Mika Tan Discusses the Porn Industry, Racism & Prostitution

Mika Tan

Popular porn star Mika Tan recently posted an entry in her MySpace Blog answering some frequently asked questions. I think you will find her comments quite interesting. If Mika has you in her “friend list” on MySpace, you can read the blog entry HERE. If not, you can read the full text here by clickingPlease note that all of Mika’s words are in italics.

23 September 2006 Saturday

I got this message and since I have been asked these things before, I thought I might as well respond publicly. His questions are all very valid and thoughtful and hopefully, I answered all of his questions.

Hi –
A guy at work told me recently that my girlfriend “looked like that porn chick Mika Tan”. I was curious enough to do a little research, and I discovered you’ve appeared in the following movies:

• Slant Eyed Sluts
• Black Dicks in Asian Chicks 2
• Fresh Asian Sex Sluts
• Whoriental Sex Academy 3

Perhaps hundreds more. A quick read of your website includes notable bits such as the fact that your family has encountered you holding ice on your crotch because of the lingering pain from your scenes. Evidently you are enthusiastic in your work. So based on this research and your physical resemblance to my girlfriend, I am a bit horrified. For her sake. And I am compelled to ask you the following questions:

1. Do you believe that porn tagged with racial themes (which looks to be a huge amount) is inherently ‘racist’ in some way ? For example, asians make up less than 5% of the US population, yet asian females account for a huge slice of porn production. Is this a form of racial targeting of a vulnerable minority, and is it abusive?

Porn “DVD lines” or titles are all compiled to hit target markets. The racial titles have gotten a little crazy over the years with companies trying to find different names to refer to the same thing: Asian girls. DVD’s cannot have the same title, so I think these production companies sit and study a thesaurus to come up with eye-catching, simple, yet ORIGINAL titles. When I am booked for a scene, all I only told the genre (i.e. fetish, asian, schoolgirl – so I know what kind of wardrobe to bring) and the titles are done later when the movie is released. I almost never have any idea what the title of the DVD when it is being filmed, unless it is a sequel.

You must understand that the racial target is not directed to the performers…the target is the consumer. Many, many men absolutely LOVE Asian women. PERIOD. The movies are made for them. I am in the business of fantasy fulfillment. There is a large demographic of military/business men who fell in love with the quintessential “Asian whore” while in Southeast Asia. You would not believe how many times I have been hired to speak in broken English. They sometimes have language coaches on set to help the more Americanized Asian girls speak with Asian accents. We are performers. I said it before and I will say it again, porn is not necessarily for men like you who have an Asian girl already. Porn is for the guy who loves Asian women and cannot get one. For some, porn is the only outlet to get the kind of sex they like.

2. Could it be argued that the type of work you do perpetuates and strengthens the absolute worse stereotypes in this country about asian women ?

What are the stereotypes? I have been a dominatrix (several times over), a prostitute, a schoolgirl, a businesswoman, a CEO, a doctor, a nurse…the stereotypes in porn far exceeds race. You can take these same characters I have played and put it on a blonde or a Mexican or a black girl. All pornchicks have all played the same fantasy role at one time or another. I have played very strong and very submissive roles.

3. Do you believe it increases the prevalence of sex tours to asian countries, and increases the odds of asian girls being targeted for sexual abuse?

Sex tours in Asian countries are being perpetuated by these Asian countries and companies who exploit these Asian women. American porn does not have anything to do with that. Those have been going on longer than porn has been around. Some people seem to believe that Asian-based porn is the only window men have to see Asian women in a sexual way. Prostitution in Thailand, Vietnam, the Phillippines, and South Korea have been around for a very long time, keeping many thousands of GI’s happy since the early 1950’s.

Okinawan schoolgirls have been targeted my US Marines for years. Japanese porn who show all the schoolgirls in uniform might have a hand in that one. I don’t know.

I hope that for every guy who gets off and rolls over to sleep at home, that one less guy trolling the bars with the intent of getting rid of his sexual frustrations on any woman who happens along.

Rape is an issue of control, not sex — by the way.

