Maria Ozawa in Taiwanese Slasher Flick

Maria Ozawa in Invitation Only

Maybe this reflects her shift from classy to extreme. Japanese AV idol Maria Ozawa stars in the upcoming Taiwanese slasher flick Invitation Only.

She portrays a bilingual supermodel, so she’ll still bring a touch of class to this bloodbath. It certainly can’t be any worse than her hiphop video.

Either way, more Maria is always a good thing, bloodsoaked or otherwise.

(Via Jepoy Bengero.)

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0 thoughts on “Maria Ozawa in Taiwanese Slasher Flick”

  1. The Invitation Only site seems to be down, at the moment.

    A little bit of Googling suggests that the other girl in the picture may be Julianne Chu. But, I am finding little else about her.

    What do you know, Mike?

  2. As far as I know, she’s half-Japanese, half-French Canadian and born in Hokkaido.

    And she’s damn hot. *drool*

  3. Ohhh…I’m sure for the right price, you’d receive…LawBoy. You can’t buffalo me. Also, the shot of Irene Fah to the left in the thaicuties ad, is just yummy and wow. 🙂 I wonder what she’s trying to reach for with her right hand.

  4. nice one EddyMaximilian, if there were any questions left about what Maria was hiding under the pixillation they are well and truly covered by the 17 minute mark.

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