Unlike most of the top models in Korea these days, 26 year-old Na Ha-na did not gain her popularity from appearing at racing events and car shows. She made her debut three years ago when her mobile photo sets were downloaded to thousands of cell phones and computers across Korea.A Google search will yield countless photos of Ha-na but (to fulfill some readers’ requests) these are currently the most risquΓ© ones available:

Photo shoot from late 2007
(Visited 63 times, 1 visits today)
damn that’s hot. perfect fake boobs, tiny ass, skinny body, tall. sign me up please.
Oh do I ever want to go back to South Korea.
Great stuff!
To me, a “buttaface”.
More please π Is it just me or had it been a long time since we’ve had some nudity?
I like a girl that showers….demonstration of good hygeine.
Her nose is a little big but South Korean men will love her “small head”.
I think that body would be enough to cause my blood pressure to drop and put me in a coma.
I always though Korean girls were the hottest.
It’s refreshing to see a Korean model without clothes on, especially one with such a lovely body! A great shame about the OTT nose job though.
dbldipper: good one…
Uh oh, here we go again. The good ole’ Dr. Lee with another one of his, oh so common comment regarding someone else’s having had to have surgery again. Such a shame knowing that it’s such a blanketed statement without proof whatsoever towards this beautiful model. I, on the other hand think her nose is real and not SURGERY induced and it looks good on her. Great post CEC.
…awesomeness x 10
Dr. K Know: on what grounds do you claim to know that my opinion is wrong here, and yours is right? Do you have any idea how to identify if a nose is surgically enhanced or not? And do you have any idea of the fact that it is practically unheard of for models and actresses in Korea to not have some kind of facial surgery these days (especially nose jobs)? Obviously you don’t, as you are clearly totally ignorant about such things.
Yes, this one’s very sexy. Shots 2 and 3 are great.
@ Dr. Lee
> Do you have any idea how to identify if a nose is surgically enhanced or not?
Do you? If so, where did you get this training in photographic forensics? (misapplied terminology, but you get the gist)
> And do you have any idea of the fact that it is practically unheard of for models and actresses in Korea to not have some kind of facial surgery these days
Does that mean that you might make (seemingly completely speculative) disparaging remarks about every Korean model that will be covered in future posts?
@DrNo: photo 5 is actually an unusually clear demonstration of how you can identify them. Note how her nasal ridge extends out more than twice as far as her nostrils. This doesn’t happen with natural noses (particularly on Asians), but is diagnostic of a nasal implant placed along the top of the nasal ridge. And for me to say somebody has had surgery is not disparaging – it is merely the statement of an informed opinion.
Oh, and anyone who knows how Koreans look at all would know that they don’t naturally have noses like that – it is quite silly to suggest otherwise.
Only the nose knows–and no tats!!
I like all of her. Thanks, CEC
very very hot!!! another great find!
@DrNo: I totally agree with what you are saying and could not have said it any better myself. Again, these kind of insults IMHO by Dr. Lee defeats the whole purpose of even posting these beauties here. Theoretically if there was a face to this type of blanketed statement, I personally think that the comments here and before wouldn’t even be posted. Think of how damaging it is for this model’s psyche if she were ever to read up on this post. Honestly, this type of disparaging remarks should be left unsaid without definite proof. Can’t we all just enjoy all these beauties and leave distasteful, irrelevant statements out? Thanks.
Better from behind than from in front, I’m afraid. Her nose in the first photo is a bit boxy and somewhat feline.
But kudos to this girl for stripping down and showing some flesh.
I did’nt plan on falling in love today…but here I am. Love her quirky face and lean body. STRONG.
Here in the good ‘ole USA, we can’t define pornography- but we know it when we see it.
A Korean woman with THAT nose has had a nose job. I mean just look at it!!!
@ Dr. K Know: “Think of how damaging it is for this model’s psyche if she were ever to read up on this post. Honestly, this type of disparaging remarks should be left unsaid without definite proof.”
Are you kidding me? lol… She poses nude and gets positive comments and you worry about her psyche?!?!
And what kind of proof you need?
I think you have a problem with Dr. Lee in general, and you are using this to create something out of nothing. That is your prerogative but how about finding something real?
When you visit Las Vegas and a 22 year old walks up to you and asks you if you need a friend for the night or for an hour, she is really a hooker. When she leaves your room 15 minutes later with your cash, don’t tell me it was a speed date.
OK…nose-job experts to the front of the class! In photo #3, just below the left nostril…there is a red (?) dot that looks like another opening! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT??
Otherwise: Great body,thanx CEC!
@NIGHTHAWK: Your computer has become self-aware…Skynet’s war has begun!
