Since I’ve been writing my own articles here on Asian Sirens, I have been going through the archives to see who hasn’t been written about yet. It’s surprising that women that I figured would have been written about by now on Asian Sirens do not have an article, which is great for me because it gives me someone to write about. Mikie Hara happens to be one of them, so you guys are in luck today because she is a beauty.I love Mikie for obvious reasons. She’s gorgeous, busty, and Asian. If you have those three qualities, then you become an instant favorite for me. She also just turned 22 this past July 3rd. I thought she was around 25 or so. And the photos that she is in are outstanding which you can partake in viewing below and by clicking the links below.
Name: Mikie Hara, 原幹恵
Birthdate: July 3, 1987
Birthplace: Niigata, Japan
Blood Type: O
Height: 163cm
Bust Size: Spectacular

Really Cute Asians
Additional YouTube Video
*jaw hits floor*
This girl is my definition of perfection. Gorgeous face, fantastic body, and very nice breasts (real or not).
I just wish there were some pics where the clothes were missing in action. ^^
“Spectacular” post indeed Candyman!
Hair is stringy. Like most Japanese girls doesn’t seem able to act sexy. But otherwise very nice, great rack. Pleasant face, great skin.
don’t know why, I always like candyman’s post
She’s absolutely stunning. Thank you Candyman for sharing!
I dunno… I wonder how many times she’s been under the knife. Her face and body are very attractive but her face looks a little strange for a Japanese girl; either that or she’s mixed blood. Doc, what do you think?
BTW, her figure is listed as 37-24-34.5 with a G cup size in case anyone was curious.
Beautiful, sexy, great breasts and eyes (yes, I look up too, lol)!!
I dunno how much Photoshop is involved, but her skin looks fantastic too.
She is awesome! I think she is sexy. A woman can look sexy without giving a ‘come fuck me now’ look. Fantastic body, beautiful skin and a gorgeous face!
This is what I love to see on this site!
Somehow her last pic in the post reminds me of an asian Jessica Biehl !!! Yum-yum 🙂 Good work Candyman !
@hakka guy: i think her face looks pretty natural to me though the boobs are arguable
some girls are just blessed with great natural boobs. This reminds me of Saaya irie, 16 years old girl who has been doing gravure since she was 11 ,when by that age she already had “them” i think some link might help:
I dont think they really that rude to do breast surgery to 11 years old girl.
Simply fantastic. Great job, Candyman.
“Bust Size: Spectacular”
Hahahaha! I couldn’t agree more! Great find, great post. A beautiful, sexy girl who knows how to *smile*. Wonderful.
a stunning beauty!
That girl is Asian perfection, my brother! GREAT FIND!
I vote yes.
Candyman…you are the man! bust size: spectacular –> you do not lie!
I’ve got to agree with Hakka guy and disagree with everyone else here: I think she’s gone way too far with the westernising facial surgery for my taste. It’s good surgery in as much as it doesn’t show any obvious problems, but she’s just ended up looking too caucasian for me (and somewhat bland too). Also, her tits aren’t that spectacular either: they’re just pushed up into the wide angle camera lens too look as big as possible (quite common in Japanese glamour photography). It isn’t clear to me if they’re natural or implants from such stylised photos.
Like most Japanese gravure models, she’s certainly basically attractive but she’s also a dime a dozen. And her photos are so touched up that frankly it’s hard to tell what she actually looks like.
Very pretty, beautiful skin, but the breasts are a bit too big for my taste. The posting definitely makes the great for the underarm shot, but next time we need some feet as well.
HOT! One of the best I’ve seen.
Wow. First round pick…signing bonus…guaranteed money.
I just watched the YouTube clip – as is often the case these days, you have to see them on video to see what they really look like. Interestingly, I find her face more attractive there – perhaps the glamour makeup and touch-ups in the photos pushed her face too far toward caucasian, as in the video clip she looks attractively “Eurasian”. As can also be seen though, her tits really aren’t that spectacular at all (although possibly natural), and she has no ass, despite having a slightly stocky lower body. In other words, she has exactly the same strengths and weaknesses as almost every other Japanese gravure model these days. I can still remember when Japanese glamour photography was far more naturalistic than it is now, and the models all had their own character – but those days are long gone sadly.
absolutely agree with you on this one doc. Nowadays when i see beautiful models, at first maybe i would be impressed, but then ask myself if they really are what they look on that photos. Is it natural? photography touch? or even plastic surgery? i’m not opposing photography touch or plastic surgery at all, but sometimes i think it just ruins our excitement to see beautiful girls and cloud our judgment to them because a lot of them not really what they appear in the shot (since a lot of photos are touch up and lot of girls do plastic surgery)
“Bust Size: Spectacular”
It’s been a while since Ive posted a comment, but Im compelled to jump on to say “OMFG!”
