Linda Song


Linda Song is a stunning model and unfortunately I can show you all of none of her photos, because her best photos were all featured in Playboy, and due to Playboy’s arcane file sharing rules, it’s not possible to share them here. But I have linked to them, and you – dear reader – are welcome to link to the ones you like in the comments so that you can share and compare with the other AS readers.


Playboy Presents
Hot Women Magazine
Hot Women Magazine 2

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0 thoughts on “Linda Song”

  1. Well it seems I have to eat my words. After seeing the shots of her in HWM beside the ‘beatch’ where she ‘possess’ ‘toppless’, she does indeed look ‘stunning’. So, I guess the pic above is not so representative of her looks.
    HWM is a good site but they really do need someone who can spell.
    Oh and also I wish the good people at would rewrite the banner above. It grates everytime I open AS. Maybe amend it to “Let her presence soothE the heat” – ‘down’ is redundant. That’s all…

  2. So odd. This picture really doesn’t look like her if you compare it to the others in HWM. She has the most beautiful breasts and wonderful skin….

  3. I’ve always liked Linda. I can’t say anything bad about her body and I think she has a cute face to match. She’s a real beauty.

  4. I think your postings over the past few weeks have been absolutely superior, and stunning almost every time. Kudos!

  5. The 1st pic is misleading, but delightful as well. I like Linda the same way I like Asa Akara, they’ve got smokin’-hot bodies and, while not unattractive compared to others in the industry, what they lack in facial features, they more than make up as a whole package. That’s just MHO. I wouldn’t say I’d take either one of them over a Nico Lai Siyun or a Donnah Pham, but they can hold they’re own…. and any one of them can certainly hold mine, haha! (evil)

  6. This girl has a real sweetness about her. She’s pretty, has a great figure and a pretty dam good surgeon. Definitely one of the better boob jobs out there. I’ll be keeping an eye on her.

  7. Incredible, really incredible. I love Korean woman and my god that boob job is f***ing perfect. I would love to have a girl like this.

  8. Wow. Ms. Linda should be the poster girl for Asians getting implants. Perfect size and pointing the right way. Somewhere there is a polymer chemist smiling.

  9. Japanese Girls. If you read past the first comment you will see that I amended it because I based my appraisal of her on the one photo above. If you go to the links and look, then you too, I hope, will also change your mind about her face, and be totally gobsmacked by the whole wonderful package.

  10. @longtcak: the other photos didn’t change my impression of her face at all, although admittedly it was hard to look away from that fabulous boob job. 🙂

  11. Well Doc, yes. I agree with some of what you say. Her surgeon was first class and it would be hard for someone interested in boob surgery as you are, to go up and study her face. But you must agree that the post-op face is a marked improvement on the original. lol your comment reminds me of women with outstanding racks who complain that men talk to their tits 😉

  12. Pretty fabulous, I agree that her face is just pretty and not stunning, but the rest is wonderful. Ive been a subscriber to PB for so long I just take them for granted, and yes they photoshop everything but I prefer my fantasies to be just that.

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