Liu JingJing


So hey, I made an exciting discovery today – There is a Chinese Met Art! I do not know if this makes you as excited as it does me, but wow. Unfortunately it is all in Chinese, but at least the potential of new models is extremely exciting.

This is Liu Jing Jing. I think she’s pretty.Stats:

Age: 22
Height: 5’2
Ethnicity: Chinese
















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0 thoughts on “Liu JingJing”

  1. Very nice. I had discovered MetCN before, but thanks for the reminder.

    I have some doubt though if this is run by same people as MET-ART or not. Could be imitators.

    This seems to be the mother load for full sets with the least annoyance

    Of course, downloading entire sets in a batch may appeal to some people.

    To shamelessly pimp the benefits of , the first hit using that custom search engine for “metcn” turned up this link

    It is reported by the creator to be, “a full METCN collection… all sets and videos about METCN.”

    I have not tried it, but the promise of videos seems intriguing. Maybe someone can report back if it is legit or not.

  2. Now I really need to start learning Chinese. She is a real cutie. And I thought you knew about MetCN already Travis. They’ve been around for a round and I’m sure that there’s a couple of chicks that were featured from there on here before. Oh well.

  3. Gahh!! Must avoid MetCN at all costs. Sensory overload!!!

    That said, Liu JingJing is SUPER cute. Tiny, but a fantastic smile and nice package. I approve! 😛

  4. Just delightful. Thanks!

    On another topic, I’m waiting for someone to post latest HK sensation Chrissie Chau. Any takers?

  5. Liu has a really cute face, a nice tight little body…just how I like them. Yet, something is “off” for me, and I can’t figure out what it is.

    Make no mistake, I really think she is cute, so it isn’t a criticism. Something just seems odd to me, with the package as a whole.

  6. > DrNo, add model names to the tumblr posts plz! =P

    That is not my style.

    Asian-Sirens is all about getting to know the models as individuals with names, careers, etc. It covers models of nearly any type of Asian descent. It is also, as you know, very much about the community and comments also.

    By contrast, fits a different niche. It is all about me curating a selection of the best photos from almost exclusively Japanese blogs. It is very minimal and focuses on the picture, not the model, with no comments by me or readers. In fact I specifically try to avoid showing many pictures of the same model in a sequence.

  7. This is exactly the kind of girl that most appeals to me, a super cute NE Asian face and petite body. I also like the taller girls with more athletic bodies but this girl is really nice!

    Travis, great find and I hope you post a lot more from this site if this is a typical sampling.

  8. There goes my morning. Put the page through google translate, no need to learn chinese 😉

  9. Yowzer!!!…that first pose in that top pic is just so inviting. Sure wish I could find one of those around these parts. 😛

  10. It is very nice to see a woman go natural! Too much shaving today, body hair is always being removed. Nice touch!

  11. After visiting the link above for the pics of Mu Ying I started having trouble with my internet connection. I think I may have unknowingly downloaded a virus or something. Has anyone else who has visited the site had any problems also?

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