4. Do you believe the rough ‘gonzo’ style and mysogynist attitude of most porn (google also shows you on 18inchesofpain.com) and its focus on the ‘pain’ inflicted on the actresses promotes women as objects of sexual humiliation?

I also work on a website called meninpain.com and meanbitches.com. Men are the subject of humilation there. Please get it in your head that porn does not target only one sex or one gender.

After almost 10 years in the business, I have noticed trends toward more mysogynistic roles. I think it is the change in American society’s views on women. Women are more powerful than they have been over the last 50 years. Most television sitcoms show the wives are the smart ones, while their husbands are simple-minded dolts. While women’s roles in the home and the workplace are changing, the average porn consumer is still between 30-45. The stronger women get, the more men want to fantasize about them being put back in their place, so to speak.

Porn tries to accommodate different kinds of niche markets. One gonzo DVD costs about $16K to produce. They do not make DVDs unless their market research shows they will be able to sell their film. Porn does not create fetishes, it caters to them. I believe there is a market for average Asian men having sex with pornstars to the point where I kerplunked $15K of my own money to produce a DVD, but I cannot get distribution because no company so far feels that it is a strong enough market.

4a. Do you think that consumers of porn will try to reenact these scenes with asian sex workers or girlfriends? Do you think that some of them have lost any idea of what a ‘real’ sexual relationship could be?

I would hope some people use porn to spice up their sex lives! Lots of people whether or not they watch porn have a twisted view on what a normal sexual relationship should be. I dated a guy in college who never watched porn and yet he loved spitting in my mouth and wanted anal sex all the time, because his ex-girlfriend liked it. People learn for other sources aside from porn.

5. Do you think porn could some day be colorblind? Or will porn consumers in this country always seek racial combinations that highlight domination / submission of one race to another ? Especially Asian women?

Porn will never be colorblind, because the men who shop for porn are looking for their type of women. Guys who like Latinas does not want to pick up a DVD with black girls in it. The end consumer is the person we want to make things easier for. This is kind of a repeat of Question #2.

5a. Finally, I see on your website that you promote donations to victims of Hurricane Katrina…. in the name of a black porn performer.

He is a dear friend of mine who had gotten together the resources to get a project going to help others. I do not have the time nor the financial means to be able to startup a project, so I decided to help. Speaking of colorblind…why is his color an issue?

5b. Did you know that a vietnamese residential community in New Orleans is being poisoned by a huge toxic landfill, right in their backyard? Mayor Nagin is turning a deaf ear. http://www.navasa.org/

It would appear that in disasters as well in porn, asians are the de rigeur recipients of a colossal screwing over.

You know, there is a strong tone of anti-racism in your letter, but yet I am offended that you are victimizing the Asian race. Let me tell you, Asians stick together. We are are not victims. Our strong work ethic, sense of family, loyalty and trust, and our success-driven upbringing undoubtedly results in us being the best at whatever we decide to do. I appreciate you worrying about your girlfriend and I am not sure what race you are, but please do not think only Asians have been the only race group that have been victimized. The Kurds, American African slaves, Rwandans, among other race groups targeted for genocide have it bad too. And if you want to really get down to it, American Indians lost their whole damn country. To me, racism in and of itself is not as big of a deal as BIGOTRY. There are going to self-serving assholes in this world and who they target is not always an issue of race. It is just whoever is the weaker.

5c. Final bonus question….If you could do it all over again, would you?

Absolutely. The only thing I would have changed is that I should have saved more of it. Some of the dumb things I spent money on: I traveled extensively through Europe and Asia when I first started, bought a new car for a stupid ex-boyfriend, a $1250 Queen Amidala costume for Halloween, which my cat pee’d on and I ended up throwing it away! That sucked.

Links for Mika Tan

Mika Tan’s Official Website
Mika Tan’s MySpace Page
Mika Tan @ Asian Thumbs
Mika’s MySpace Q & A Blog Entry

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0 thoughts on “Mika Tan Discusses the Porn Industry, Racism & Prostitution”

  1. Okay….lemme get this straight….this dude’s girlfriend resembles Mika Tan — and he’s horrified!?!

    <sigh & a head shake>

    Some guys just don’t get it.

