Maki considers herself a race queen. She also dances and has her own dance team. She is 26 years old.Stats:
Height: 5’3″ (160 cm)
Weight: 108 LBS. (48 kg)
Measurements: 34B-26-33
Ethnicity: Japanese American
Located: Boston, MA

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Maki is not really my type but she may be yours.
Also, I will add that although she is not really my type, I really want to have sex with her. Is that weird?
Holy Cow! Can I have sex with her too…Travis? I mean after you of course. 🙂
Not really digging this one. [COMMENT EDITED]
I’m baffled by your comment Wings. Certainly you’re not entirely serious. 😉
I really don’t think her nose matches well with the rest of her face.
This is a better picture of her, though:
Now, if I was single and met this girl and she was interested, well of course I’d Maki it happen. But as a model, she’s not that great. Maybe with different poses, clothing and photography….
If you wonder why some models don’t want to be featured here, the first few comments are a prime example of why beyond the fact that there is nudity.
Try to see things from a models perspective and imagine how creepy it would be to have guys you have never even met to talk about having sex with you. I understand that Arf’s comments may be a joke but that may not be apparent to the model in question.
I usually try to stay out of these things but am bringing this up in hopes that like the language policy that perhaps this community can become more model friendly so you don’t get as many models requesting their photos to be taken down.
Also, why bother putting in the effort to feature models that are not your type? Have you run out of models who are your type? Or did you just want to provoke some discussion about wanting to have sex with someone who is not your type? I think you are sending mixed messages or maybe you are still very attracted to her even though she doesn’t fit the usual type you are attracted to but you don’t want to admit it.
As far as Miss Maki, she looks like a modern Japanese girl and does a good job in some photos in playing up her “kawaii”ness.
The lipstick is a turn off. Not quite what used to be called “fright white” but nearlly. Better none at all than a shade which clashs with skin tones.
@ badboy: Right on. Asian Sirens should strive to be the kind of site that a girl in the modeling or entertainment industry would WANT to be featured at, and juvenile comments like that don’t help.
Anyway, the first time I saw Maki, I noticed that she resembled Korean actress Yoon Eun-hye.
Badboy has a point here… I think those commenrs are a bit shallow and if you read the disclaimer below carefully, they will fall into the tasteless and inappropriate category. It seems the doc will have to step in again! Doc, are these comments out of line? 😉
I have several problems with this article. I don’t why you are featuring someone that is not your type. That just opens the door for those types of juvenile comments. She’s already on here for the world to dissect, but comments like that really do a disservice.
It’s one thing for some random guy to say something like that, but it’s another for the author to make such a comment on top of her being not your type.
I’m sure there will be those who are her type and like her look. I really like her dressed in the school uniform but the problem is that there isn’t much information in this article, she doesn’t look good in many of those pics and you aren’t interested in her. My suggestion would be to stay away from the chicks that you aren’t interested in and focus on the ones that do interest you. If you are going to feature someone that you aren’t interested in, then there should be more to the article than some stats and wanting to fornicate with her.
We should be critiquing for the most part.
*sigh* says the onlooker who understands all too much.
With the exception of Wings’ first comment, which I think was too much, I don’t think the comments are outside of our posting guidelines, at least as far as my present understanding of them goes anyway. I think these sorts of comments are probably to be expected on an adult blog, although I would refrain from posting such comments personally. I think most models understand that people are going to say these sorts of things about them on adult blogs and fora though, and don’t take them too seriously.
Why would I only post women that I am attracted to? Then you would only get women that I like, which may not be your type.
I agree with Travis’s above point 100 percent.
This girl is simply too plain to be a model. She is not ugly, but she is only a little above average, a “C+” whereas an ASIAN SIREN should be a B+ at a minimum, but preferably an A+. This site is not called “asian girls next door”, after all.
“She is not that great but I’d still do her” is the wrong attitude to take when commenting on models. The girls should be so hot that you would feel unworthy and go limp. lols. 😛
If a girl thinks she is a model and can’t take public commentary and criticism, she needs to find a new job. The whole point of being a model is that you are living on your looks: fail in looks = fail in job.
For example: If I do a bad job on a case, is it unfair for my client to criticize me? NO! For a model, her job performance, unlike anyone else, is tied directly to her looks. Therefore if the girl has underwhelming looks, regardless of what might be a great personality, she is not a good model. Period. Deal with it.
1. She honestly looks 30+ years old in many of her pics. She does not at all fit into the youthful/cute kawaii look, though she tries.
2. 108 lbs at 5’3″ is just average, it is nowhere near model-shape, particularly for a girl who isn’t curvy and who isn’t fit.
Something with her face just seems strange. And the body is headed toward soft – too much crap food and not enough aerobics. Disclaimer: I did look at her after Cristal Vang – no contest! So it would be like test driving (maybe not the best analogy) a Ford Mustang after a Ferrari.
This girls is from north of Boston. Town called Haverhill. I’ve seen her around before. Cute.
I think shes is cute, the wrong colour lipstick appears to be her thing, credit to her for sticking with it if nothing else. The lipstick reminds me of Wendy James from Transvision Vamp, I think it worked better for her but that may have been the era 🙂
I love her in the school girl outfit, way cute.
I think her body is very nice, I personally prefer less toned bodies than those overly sculpted. If anything her neck appears short in some photos, bad camera angles
I think she could look hotter with a better photographer and stylist. Granted, thats the name of the game, but I don’t think any of the above photos are up to snuff.
I have to agree with lawfin on this one – very plain and average.
My deepest apologies to the beautiful Miss Maki in regards to my above comment. I was kidding of course. Please don’t request a picture removal because of silly ole’ me. :))
Co-sign with lawfins’ take on things.
Since when did the Boston area become such a gathering spot for Asians & Brasilians? This one aside… I think I’m gonna do a Fenway roadie next summer to further investigate.
She likes using the kogal lipstick haha she doesnt do it for me ethier but she looks pretty good with the blue car.
and id like to add ” Get new hair extensions”
i dont know what to say 🙂
I just got some hair extensions yesterday…not sure if I like em’ though.
I’m sorry about my comment being offensive. It’s just the way Arf mentioned he wanted to have sex with her after Travis made me think of the expression I used.
As far as the models being creeped out by guys wanting to have sex with them, I’m not buying it. If you’re posing in revealing outfits, implied nudity, etc.; I doubt you would be that sensitive (unless, of course, it became a real stalking issue). And no, I’m not saying that all these models are sluts or bad girls.
Also, I think (hope) that everyone realizes that Arf and Travis are NEVER gonna have sex with this lady.
Says you. >=(
I knew that would get a rise out of you. (Can I say that?)
Travis, you’ll have to ‘splain your emoticons or point this old fart to an emoticon dictionary.
>=( angry face
=) smiley face
… (time passing – I made this one up to denote pauses)
|3====> >8 (scissors cutting penis – invented for Asian Sirens – I don’t remember why)
😉 wink
( * ) ( * ) breasts
( o ) ( o ) also breasts
( * ) ( o ) bad boob job
(_|_) buttocks
(__|__) large buttocks
(|) Risa Chigasaki’s buttocks
:(|) Monkey
@—<—- Rose
<3 Heart
8-P ( o ) ( o ) Dr. Lee
Thanks, Travis.
BTW, I think the main reason I’m not digging this girls is the pale lipstick. Overall, the whole effect of her face is just a little off. Disclaimer: Compared to other models featured here, not to other girls I’d actually have a chance with….
ive had sex with her. amazing!
I just noticed the last line of Travis’ comment – LOL!