Among all the winners of the Miss Philippines 2010 pageant, nineteen-year-old Miss Philippines-World Czarina Catherine Gatbonton is the most pure-blooded Filipina of the bunch. Unlike the rest of the finalists, this tanned beauty chose to answer her pageant question in her native Filipino tongue.
Standing at an impressive 5′ 10 1/2″ with a curvaceous 34″-23″-34 1/2″ figure, Czarina is every inch a Southeast Asian tropical island princess.

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Had me until pic 4 with blue dress, sash and crown.
hmm. i think pic 4 is mostly bad angles and lighting, and she probably looks like pic 2 most of the time. kind of hard to believe it’s the same woman as in pic 1 though.
pic 1 is a deal sealer….should have put it last ….the others makes her look well…kinda ordinary…
I think she looks great. I love the dimples. She looks like a very sweet girl. 5’10” is more than impressive. I have seen many filipinas but never one so tall in the Philippines.
I don’t know why, but Pic 1 I keep thinking is from the 80s. And what’s with the clown red lipstick (I guess it matches her bikini)!?
That being said, she does have very adorable dimples, is extremely tall for a filipina, and has a very classic beauty to her.
I’d say “nice find” but I guess being a pageant winner makes her somewhat more exposed than some of the girls featured here. ^_^
Pretty woman with a great body. Nice, large breasts for a beauty queen. Works for me. Works quite well.
They don’t skimp on the square footage of pageant crowns in the Phillipines, do they?
Her Facebook page prominently displays my least favorite photo of her, but I’m back in the fold after viewing her pageant interview at:
I don’t speak Pinay, so I can’t understand what she’s saying, but that isn’t necessary for my appreciation.
Upon further inspection, her body may not be as nice as the first pic leads one to believe, but she is still quite a beauty.
TheCollector: Czarina’s saying that, given another life, she’d like to be a life-giving tree.
The cultural context of her answer lies in the Philippines’ extensive archipelagic coastline. Coastal coconut trees provide everything from food to wood to textiles to medicine to oxygen. That’s why the coconut tree is referred to in the Philippines as the Tree of Life.
Even in her symbolism, Czarina is Filipina through and through. 🙂
Thanks Mike, maybe she’s seen Avatar one too many times, but I still like her!
Mike, is that an unusual name for a Filipina?
Off the top of my head I would’ve guessed it had Russian roots.
Hard to argue with this one from Knarf’s link.
Kind of a classic runway pose, but still a winner:
Shes beat, sorry. I love the Flips, but she doesnt do it for me. But then again, neither does CJ Miles. Usually I like the import model type, more than fresh from Asians. But this Flip doesnt do it for me. Nice rack, tho! Lol…
We can all breathe easy now…now that we know.
Ooops…forgot my Lol! 🙂
are you all saying she has a nice rack based on pic 1? there is so much padding in that bikini top she went from a b to a c!!! real bust size is more like pic 2, imo.
with a name like czarina, she was definitely born to win beauty pageants. i mean, come ON. unless her competitors were named “princess,” “empress,” or “queena” she basically had this one in the bag. that, or she accidentally signed up for a staten island dog show instead of miss philippines.
“are you all saying she has a nice rack based on pic 1? there is so much padding in that bikini top she went from a b to a c!!! real bust size is more like pic 2…”
Yes, you are right. You can see this from some of the pics in the last link in my post above.
rack: a framework for holding objects
I really dislike the use of that term for a woman’s body. The ultimate in a kind of subjectivity-denying objectification. Not that objectifying in-and-of-itself is a bad thing. We do it here all the time. But that word just says to me “that thing there.” Am I being too…
I do not like these contests, but I do rather like her answer to the pageant question.
She’s not Filipina. Sorry, I am married to a Filipina and I see them every day… literally, I associate with 200 or more, and I am forced to watch TFC (the Filipino Channel) hours every week. There is not a true Filipina over 5’7″ in the whole nation, lol. If they are 5’6″ they can get a spot on WowWowWee as dancing girls in the Canbot line. Average height is well below 5′.
It’s not just the height, it’s the features.
Not that it is a big deal, but beautiful Filipinas have a very different facial character and physique. Their breasts are very high and full on the topside, which is true among many Asian populations, and they spread out rather than stick out. Their legs are short but very curvaceous in the calves, and their feet look very Tahitian/South Sea Island. When my little Filipinas walk in the sand they leave footprints like African pygmies, very curvaceous and dainty.
