger that built a lot of fame for herself by being stunning. She has probably hundreds if not thousands of photos. That is why I need to enlist the help of you, dear reader. If you find photos you like – not only in the galleries below but also in other galleries you find online – please link to them in the comments.Stats:

Age: 21
Height: 5’2
Located: Taiwan















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0 thoughts on “Nico Lai Siyun”

  1. I think it’s been the Doc’s opinion that Taiwanese girls are some of the hottest. Miss Nico certainly lives up to that, even if I wish she were a little taller.

  2. The clock in the hall approaches midnight
    Soon, the dawn of ’12 will bring first light
    Yet, before we leave the time gone by
    I look back as the New Year draws ever nigh.

    Japan’s tsunami was a horrible sight.
    The country suffered a terrible fright
    Japanese people are so civil and polite.
    They certainly didn’t deserve this disastrous plight.

    There’s a new Spring in the dry Middle East
    Old tyrants gone; many deceased
    With hope for the future, may conflict cease
    May God finally grant them that long-awaited peace.

    At long last a rogue has been brought to his end
    The brave Navy Seals the US did send
    As a result of the OK by President Obama
    We’ll not be troubled by the likes of Osama.

    ’11 was a year that we lost a whiz
    A veritable icon in the computer biz.
    iThis, iThat, they’ve come in gobs
    There’ll never be another like Stephen Jobs.

    That stuff in Iraq; it’s over, that’s nice
    Yet we must remember, some paid the price
    Though we’re happy for the brave who’ve now come home.
    About five thousand are gone, ne’er more to roam.

    Finally, a note about someone admired
    By millions ‘round the world, regardless how attired
    Tragedy above all, that no one desired
    Oprah’s retired!

    Happy New Year and the best of 2012 to all of the Asian Siren posters, commenters and loyal readers. God Speed to those serving their country & protecting us from the likes of the North Korean and Iranian nutjobs.

  3. Wow! She’s incredibly good looking – clearly Green Card Material. And no tats! 2012 is starting off very well.

  4. Wow, impressive effort dbldipper – happy new year to all our readers!

    And yes, it is nice to start off the new year with a hot Taiwanese girl – I’m just heading off to Sunnybank so I can get some more. 🙂

  5. West Coast – look again at some of the galleries. She has a rather large dragon or something on her lower left hip. Doesn’t detract from that fabulous figure.

  6. She is as hot as quite a few of the +/-6000 female students of the same age on my campus. So call me jaded but I think a number of them are hotter.

  7. Just perfect… creamy skin, petite body, delightful face, would love to spend some face time with this 😉

  8. (With apologies to Tom Waits’ “Big in Japan”)

    She got the makeup.
    She got the eyes.
    She got the young-girl hips,
    that’s no surprise.

    She got the tits.
    She got the tease.
    She got a hundred thousand
    pictures just like these.

    Yeah, she’s big in Taiwan
    Big in Taiwan
    Yeah buddy, she’s big in Taiwan.

    Though her first name is Nico
    And her last name is Lai Siyun.
    There’s not any doubt that she is totally Asian.

  9. i’d give my right leg to be with this girl. omg wow. best girl you’ve had since i’ve been reading asian-sirens! wow…

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