

I don’t think this woman’s name is Mih. Normally I try not to feature models I cannot find the names of, but she is an interesting mix of ethnic backgrounds and has a unique look.Stats:

Age: 26
Height: 5’4
Ethnicity: Japanese/Filipina
Located: South Carolina








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0 thoughts on “Mih”

  1. i like this girl however she is in need of some implants. she has a “car import model” look about her.

  2. I think she’s very attractive on one level, however, I am afraid she would want to kick my butt… and could probably do it. Very tough.

  3. With the exception of the first pic, she has, in my opinion, a very masculine face. Perhaps it’s the lighting and excessive makeup but I’m not finding Mih too appealing…

  4. ay naku mih mahal kita napakaganda mo sobra 😀 haha put her in that box in the one pic in front of any of your doors and you wouldnt leave her out

  5. she does have that Tranny Thai look about her. i guess it would be from her filipina background. some filipinas tend to look very native with an aggressive jaw line and very high cheek bones.

  6. In a tough place on this one.She’s attractive…but her “look” gets progressively masculine after that first amazing pic.Tight body.Still needs boobs.Please remove her from South freaking Carolina.

  7. Pics 5 (mmmm yes! I’d take her in), 1, 2, 4 and 3 are my pics in that order, which will have anyone interested scrolling back and forth..not too onerous a task tho..

    Love the outfit in pic 6 (boots and zipper), but pic 5 doesn’t do her any justice at all IMO. Agreeing with Drew11 about the ‘Thai tranny’ vibe she has in those pics.

  8. I like hardbodies, so she’s all good in my book. She’s got some strong facial features, but I wouldn’t go as far as calling them masculine.

  9. I’m on same boat as wylde8. She has some nice legs, sexy tummy and a genuine pinay nose. Hot in my book. Doesn’t need that big boobs for that kind of body, as far as I’m concerned.

  10. i agree – she is a bit too masculine for me too. if she smiled, i think it would help some

  11. @longtack and stripes…. yeah send him/her to Gympie!!! I don’t care what it is: just bring me something at least pretending to be female that weighs less than my 4WD. I’ve been here too long now……..

  12. I agree with Stripes about her living in South freakin Carolina. A lot like here in Middle freakin Georgia. Take me away…Please.

  13. And there are people who wonder why we love Asian sirens SO much!
    Was waiting for your reply kroos and it didnt disappoint. But be careful – you know what happens when cars are mentioned round here?
    Re Mih..I am strangely excited by her in the box/drawer pic; I keep being drawn to it.

  14. I really like her on the first and last pictures. IMHO, she would be better without make-up and with dark hair. She does not need more boobs for me.

  15. @ kroos…ahhh maybe not. 🙂 Not sure what Gympie is even? At least it’s warm here throughout most of the year.

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