Model Showcase Event

Model Showcase Event Invited Models

For those of you in Los Angeles: the first Model Showcase Event for this year will be the Model Invitational this Sunday, February 26th 2006 from 12pm to 5pm. Over 30 models have been invited to this event. This event will be held at the Los Angeles Harbor Hotel in San Pedro, CA.

Take a closer look at the models at their site

The next Model Showcase Event will be on October 14th, 2006, Saturday from 11am -4pm.

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0 thoughts on “Model Showcase Event”

  1. Well, I guess this event might explain a few missing hotties from HIN San Jose on Feb 25th.

    I saw Carla-Maria, Lena Li, Sasha Singleton, Christine Mendoza, Nikki Cash, Felicia Tang, Flo Jalin, Maureen Hoang, Masuimi Max, and a bunch of others I recognized but do not know the names of at HIN. Also, several new ones that I’ve never seen, but I think have potential.

    Missing, I think, were Luana Lani, Tila Nguyen, Kaila Yu, and ???

    Did the above make it down for the show?

    Lena Li looked the best, in a small bra with her large boobs.

  2. While most of the models in this collage are babes (as you would expect), judging by these photos a couple of these girls look quite astonishingly, well, (there isn’t any nice way to say it) ugly. I won’t say which so I don’t upset anyone, but you can probably guess – let’s just call them plastic surgery disasters. How on earth can these girls work as models?

  3. A short report on the Model Invitational.

    First off, this was probably the smallest attended event that I have probably produced, both model and attendees. Out of the 37 Models that I listed as invited, I had 26 actually make it in. It also started out very, very slowly. But by the end of the day, it all worked out fine and I didn’t loose any money on the show.

    Of note I selected both Akira Lane and Alice Bradley as co-winners of the Most Desired Model award. They both stood out at the show and also had the most pre-sale tickets before the event.

    In the Favorite Model Contest, KT So took 1st, Nikki Zeno 2nd, and Alice Bradley 3rd.

    Other models that came real close in the voting were Flo Jalin, Brandy Grace, Charisse Kailyn and Thuy Li. Just a few votes separated them.

    This was the first Model Invitational that I have done out of the 30 odd Model Expos that I have produced, so I didn’t really have any expectations for it. I mostly just wanted to show my appreciation to all the models that have supported us in the past.

    I’m sure HIN the night before had a lot to do with the no shows, plus it was an open invite, models didn’t pay for their tables this time as they normally do.

    I’ll be happy to answer any questions about the event. I’m sure there is plenty I didn’t cover.


  4. Thanks for the update Moses!

    How many attendees came to the show? I’m asking because I saw the price for this event ($40) and that is pretty high when you compare it to, for example, Glamourcon.

    Good to see Akira won the contest. Congrats to both Akira Lane and Alice Bradley!

  5. I had over 80 pre-sales and about twice that at the door throughout the day, so a very low turn-out, not to sure if the price made a difference or not. Glamourcon though is a two day event, separate price for each day, but very worth it.

    The price for this Invitational was a little higher, since it was an invite, so the models didn’t pay for their tables this time. At a regular Showcase, the price is lower, the next one will be $30 at the door in October.

    Now sure if I’ll do another Invitational next year, but we’ll see, since this was the first one that I’ve done.

    I’ve found though that many events are charging a lot more than I am. I guess it’s the sign of the times.

    I might change the format for the October show though and go with a sponsored event, in which case I would only charge ten dollars at the door to increase the foot traffic, but we’ll see.


  6. Okay. Why don’t you do an event the day after a HIN or similar in the same city? You could have done San Jose and used the Hilton or the Marriot. The models would have been there on HIN’s dime and you would have had much better attendance, especially if you did a booth at HIN and built up some pre-sales. Don’t you guys look for synergies in the model business or is it all lone maverick stuff?

  7. There is no doubt the HIN made a huge impact on our turnout. That is the risk you take when securing dates and venues in advance. I had this date and location set five months ago, HIN didn’t announce until two months ago. HIN couldn’t care less what we do, we are not a import car show.

    More often than not, there is no synergy in this business. Never has been. It’s all based on what opportunity you take, and what you do with it. Sometimes it works out great, other times it doesn’t.

    We have coordinated with HIN before, but that was years ago and often it just doesn’t mesh well. It’s just business in the end for all involved.

  8. Fair enough, though if I was in the model show business I would certainly have a contact with the various car shows.

  9. Felicia Tang noted the low turnout in San Jose for HIN on her website.

    A little coordination would be a good thing for everyone.

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