Touch by the knife or by the mouse, the images & vids are awesome & Im glad to have been (somewhat) introduced to this hottie! In the end I love what she looks like from here, & her smile is real sweet too.
Nic post CM!
A real treat. 100% pure eye candy!
While I agree that the photos have been “doctored” (pun intended!), I’m just not seeing any clear evidence that Mikie-chan has had any – or obvious signs of – surgery.
IMHO, the videos also acquit her of being completely artificial (with the exception of her boobs).
I guess I just don’t understand the negativity here. The assumption seems to be that she’s been under the knife extensively – though there is no proof. It’s like saying, “this girl is too perfect, therefore, I actually find her unattractive.”
And Doc, if this girl is a dime a dozen for gravure models, I think we need to feature more of them here! ^_^
Actually, I have absolutely no problem with her going under the knife per se (or anybody else for that matter). It’s just that when they turn those cute button noses and almond eyes into the caucasian equivalents, she simply becomes less attractive for me, as she looks less – well – Asian. That’s the proof that she’s had surgery – Japanese girls just don’t have eyes and noses like this. She could be mixed of course (which is a possible alternative explanation for her features), but if she were, then I suspect they would advertise the fact.
If anyone can keep bringing such top-notch models to AS, the Candyman can.
Superb in every way.
You say “Eurasian”? I say “Fusion”; mixing East and West w/the best of both. Pic 2 and 14 do it for me especially. If these gals are a dime a dozen, I consider us a rich community.
In photo 3 her tits aren’t pushed to the camera and they look nice (as much as we can see).
Doc, from photo 6 i’d say they are implants, what do you think?
I been collecting her pics for a year now.
check here for more.
@ sevendeuce: Negativity? This girl has received some of the most positive ratings in quite awhile. I think she is very attractive myself. My comment was about her looks; I used to live in Taiwan and my job took me from Japan, Korea and China to as far south as Singapore, so after awhile I just got used to certain looks and can normally tell which region of a country someone is from.
What struck me about this girl is that, though very attractive, it wasn’t pure Japanese. It’s very common for mixed blood girls there to be in the entertainment industry, either singers, actors or models. I was wondering if that was her story or if she had gone under the knife. If her bust is natural, that could also be explained with mixed blood.
After looking at her video, I like her better than before. I do agree with Doc that her flat tush, though typical for most Japanese women, isn’t what I prefer. For me, breasts are all about shape, not size so she might be spectacular or saggy, hard to say from these pix. My guess would be somewhere in between.
Wow.. this jap girl is really amazing. Pretty and cute.. this one gets a big approve to me.. 😉
@dazn: Pic no. 6 is the sort of pic that would normally be conclusive, but in this case it isn’t unfortunately, as she’s pushing her left arm up against them, which makes them look fake when they actually might not be. Combine that with the fact that the pic is heavily airbrushed, and it’s really hard to say. Personally I’m leaning toward natural actually, but I’m really not sure at all.
Simply stunning retouched or not.
Would like to see some of her imperfections though as that is what I like in a woman, strange as it might sound. For this reason I prefer the images from her video.
She’s a beauty alright. Looks good in her vids too
Miss Hara is one fine woman.
Very attractive girl. I like her. About her bust, no problem eventhough with spectacular size.
She is very sexy, I don’t mind she has been already 25 or not.
wow..gone a few days and come back to this…awesome….if those boobies are enhanced, then wow..i love the tear drop look…totally awesome!!
Mikie played the manga superheroine Cutie Honey in a recent TV series. Her portrayal was delightfully campy. 🙂
This is the hottest girl that has ever been on this website!
I’m glad you think so. 🙂
I really don’t think she looks too western, but maybe that’s just me. Anyway, while i wouldn’t go as far as Chairmanpete, I find her very attractive and love those boobs (real or not).
if you go on her facebook fan page there are more than 500 photos of her….cant get enough of this girl!
The link I posted has way more pictures of Mikie. Here it is again in case you missed it.
She looks like the kind of girl you could hang out with and have a really good time. Maybe even wifing material.
Oh yea, I could definitely wife her. Who wouldn’t?
I like This photo.
Often her breasts are more like ‘pecs’ than boobs.
Check out the screencaps I posted on Scanlover of her lumpy, crooked, cleavage.
No doubt after seeing those pix.
Once again, thanks for the info malau! As I say above, I really can’t tell from these pics.