Worst of all, this woman does not have the telltale “under the eye” folds that most Filipina women are very self-conscious about (which of course are very cute).
No, she is about 25% Filipino, 25% high Spanish descent (maybe Castillian), 25% Caucasian and the rest may be Chinese. Very typical, there are few “pureblood” Filipinos. True Philippine heritage comes down through the Malaysian, Spanish, Chinese and South Sea Islands.
In any event, she’s a pretty woman. Just doesn’t set off my “Flip-dar”. Anybody can learn a little Tagalog, but it doesn’t make them Filipino descent. I don’t doubt that she has LIVED in the Philippines but she is not genetically what Filipinos would consider Filipino.
Sorry for the double post… but I anticipate people wondering why gets embraced by Filipinos as Miss Philippines? Sadly, Filipinos have colonial mentality and they value light skin, Caucasian features and height. Most Filipinos have darker skin, are under 5′ and have much more Malaysian features than what we see here. Whitening cream is the best-selling drugstore item.
Their surnames are 80% Spanish because of the landholding and previously feudal system that reassigned surnames to landholders. Czarina? Catherine? Ummm… try to find another Czarina in the Manila phonebook…. 60% are Maria (Mary, mother of God), 20% other Catholic Saints’ names. Catholicism is the official religion of the country despite a strong Muslim minority. Divorce is not recognized, you have to leave the country to get one.
LOL @ Christine. 🙂
to me she looks almost Indian in the fourth photo. In Knarf’s missology link it lists her occupation as ‘call girl’, surely this is a mistake.
I don’t profess to be an expert on all things ethnic, but I think the most important point is that Czarina has very beautiful features true to her ethnic roots.
Granted, I understand that there are women that are more ‘ethnic’ Filipina looking, but this is an international level beauty pageant, and women chosen for these contests tend to be taller than average for their respective countries. Czarina also has darker shade of skin than past contestants I have seen, whom have much lighter skin.
So I think she looks beautiful but also distinctly Filipina IMO.
Yeah she is tall but she is tanned. Her face shape is not typically pinay in my view but maybe she has some malaysian. Filipinas can be 5’10, not common but possible of course.
Anyway, she is beautiful and in some pics she gets really over the top. Not so much at some others. But makeup and specially the right hairdo make a big difference. I think the hair looks
The pic from TheCollector, standing on the runway, is freakin fantastic. She gets me with that one. 🙂
hot philipino
Yes indeed…hot philipinA.
TheCollector: “Czarina” was the old title of the Empress of Russia. Empress Catherine the Great turned Russia into one of the great powers of Europe in the eighteenth century — hence the full first name of Miss Philippines-World 2010, “Czarina Catherine”.
As Christine points out, she was born to win beauty pageants. 😉
luvasianwimin: If you’re into petite Filipinas, perhaps you’d prefer 5′ 3″ actress Mercedes Cabral. 🙂
Actually, Filipinos don’t make a distinction on gender in language. They are totally comfortable with Pinoy and Filipino for male or female. That’s why the most common grammatical mistake they make speaking English is “him” instead of “her” or vice versa. They don’t have any words for him or her. In fact, they have no word for wife or husband. They refer to each other as spouse. Same with sibling– no real common word for sister or brother, just sibling. You have “sibling female” or “sibling male” if you really need to avoid confusion. Even more confusing, the designation cuya refers to older brother or older cousin or other male relation, interchangeably. Hey, he’s older, he’s male, what else do you need to know?
She looks a lot more Pinoy in the video clip and on the runway. Nice.
Yeah, Mike, I want to take Mercedes Cabral home, she’s super cute! In my dreams… my wife would kill me. Jealous Filipinas have learned how to kill a man and then kill him again, just so he gets the message. It’s tough dying twice, painfully.
You mean kuya.
Yeah some filipinas can be deadly jealous, same as thais.
I never can get the spelling right. It’s a result of learning Tagalog via Rosetta Stone, which stinks. You learn sounds and not grammar, spelling or literal translation. For $200.
As long as they understand you, all is good. 🙂
The last picture not good as the others.
luvasianwimin is overstating his case, which to me boils down to “the only true Filipinos are the Negritos.” But of course, that is preposterous. After all, did the Negritos just spring up in the Philippines at the Dawn of Man? No, they came from somewhere else.
I would like to explore his theory on Filipino breasts further, but I’m afraid I’m limited to only one example:-)
I agree with daznlover on the pic from the Collector. Leggy and W0W!
Gatbonton is definitely a Filipino name.