    And WTF!?! 18inchesofpain.com?!? Gah!
    18 inches of ANYTHING would be pain! 18 inches of Subway meatball sub would be pain! So…if I boned Mika like 9 times in a row…would that count as 18 inches of…”is-it-in-yet?” ?

    Mika good. 🙂

  2. Although I’ve never been a fan of Mika (to me her looks are simply unremarkable), this interview gives me a new respect for her. Good on you Mika!

  3. I try to believe that there is no such thing as a dumb question, but some of these questions are just dumb. This guy could do a little research on Mika, but he couldn’t do a little more research to answer his own questions or better yet, ask his Asian girlfriend.

    I find Mika very sexy. The interview shows that she does have a brain. A lot of men who see women in the sex industry fail to realize that some of them have intelligence and do have a life outside of their work.

    But some of these questions are just dumb. This guy could’ve Googled the answers for some of these. But this schmuck has an Asian girl and I don’t. Boo. And U.S. Marines aren’t sitting around on Okinawa looking for schoolgirls to target. That really offended me because I was a U.S. Marine stationed on Oki. Many Marines there are there with their families or dating/married to an Asian chick, or don’t like Asians. The few instances that have happened makes the news quick and puts a black eye on the Marine Corps, even if the incident was fabricated. If there is a serious incident involving a Marine, it quickly makes the news worldwide and the protesters come out wanting the U.S. to leave. You can’t keep that stuff secret. Besides, there are plenty of legal women and Filipino hoes to be had there.

  4. What a tool. I’ll bet that guy voluntarily gave his testicles to his girlfriend and is really in touch with his feminine side. I’d say “I’ll bet he votes Dem, ” but I don’t want to bring politics into this. 🙂

    That said, let me say Wow! I also have a new respect for her. She really puts that guy in his place. I’ve always taken issue with people who claim that I, as a proud Asiaphile, am somehow victimizing Asian women. Because what that means is that the accusers believe that Asian women can’t stick up for themselves. So who’s doing the victimizing?

    Let me step off my soapbox now…

  5. I was a U.S. Marine stationed on Oki.

    Me, too! January to June 1989. Camp Schwab. Wasn’t really impressed with the bars there, but Korea and Thailand…yes!

  6. Ha, me too. 2002-03. Camp muthaf****** Schwab. The bars really suck, so do the girls who work in them.

    But anyway, that guy is clueless on who’s really the victim. Little girls who have their virginity sold are victims. But if the economic conditions were better in the region, probably half of the women would do something else and the other half would continue selling their body because it’s quick and easy money.

  7. Here’s a question:
    Do you like the girl because she is hot, or do you like the girl because she is Asian?

    Hot girls are Asian but not all Asian girls are hot.

    I find it a bit…I don’t know…odd that a guy would watch porn soley for the girls’ Asian features and not because she is hot. Are there guys out there like that? Doesn’t matter how beautiful or ugly the model is, as long as she’s Asian? Maybe some people do get off on race above beauty. Like foot fetishes, I just don’t get it. 😉

    Dr. — as “unremarkable” as Mika looks, it’s her performances that are really very remarkable. Her hottness comes, as the questioner mentions, from her enthusiasm. You’ve got to be a pretty dedicated performer to take 18 inches of pain!!! :S ha!

  8. Mika was really impressive…some of those questions I mean give a freaking break! But Candyman you’re so right, everytime one idiot in the military does something moronic the whole military is looked at like a bunch of repeat offenders. It’s too bad. It’s like if a guy in my company goes and exposes himself, the whole company would be labled perverts (I only did it once by the way). It’s too bad because 99% of the military is just there to do it’s job while that 1% like in any societal group gets the press (abu ghraib)and ruins it for the entire group instead of just for themselves. Sad.

  9. I have to agree the questioner had some pretty weak questions and did little research. As someone with a Chinese wife I can say without a doubt that there is nothing weak about Asian women. They can be as sweet, shy and demure and alternately as strong as an ox…all the while never losing their femininity. Mika neglected to state she was a Chinese food delivery girl in one scene…a special delivery indeed.