Not really what I would consider a great example of Korean female beauty. Too much of something else mixed in or too much time under the knife. The strong Korean cheekbones are not here, and that is what I find so stunning about Korean women most of the time.
Korean beauty Miss Ha Na-na,
Certainly not from Savannah.
Rhino-origins aside
In Dr. Lee I’ll abide
For me, she’s close to Nir-va-na.
With due consideration to the fine Dr. Lee and the Dr. (K)No(s)’, I couldn’t give a rat’s patoot about the nose. As long as it isn’t pug, or ski-jump shaped, or Romanesque, on Miss Hana it’d probably be one of the last things I would look at.
For these posts, I have 3 considerations for the Sirens – first, they are Asian, second, they are naked and I’ve forgotten the third.
@Dr. K Know: I have to agree with French that you are obviously on some kind of personal vendetta here, even down to your nick. Once again, it is not disparaging to say a model had surgery – it is merely the statement of (in this case well informed) opinion. This is a news & information site, and one of the biggest reasons people come here is to learn about this stuff (hence the fact that I’m asked about it all the time).
OH MY GOODNESS…she’s hot. I also love her little shapely butt. I could spend the whole night just drooling and dreaming. Also NIGHTHAWK, I think what you are seeing is her right hand as she is brushing her hair. Just a glimpse maybe? I just wish I could see what she is doing with her fingers in the bottom pic below the cutoff.
Oh, and another nice one dbldipper. π
I hope you are right arf. It occurred that she had disfigured her lovely profile with a Ruby stud under her nose. The shadow on the wall doesn’t lend any clues as to the position of her right arm. The red cast to the dot remains a puzzle as there is no nail polish on her left hand??
Isn’t it just one of the tiles in the shower?
Oh yeah. It could very well be a tile on the wall. Here’s a hot shot of her off the internet I really like.
@Dr. Lee
> This doesn’t happen with natural noses
Her noes doesn’t look freakish or odd. If it was so clearly unnatural, nearly everyone would recognize it.
> (particularly on Asians)
I admit, I have never lived in Korea so I can’t say directly, but I have lived in Japan long enough to know that there is enough genetic variability that you can’t make blanket statements like that, especially when judging is based entirely on low resolution, often shopped, photos.
> And for me to say somebody has had surgery is not disparaging
Let me quote you please: “A great shame about the OTT nose job though.”
You honestly do not believe that is a disparaging remark to claim something is a “great shame”? Well then I guess you and I just have different opinions about what is disparaging.
(@everyone: Just in case there is any confusion, my name is a play on the James Bond villain. I have had it for a while. It is not a parody of Dr. Lee; I did not create the name to discuss this topic; and I am not the same person as Dr. K. Know.)
@DrNo: I didn’t say her nose looked freakish or odd. I just pointed out that there is very clear evidence that it is a nose job. And you and Dr. K Know seem to be the only people here who can’t recognise it!
Saying her nose job is OTT is a good deal less disparaging than most of the comments about boob jobs here, and no worse than any other observation on her appearance.
There is a totally bizarre and indefensible double standard around here regarding facial surgery vs. breast surgery. Many people take it is a serious insult to even mention the possibility that a girl may have had facial surgery (no matter how strong the evidence), and yet everyone seems to feel free to trash boob jobs as much as they like. And we all give our opinion on the models’ appearance here – commenting on any surgery she might have had is simply part of that.
I think they’re out to get you Dr Lee…what do you think? π
Who gives a rat’s about the nose. She is really hot… That’s it.
I don’t mind the nose, either.
I have been checking out the website for a while now, and I think that the ladies posted are very beautiful, no matter what their surgical results are.
I wouldn’t go as far as to criticize another’s comments, though.
Bury the hatchet, fellows, and let’s proceed with the admiration of the female form!
Oh- isn’t that “red dot” just her right nostril? It could be just the angle of the camera. You had me looking, Nighthawk!
Many Korean models are going to have some type of facial surgery. But the double standard to mention that she has underwent some type of facial surgery, especially when she has fake boobs is silly.
Also, I could care about a nose as long as it doesn’t look stupid. She’s hot. That’s all that matters to me. And yes to more naked Koreans, there’s not enough of them.
@Dr. Lee
> I didn’t say her nose looked freakish or odd.
If you say a nose has an appearance that “doesn’t happen with natural noses”, then that is by my definition “odd”. Maybe “freakish”, is too strong a word, but I don’t think it is completely off base.
> I just pointed out that there is very clear evidence that it is a nose job.
No you didn’t “just point out”. You said it was a “great shame”? That is a judgment, a negative one.
> Saying her nose job is OTT is a good deal less disparaging than…
Well at least it seems that you are now admitting that your comments were disparaging.
> There is a totally bizarre and indefensible double standard around here regarding facial surgery vs. breast surgery.
