Movie actress Lucy Liu finally decided to pose topless! A little while ago she posed in lingerie for Maxim, but now some new photo’s (in hi-res!) appeared on the Dutch blog Jaggle.com. (Does anyone know in which magazine these new photo’s appeared?)

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Hmmm, I could do without the cigarette (always a turn-off for me!). Still, in spite of the fact that she isn’t actually very pretty, she’s definitely one of the sexiest women alive, especially on film.
What do you mean with: ‘she isn’t actually very pretty’?
I guess I should have qualified that with an ‘IMHO’, but this is really what I think – she needs a lot of make-up to cover up her freckles, for example. In spite of that, she’s still one of the sexiest women I’ve ever seen on film – I sat through many an Alley McBeal episode just to see her in action!
Caucasians think she is hot.
Chinese think she is not.
Is that a fact?
It is true that Chinese don’t like her look. Chinese prefer a ‘softer’ look – for Chinese she isn’t pretty at all. But I really like her – although I don’t think she’s pretty either, I agree with Lee that she’s incredibly sexy on film!
Check out this fansite if you want to know everything about Lucy.
i am neither caucasian or asian and i believe shes very hot beside the wonderful smile she always has
She is a beautiful and good actress…
I think the photo are from GQ magazine. not sure tho’
For some reason, I can’t access that link for Jaggle. Page says the following: Entry Does not Exist! That entry either doesn’t exist, or it isn’t published yet.” Any thoughts?
I’m Asian and I think Lucy is pretty good looking.
The link must be dead by now, this post dated back as far as July 09, 2005.. too bad. I have the photo’s onmy pc though. Will look for them and post them here.
I have been a fan of hers since I saw her with Mel Gibson’s punkass in the movie Payback. I don’t like the cigarette in the top picture, but I will let that slide because of the nipplage. But she is so damn sexy.
Zam did it again
As I’ve said before, I don’t think she’s beautiful or even very pretty, but she has a great body and she’s so f***ing sexy!
Nice work Zam!
thanks Doc, but I didn’t make them…i only found them.
Nice Find!!!!
I saw that clip before but does ANYONE know why they were going to do the deed in a snake pit? Wild scene and Lucy looked fantastic but the snake thing is just so creepy…
Flypaper — besides Lucy’s ass, an otherwise mediocre movie. Something about great sex because of the snake bites, if I recall correctly. They never say if they survive the experience.
Ahhh thanks…now I know, have to look out for that movie. It’ll probably end up on Cinespank some night.
Now that’s what I call wild sex!
// comment edited because of lay-out problems.
short Flypaper video clip
I love, absolutely LOVE every one of Lucy’s freckles. They add to her unique appeal, at least to me. I agree with Lee: she is one of the sexiest women in all of film, bar none.
nice buttocks in that one clip.
she just doesn’t do it for me..and my guess is I don’t do it for her…
And…now we know…
arn’t you glad you know…now you can sleep easy..Knowing she’s not hot for me..
Great Mischeavous smile and apparently a silicon free zone!
Love it!