  10. Isn’t it said that in Asian cultures that the man is the boss outside of the home but the woman is the boss inside the home? So it might be the other way around — the woman might be the one wanting to re-enact the scenes! Oh my!

    What’s this dude talking about in Q4 — “Do you think that some of them have lost any idea of what a ‘real’ sexual relationship could be?” ??? Just what constitutes a “real” sexual relationship? I bet this guy has one hell of a boring ‘white bread’ sex life!

    OGR — same here…my g/f is Chinese and she ain’t doin’ nothin’ she doesn’t want! It’s a good thing for me there’s not a whole lot she doesn’t want to do! ha!

  11. Not only is the guy a bonehead, but one answer Mika gave was pretty off the mark as well. “Porn is for the guy who loves Asian women and cannot get one” definitely ranks as one of the dumber things I’ve read on this board.

  12. The questioner is a dumbass.

    Is it open season on Mayor Ray Nagin?
    – just because of his comments about the WTC site?
    He’s a MAYOR…he’s not FEMA…he’s not the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

    Nagin has almost nothing to do with the government’s failures that exacerbated the NO disaster or the actual cleanup. Its not fair to blame him for toxins in a vietnamese neighborhood without having him there to defend himself…

    Are you seriously going to ask a *ahem* – PORN STAR, about state politics?


    I was suprised that Mika’s answers sounded so intelligent though – almost as if she’s been a student of sociology or social justice.


    Mika is correct. Porn targets the consumer. It is unfortunate that the titles belittle women in general as “sluts” and “whores” – as well as the racial components which are stereotypical , BUT, the simple fact is, porn is designed to “shock and awe” the mind into purchasing it.

    The problem with porn is that it perpetuates beliefs in men’s minds that women are merely objects to recieve blow jobs and quickies from, as well as many other beliefs such as

    – desire for pedomorphic (young females) even to the point of pedophilia

    – racial stereotypes

    – female gender inferiority

    PORNOGRAPHIC FILMS are probably the only thing people (especially Americans) have to train them for sexuality. Its not like you can take people totally oblivious to sex and just lock them into a room…Porno is a training ground.

  13. this is too deep for me :)…by the way do you guys notice her breast job is not very good. she is pretty and a very good performer but her boobs bother me. Dr. Lee is this your perception also? her nipples seems to be too low.

  14. Yep, this is a common problem with the usual type of boob job performed in the US (overfilled saline above the muscle). Submuscular implants avoid this problem, but can sometimes have the opposite problem (i.e. nipples too high on the breast, like Francine Dee).

  15. Maybe I’ve missed it as I don’t want a whole lot of hardcore porn, but I’ve really never noticed any racial sexual stereotypes. In the porns I’ve seen black, white and asian women are all just as freaky and all just as willing do anything they can sexually.

    The only thing racial I’ve personal observed is the actual race of the actors.

    The titles may be non-PC but like Mika pointed out they just describe the races and look of the actors.

  16. I thought the FAQ section from Mika’s website was pretty interesting. If she truly writes the text herself then she really is a very strong writer.

    This particular section where a person asked if she ever tried to break into mainstream acting when was she just starting out was pretty enlightening of what a young aspiring actress goes through…

    “So I tried my hand when I got to Los Angeles. It was a nightmare. I had a talent agent make me pay $2200 to her son, a photographer, for a portfolio (which I never saw) who then told me that I never looked “Asian” enough to find me work.

    3 different directors whipped out their penises during readings…And this is all before porn! I did give the last one a blowjob, thinking that it was the reason why the last 2 did not call me back. I mean, how did Keanu Reeves, with his limited acting ability get in, right? Well, never heard back from the third director”


  17. I would have to say I have some friends to which race does trump other factors. It sounds a tad retarded at first, but let’s face it. Girls are pretty. Even if they’re “plain,” when it’s a real girl in front of you, she’s charming, shes smart, or whatever, it doesn’t matter. The issue at hand is more some of these guys just don’t know how to express themselves, rather than they’re racist. (Although yeah, the racism thing is out there…)

    The guy’s questions may have been rediculously dumb, but Mika’s answers are surprisingly well written.