That is completely irrelevant to this conversation. At no time did I bring the subject of breast augmentation into this discussion.
@EVERYONE, I don’t care if she had a nose job or not. Either way, she is hot. Nor am I out to “get” Dr. Lee. Nor am I a cosmetic surgery apologist. Nor am I out to defend the honor of all Korean models. Simply, Dr. Lee made his comments, and I am playing the part of the devils advocate.
Begin to think you may be right MrEd, although the tilt of her chin would not place her right nostril there…unless she is pushing on it! If I were drawing from this photo…placing her nostril shadow here would distort the portrait…as it does in the photo.
Dr.Lee: There is a corner of a tile just to the left of the dot/shadow. The wall tiles are a much lighter color than what we are looking at.
i reckon the OP get some more pics up of this girl. hard to find them on google sorry
lol at the discussion of the little red dot.
I do not know HOW you saw that unless you got tired of looking at her breast in profile. Do you comb every pixel of a pic?
I WAS gonna joke about the broken weave in the cane chair, but I would never do that.
Glad you got a rhyme together dbldipper.
Anyway, I think she is another great Asian Siren to add to the stable already here.
Good get CEC. And yes please to more naked Korean women!
mmmmmmmmm the video is NICE! love the boots, the partly open top and the cheeky looks.
@DrNo: you are making no sense – you are mixing up my original comment with my response to your comment, deliberately I suspect. In my response to your question of how I could tell her nose was not natural, I merely pointed out how I was able to do so – I didn’t make any value judgement at all. So you are basically attacking me for answering your question, and attaching a value judgement where there actually is none.
I did make a value judgement in my first comment, but it is exactly the same sort of value judgement we make about women’s appearance here all the time, and well within our posting guidelines. It is no more disparaging than most comments here, and a good deal less than some.
My comments re breast surgery are totally relevant, as they invalidate your entire argument. You can only argue I shouldn’t talk about facial surgery if you also argue that we shouldn’t mention any surgery or tattoos, or make any kind of critical comments about a model’s appearance at all.
You have however made several negative comments about models’ appearance here in the past, which means you are being a total hypocrite.
OhhhYes longtack! Some of us examine EVERY DETAIL of beautiful Asian women..and this one deserves CLOSE scrutiny!!
@Dr. Lee:
> you are making no sense – you are mixing up my original comment with my response to your comment…
I have no idea what you are talking about. Ironically, that entire 1st paragraph made no sense to me.
> I did make a value judgment in my first comment.
Thank you. I have only ever referenced your first comment when speaking about a disparaging remark. If you had never attempted to push aside the fact that you made one at all, we wouldn’t still be talking about it.
You attempted to push it aside when you said “And for me to say somebody has had surgery is not disparaging”. In the most strictest sense, that is true, but not intellectually honest, because you said the surgery was a “great shame”. You attempted the same thing again when you said, “I just pointed out that there is very clear evidence that it is a nose job”.
> but it is exactly the same sort of value judgement we make about women’s appearance here all the time
I never said I was against disparaging remarks. (If you disagree, show me where I do.) I think you have added your own incorrect meanings to my remarks that simply are not there.
What I did ask was if “that mean that you might make… disparaging remarks about every Korean model that will be covered in future posts?”
And I said this directly because you had said, “it is practically unheard of for models and actresses in Korea to not have some kind of facial surgery these days (especially nose jobs)”
> well within our posting guidelines
As I said above, I have never said I was against criticism of some aspect of a woman. And because I never said that, then all references to other disparaging remarks within the community is irrelevant to our debate.
What I *am* somewhat against is criticism WHICH IS BASED ON complete speculation that seems to be derived from the combination of A.) an opinion about class of people and B.) doubtful expertise based on a few photos.
*That*, and only that, is why I decided to call into question the validity of your comments.
> you are being a total hypocrite.
Not in the least, and I think I have clearly demonstrated why. To restate again: You have misread my meaning. I am not criticizing you for criticizing. I am expressing my doubts about the validity of the basis for your criticism.
Oh, you guys!!!
Please! She’s good looking enough for me even with the fabulous Red Dot!
I will say that I agree with the notion that, to the casual observer, the evidence of facial surgery is largely undetectable in many cases.
I do believe that many people seem to prefer smaller noses on Asians. Larger noses tend to be abnormal and, as such, are a turn off. When you couple this with the idea that facial surgery is so common (in Korea especially) I believe it can compound a critically negative perspective.
Having said that, I love her nose but would also guess that Na Ha-na has had some work done. I actually love her nose regardless but can understand how some would not. Personally, I think that ignorance is bliss — Dr. Lee has far greater knowledge of facial/breast surgery and I suspect that this can create a more harsh critical eye than some of us here (myself included). ^_^;;
A last thought: if Na Ha-na did have nasal surgery, I wonder if her nose looks better now than it did previously? An interesting question to ponder, no?
