May Maung


May Maung is another fitness model that can probably beat you up. Or at least hurt you a little bit. She’s smaller than most fitness models, and I like her body a lot. If you want a bodybuilder that can actually beat you up, look up Xin Li Cao. I mean Ho Li Cao she will destroy you.

Couldn’t find stats on May, but she’s from Oklahoma City, home of the basketball team that was stolen from Seattle. You can find an interview with her here.







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0 thoughts on “May Maung”

  1. She is an Okie! Also, she is a Sooner!

    Those are what we call people from Oklahoma…..

    Many Native Americans live there, and as I recall many Native Americans can trace their genetics back to Asia….as America is a great melting pot, everyone is mixed now.

    I really liked May Maung’s interview. She seems like she has it together and works toward her goals.

    Many of us may not fancy the fitness look, but believe me when I tell you that bodies like hers are amazing when in bedroom action. Active girls keep YOU active- you can’t argue with them nor waste weeks on the sofa.

  2. I much prefer her before the breast augmentation. And how could she or the photographer approve Photo #? She looks like someone had punched her in the left eye. 🙁

  3. I’m not attracted to May. But she has got a head on her shoulders and she will be very successful no doubt. Good luck May

  4. She’s pretty amazing…with a breathtaking body of goodness. I’m so jealous of those picture perfect abs. I just about howled when I first saw her.

  5. ‘Fitness models’ don’t often excite me. So from pic 4 onwards – the poses when she isn’t acting like a fitness model – she is as sexy as hell. Her face softens too, (see also pic 3). Pics 5 and 6 are my favorites. And yes, what’s the story with her left eye?

  6. Well, for a fitness model LOVER this girl is the bomb for me. Nothing is more sexy for me in and out of the bed than a girl that works out and takes care of herself! Can do without the implants, but omg what abs! And @French…i agree with your assessment: active/fit girls keep you active/fit! Cheers!

  7. She is attractive for a fitness model. The photos in Arf’s links from the comps she seems to have a more genuine smile which is nicer.

  8. I never get tired of our fitness sirens. If she wants to beat me up, I might just let her, and I’ll enjoy every second of it.

  9. I like May Maung very much, and she could beat me up a little, please. Xin Li Cao is scary though, but don’t tell her I said that 🙁

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