    This issue of Asian women being victimized, being passive, vs. Western women being agressive is completely antiquated. All women are both this things, and more, in different situations. Quantifying an entire population’s characteristics is pretty silly thing to do.

    Especially with women, who are notoriously, gloriously crazy!!! 🙂

  18. Mika’s boobs: real or fake?

    Can’t find any info either way but for some reason I think they are real…?

  19. If you look at the pic introducing this article, for example, you’ll see her boobs bulge out just below her collarbone, then remain flat all the way down, with the nipples at the bottom. Natural breasts just don’t have this sort of form. They will have a continuous gentle ‘slope’ from the top of the breast. And naturally firm breasts will have higher nipples than this – the nipple only reaches the bottom of a natural breast when they sag (and Mika’s breats obviously aren’t saggy). Any more questions? 😉

  20. You can’t always trust a model when they say they’re natural, and you can’t always trust Wikipedia either. But in this case, I think we can: after all, a model isn’t going to say she has implants if she doesn’t, is she?

  21. I wish women would stop getting breast implants. Its like nothings sacred anymore.
    You’d think they’d be afraid to get these things after the first wave of silicone implants destroyed the lives of so many women by causing infections .

  22. Like all medical technologies, the safety of breast implants has improved considerably (especially silicones) – it is now one of the safer operations you can have.

  23. CLM…i would have to disagree. breast implants can really improve a woman’s posture, figure, and self esteem. also for certain women, they need it because of scaring or child birth and feeding. if it is done right, the result can be amzing. plus we all like Biggens. :))

  24. I really enjoyed reading her FAQ. Mika’s one of my favorite Asians in porn. I’m not too critical on how her breasts look because she’s in porn, but I’m more in love with her bottom half. Nice. But knowing that Mika’s beautiful and intelligent makes me more of a fan of her.

  25. Go read the rest of my and Mika’s posts, Curtis G and ranacubana. How can you dimwits think I was postulating that all asian women are victims, much less Mika Tan, who makes more money that all of us put together ? … I asked those questions a bit naively, and intentionally, but they would be valid questions by anyone as she herself agrees. Yes, I have been to Patpong and Pattaya (spawned from US base) and all that crazy shit and I think the american porn factory (my former employer) does its fair share of making the whole thing worse. Yeah, I know it didn’t invent misogyny and yeah, I know people just want to jerk off, but read Mika’s posts. She’s thinking about the larger issues… which is more than Curtis G is capable of.

  26. dont you just hate it when a beautiful, naked, pornstar who fucks like a maniac but yet she is so deep in thoughts with larger issues? makes such a distraction when you are wacking off :))…j/k chrisak

  27. Ah its nice to see this, just like Jenna intellegently fighting back.

    one thing people have to get out of thier minds is that porn is an ‘exploit’ based market. If you try t say that then YOU MUST be talking about the consumer. Its easy to tell one thing about most porn, its really fake and going through the motions. Not that its bad in a business type way but for me it sucks, back to the issue. What being done is catering as she said and this is quite obvious to me.

    I don’t know where he… hrm… looking again saying that the questioner is a guy is actually an assumption. the only group of people that I know to still cling to the whole “pron degrates women” stance is politicians and feminists.

    I did come away with two gems from this article:
    #1 they bring their wardrobe… wow!
    #2 The whole faked accent thing… I hate it sex in JAV files like “OL fuck Secrete” my favorite and some american file are always completely differnt the women act and speak differnt (besides the first being all non-english) and no coaching to a locally born actriss is going to help them and the faking just bring up my put off level. OK done ranting.

  28. Yeah, Jenna….raking in $15 million a year — and that’s before Playboy bought her out! That would place her 3rd on the highest paid Hollywood actress list. I’d love to be exploited like that!

    I’m not sure why some people are surprised at Mika’s intelligence/common sense. She did manage to finish 4 years of college/uni and obtain a science degree…you need at least a wee bit of a brain to do that.

    A hot smart chick that likes to get nasty — Mika’s got it all! (except for that $15 mill a year…)

  29. Got to agree with Candyman here – porn is just something conservatives pull out to distract people’s attention away from real problems. Yeah, I’m sure there’s some expolitation in the porn industry, but isn’t that the case with every industry? Indeed, there’s probably a lot less expolitation in porn than there is in the mainstream entertainment industry!