“a more harsh critical eye than some of us here MAY HAVE”
I really need to start proofreading my comments. lol…
great one!!!
@DrNo: you still don’t get it. You (and Dr. K Know) think it is somehow wrong to say a model has had facial surgery. It is not. It is the statement of an opinion based on well known facts. You may think noses like this are not unusual on Asians, but that’s only because so many of them have nose jobs these days! And we have the right to pass judgement on this, just as you do on tattoos for example. To say otherwise is hypocrisy.
Re-read my comments, including your quotations of me in your comments. I repeatedly said it is not a value judgement for me to say a model has had surgery, which is true. I also said it is a value judgement (but a perfectly valid one) for me to say it is OTT, which is also true. You are trying to mix these two things up, but they need to be separated. It wouldn’t make any difference to the value judgement if I simply said her nose was too big and assumed it was natural (indeed, that would probably be worse). The fact that I think it’s the result of rhinoplasty is not a value judgement at all – it is merely a well informed opinion which is irrelevant to the value judgement itself. It doesn’t make any difference to my opinion of how her nose looks.
In case you still don’t get it, here it is in point form: (1) It is not a value judgement for me or anyone else to say a model has had surgery; (2) If I then go not to say I don’t like it, then that in isolation is a value judgement, and is exactly the same kind of value judgement we make here all the time, hence should be treated as such; (3) noses with such an extended nasal ridge are not natural, especially on pure Asians.
Our good Dr. Lee and the 2 Dr. (K)No(w)s;
I sure hope they don’t go to blows.
Naked Koreans do rock,
They’ll stiffen your c*ck
With Na, there’ll never be nos.
good one dbldipper!
@sevendeuce: Before/after photos would be a great idea, good call.
She is one of the better girls on this site.
Nose and all. I see nothing OTT.
Thanks to this site for expanding my awareness of the aesthetic joys of Korean women.
@DrNo -> Obvious troll is obvious
A little crude dbldipper, but nice. π
@Dr. Lee:
> You think it is somehow wrong to say a model has had facial surgery.
No. Show me 1 place where I say that.
> You may think noses like this are not unusual on Asians
I never said that. I said that she *could* have that nose naturally. Never that it was common.
> And we have the right to pass judgement on this, just as you do on tattoos for example.
To pass judgment on a fact, is not what I contest. It is your position that you have a fact on hand that I dispute.
> It wouldn’t make any difference to the value judgement if I simply said her nose was too big and assumed it was natural
Oh! No! There, I COMPLETELY disagree. Because in that case, you are simply making a judgment based on what you CAN CLEARLY see. I can not dispute the objective grounds of your personal taste, as it is completely subjective.
In fact, if you had said simply, “I think that maybe she had a nose job, and if so, I think the result is a great shame”, then I would have no argument to make at all.
But that is not what you did. You stated A.) that her nose job is a “fact” and COUPLED IT WITH your believe that B.) nearly all Korean models have had face work done. And there fore A+B lead me to the question, “Does that mean that you might make (seemingly completely speculative) disparaging remarks about every Korean model that will be covered in future posts?”
But wait! Take a breath, because…
> The fact that I think it’s the result of rhinoplasty is not a value judgement at all – it is merely a well informed opinion which is irrelevant to the value judgement itself.
Ah Ha! I get what you are saying. You never said this so clearly before. Here is how I would have said, it in your place, “I am not saying that the surgery itself is the great shame. I am saying that the result of her particular surgery is the great shame.”
So, with that all cleared up, my original question is finally answered: No, you won’t, because if the outcome of the surgery meets your personal standards of beauty, then no disparaging remark will be necessary.
Still, I think that your absolute assertion that her nose is the result of surgery is wrong. Not that I feel certain that there is no surgery, but its your firm and unwavering assertion that you have stated fact that I find to be wrong.
> noses with such an extended nasal ridge are not natural, especially on pure Asians.
An my position is that it is uncommon, but NOT unnatural.
I am on record here complimenting the results of good facial surgery, so obviously I don’t have anything against it per se – I only object when the results are bad (which is becoming increasingly common with nose jobs on Asian celebrities unfortunately).
You are entitled to your opinion that her nose is natural, just as I am entitled to mine that it almost certainly cannot be.
Doc Lee – the last line on my latest was going to be….
as the bulge in my pants surely shows.
But that did not make it past the internal censor.
That’s weird – pMachine can be strange sometimes.
The eyes may see, and the ears may hear, but the nose knows.
Her nose kind of grows on you……..
Also yes to more naked Korean women.