  30. aiya!! chrisak, you have completely misunderstood! take a deep breath, sweety, I’m not calling you a racist and there’s no need to be insulting!

    …K4K, I’ve got some pals with degrees who aren’t necessarily able to write succinctly on a controversal subject. Recognizing the brains is always worthwhile.

  31. ChineseLoverMan, definitely not your best post.

    First, NAGIN and the Gov or Louisiana, are both more responsible for the mess in New Orleans – he could have gotten the victims out (couldn’t find anyone to drive the buses – too funny – sad actually). And the Gov and her Democratic predecessors blew billions in federal aid in the years before Katrina buying votes by giving handouts to poor folks – instead of fixing the levies. Funny that after the Northridge Quake here in So Cal in ’94, FEMA was slow to react – but Clinton was in office and the victims were of all races, so there was no national outcry. Now with a Repub in office, and apparently most of the victims are black, and it’s a big deal.

    As Dr. Lee correctly stated, when done right implants rule. Many of the women who had problems either had terrible jobs or participated in lifestyles that lead to their problems. Saline is perfectly safe.

  32. Eventhough Nagin’s just a mayor, he should still have a basic plan and funds in place in the event that the city needs to be evacuated in the event of a disaster. And the governor should have made sure that the National Guard was ready to provide assistance & law & order if need be.

    None of these politicians should have their jobs. They had 5 days before the hurricane to do something. What did they do? Look at how much time they let go by without funding the levees.

    I can’t put too much of the blame on George W. If the Governor and the Mayor requested assistance in a timely manner and George W. did nothing, then I could put alot more blame on him. Can you expect more from a C student? He could have ended his vacation a week earlier to I don’t know, do something about one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. Would it hurt George W. to be a little proactive? We can go into countries on the other side of the world and provide assistance, or destruction, but our government can’t get to a state in the continental United States in a timely manner? This shouldn’t be the case after 9/11.

  33. WestCoast, you can’t resist an opportunity to bash the dems can you (and deflect blame from the guy everybody else knows has primary responsibility in this matter, including – by his own admission – GW himself)?

    I know I like to discuss political stuff here, but I do so in the context of what is relevant to adult sites such as this one, and the adult industry in general. New Orleans is definitely OT, so lets end it here.

  34. Forgive me, but I just have to throw this out: How, exactly, is it the president’s responsibility to magically fix what local elected officials have fucked up?

    Back on topic: This thread encouraged me to d/l some Mika vid. What struck me is how enthusiastic she is. Either she really loves sex, or she’s really good at faking it. Whatever; I love to see it.

  35. I have nothing but the lowest expectations of “W” in any subject area. He’s an anti-intellectual who does nothing but obey what his inner circle of greedy, power mongers tell him to do and say. It’s a joke to think the man has any capacity for thoughtful decision making. He’s an embarassment to our country every single day. That is my opinion.

  36. Nice to see you expressing your opinion recently NorthMan. 😉 Anyway, to answer Curtis G.’s question, handling national disasters is a federal responsibility. Here in oz, when something like this happens, it gets declared a national disaster area and all necessary agencies are mobilised, and emergency funds immediately injected. Money is immediately made available to those who are made homeless, and accomodation is provided. Nobody even talks about the local authorities at times like this – disasters on this scale require federal resources.

  37. Maybe things would be better if W. had some of the intelligence that Mika has. It’s funny that a pornstar has more intelligence than the President of the United States.

  38. “It’s funny that a pornstar has more intelligence than the President of the United States.”

    Speaking of which…isn’t Asia Carerra a member of MENSA? And didn’t Bush mash his way through Yale with a C average? (maybe his daddy didn’t want to fork out the extra cash to get him B’s).

    There should be an Asia/Mika ballot in ’08.

  39. As a point of interest and semi-connectiveness….in the last Canadian federal election we an interesting party throw their hat into the ring:

    (Popular Party of Prostitutes – PPP)

    ‘Nuff said.

  40. I was thinking of the same thing K4K. 2008: Mika Tan for President. Getting f***** so the American people won’t have to.

    But on a serious note, how much smarter are the American people who voted to keep a C student in office?

  41. Wow, I thought I clicked on Asian-Sirens, not MoveOn.org !

    Bush isn’t a great public speaker but that is hardly the only test of intelligence. By your logic games show hosts are the smartest people on the planet.

    I find it funny that many think the president is out there conducting soil samples or solving calculus problems. Presidents surround themselves with advisers and the agencies pretty much run themselves regardless of who is in office.

    To be clear, I don’t regard Bush as a super intellectual. He did complete an master degree at an Ivy League school which is more than most can say. He, Clinton, Reagan and Carter were all slightly above average intelligence guys with the political moxie to get elected president.

    While a person can disagree with a president’s policies, it makes a person seem, well, quite ignorant and unsophisticated to question their intelligence.

  42. porn is just something conservatives pull out to distract people’s attention away from real problems.

    Oh come on, social conservatives have a problem with porn but so do liberals, especially feminists.

    Social conservatives have an irrational fear of porn because they think it ruins families and corrupts the moral fiber.

    On the other hand, liberals have an irrational fear of porn because they feel that it exploitation and oppressive. I guarantee you that the guy that wrote the letter to Mika was not a social conservative but a liberal just by the insinuations he made.

    The truth of the matter, however, is that both social conservatives and liberal enjoy porn – they are just afraid to admit it.

  43. nyway, to answer Curtis G.’s question, handling national disasters is a federal responsibility.

    Sorry, but that is not correct. The only thing the federal government has ever done in the past in national disasters is hand out checks AFTER the situation was under control.

    It has always been the local and state governmnent’s responsibility to be first responders and to get the situation under control.

    The federal government helps when it comes to the cleanup and the rebuilding. Ask anyone in Florida or South Carolina how the system works during hurricanes. FEMA hands out checks and the local and state government handles the situation on the ground.

    Maybe you are confusing the way things are done in Australia with how they have historically been done in the US.

  44. Here in oz, when something like this happens, it gets declared a national disaster area and all necessary agencies are mobilised, and emergency funds immediately injected…

    Fair enough. But when said agencies fail miserably, do you then blame the president or the prime minister for the failure? What more can a leader do than say to his delegates, “Make it happen”? (Not that it matters; some people are going to blame Bush for everything.)

  45. “He, Clinton, Reagan and Carter were all slightly above average intelligence guys with the political moxie to get elected president.”

    You have got to be kidding. Bush is nowhere near the level of intelligence of the 3 other presidents you mentioned. Clinton, Reagan and Carter could all speak “off the cuff” about world affairs. Bush has shown over and over that he cannot speak off the cuff without making mistake after mistake. Again, he’s a puppet of his party and of his inner circle.

  46. Clinton, Reagan and Carter could all speak “off the cuff” about world affairs.

    Bush isn’t a good public speaker – that’s all. Real life isn’t like the show The West Wing – presidents are briefed ahead of time and are completely lost on a subject unless the it was covered by one of his advisers. This isn’t a knock on any of the other presidents, it’s just that the responsibilities are enormous and there is no way anyone human could keep track of everything.

    Again, public speaking skill is not a sign of intelligence. There are many brilliant scientists, doctors and engineers that can’t put two words together when it comes to speaking in front of an audience.

    There are also many people that are as dumb as dirt (gameshow hosts, spokesmodels, play by play announcers, etc) that speak really well.

    Where do you guys really think that Clinton, Carter and Reagan got their information? Do you really think that they were out measuring the heights of glaciers or counting the number of spotted owls?

  47. reagan was an actor and carter was a preacher.

    clinton is the only one of those three that is worth admiring intellect- or charisma-wise.

    as for w., a great speaker he ain’t… but that doesn’t mean he’s an idiot.

  48. Perhaps Bush doesn’t have an outstanding overall IQ but he doesn’t have great political intelligence either — and that’s his JOB!

    Here’s another sign of Dubya’s massive brain power: how many oil companies did he run way back when? How many oil companies did he bankrupt? It’s OIL! How can you run an oil company into the ground unless you are truly a half-wit!

    As far as his masters degree from Yale, well…I doubt the full truth of how that was attained (thanks daddy!) will ever be really known. God knows he didn’t win his first term of presidency through legal means.

    I keep to my belief that if it wasn’t for 9/11, Bush would have been whacked years ago. “Terrorism” is his saviour.

    But enough about Georgie Porgie and more about Pudding ‘n Pie (namely Mika!).

  49. Perhaps Bush doesn’t have an outstanding overall IQ but he doesn’t have great political intelligence either — and that’s his JOB!

    Bush was elected govenor of Texas and president of the United States twice. That demonstrates a lot of political intelligence as that is not easy to do even for the most gifted politicians out there.

    I know, I know Bush only got there because of his family, but if his father couldn’t even get re-elected, really just how powerful could his family really be? The Kennedy’s for all of their power haven’t been able to get Ted or any of the grandchildren anywhere near the whitehouse and the Kennedy clan has much more political clout than the Bush family.

    As far as Yale, powerful politically connected families are nothing new at Yale or any other Ivy league school. At the time GWB was at Yale his family wasn’t even known outside of New Hampshire so it is doubtful that they had any influence. If that were the case, almost every student would have a 4.0 at Yale as a great many are politically connected.

    Back on topic, I was really impressed with Mika’s writing style and the content. I didn’t expect her to be an intellectual lightweight but her writing is both consice, witty and entertaining.

    While that doesn’t qualify her or anyone else for a political career, she would probably do pretty well as a speech writer if she put her mind to it.

  50. Come on Kaine, to say that Bush has above average intelligence – and equivalent intelligence to someone like Clinton – makes all of your arguments lose any credibility. Bush isn’t just a bad public speaker – he is a moron.

    Anayway, this thread is way off-topic. Should I nuke it? Robin?

  51. i will say it again…i hate Bush…both of them:))

    he might be average smart but we deserve better for a president. personally i think the guy is about as smart as a glass of water. Clinton on the other hand is a dude:)

  52. Mika was on Blinde Date?!? When did this happen? Did Francine Dee do such a wonderful job (ha!) that the producers thought another asian pornstar might do the ratings soome good? I wouldn’t mind doing Mika some good…..I mean… well, I mean exactly what you think I mean!

  53. Since we’re all talking out our asses about politics anyway, yeah, we should stick to Mika. So to speak.

  54. Zam, thanks for Mika’s blind date video! It was fun and funny to watch! 🙂

    (Although I will say the producers go a bit overboard with all of their animation effects and silly comments.)

  55. Does anyone know the real story behind Blind Date? I always assumed that participants were ordinary people but sometimes young actors trying to get a little publicity would sneak their way onto the show.

    Now after seeing the Mika video, it seems more like Blind Date actually goes after budding actors and repackages their career title into “web developer” or something like that.

    Almost the way that Bang Bus acts like they are just plucking ordinary women off the street when in reality they’re porn actors.

  56. WHAT?!? You mean to say there is fakery in Hollywood AND porn?!?

    I’m highly disappointed and incredibly disillusioned!

  57. I suppose that Luana may be doing some maintenance on her website but wasn’t the design work done by David Tan of modfxmodels?

    Also, I believe Mai Nguyen’s website was designed by Linda Tran.

    I don’t know about the rest but I think that probably many of them got a little help with the design of their website (Amy for example).

    Kudos though to models that at least can modify their website once it is up because otherwise they tend to become quickly out of date unless they have a motivated webmaster running a paysite for them.

    Seems like MySpace like it or not is becoming the venue of choice for a model updated pseudo website. But I am guessing that the most popular models on MySpace like Tila Tequila have folks helping them out (approving friend requests, tagging, reading and responding to messages).

  58. Badboy, I can’t disagree with you. Some of the girls I mentioned likely did have help with the initial design.

  59. Yuck, Mika Tan! “Asians stick together?” I remember her talking shit about asian guys dicks and that she didn’t care because she was with a white guy…wow…talk about a disgrace to Asians.

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