There are many hot things about Lena Li. There’s her fabulous figure, her lengthy black locks of hair and her mysteriously beautiful eyes. Lena was born in Taiwan on November 11th, 1975 and came to the US when she was eight. At the age of 30 Lena Li still is a gorgeous woman and it’s no wonder that she was asked by photographer Kim Mizuno to be featured in his East West Calendars for 2002, 2003 and 2004.
I just updated her biography (only for members) but I was somewhat surprised (or disappointed) that after my last update in 2002 not that much happened with Lena. Did I miss something?
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No, you haven’t missed anything. There’s some nice new pics on her MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/lenali but that’s about it!
I have to say that Lena appears to be one of the nicest and most responsive models on the net. She always responded courteously to my messages until I launched Sachiko’s site, then she stopped responding! I still don’t know why…
Also, am I the only person who thinks her breasts look smaller in her most recent pics? (They’re still very big by normal standards though!)
They look a bit ‘unnatural’ 😉
You’re kidding, aren’t they real? 😉
Just a little! 😉 But I love ’em anyway.
Personally I am not a big fan of big tits.
A handful will do just fine 😉
I have very big hands! 😉
Apart from her obvious attractions(!), I have to say I find Lena quite fascinating as a person – the little mystery I mention above is just one example. Judging from her Xanga blog http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=hugslenali as well as her MySpace page she seems to be both a little ditzy and quite intellectual at the same time! And I don’t know about you, but I find it impossible to imagine someone who looks like her working as a counsellor for children!
And how did her modelling career go so badly off the rails when she had so much momentum? I get the impression that this is at least partly due to problems in her personal life, which raises even more questions. I also get a strong impression that she has a dark shadow from her past, possibly her childhood. An enigma to be sure!
she’s supposed to make an appearance at the san diego comiccon on sunday.
I didn’t see her myself but heard that Lena Li made an appearance at Comic Con on Friday. She supposedly drew large crowds. I believe she was at Kim Mizuno’s table.
As far as what she has done since 2002, I believe she was one of Hef’s girlfriends for a while (at least that is what I heard).
Hef an asian girlfriend?
Well, she was part of the entourage he takes around with him in a desperate attempt to prove to the world that his dick still works… 😉
You guys are talking about Hugh ‘Playboy’ Hefner?
Come to think of it, maybe it was the experience of hanging around with Hef that put her off modelling for a couple of years?
Photographer John Chennavasin of FOB Productions has just posted his photos from Comic-Con International: San Diego 2005 here
photos of Lena Li, Linda O’Neil, Flo Jalin, Candace Kita, Diana Le
She’s amazing, i love the big tits
Hee, it’s funny reading these messages from you all. 😛 I guess I am a controversy, huh? lol
In regards to my modeling career, I never focused on it as a full-time thing. It was just a hobby. Also, I have been very selective of who to work with. I am doing more modeling now though. 🙂
I have a lot of respect for Hef and Playboy. I don’t appreciate hearing rumors and gossips. I just don’t think it’s right or classy to do that.
Peace out.
Hi Lena,
Good to see you here at last! I’ve been trying to get answers from you on these topics for quite a while now, but without any success (although just recently you did answer me re your navel). So I put some speculation ‘out there’ to see if somebody else might know. I still find you quite fascinating and enigmatic as a person, and a lot remains unanswered. Like it or not, when you’re a Playboy model and an active poster on the net people will want to know these things about you.
Hi Lena,
Welcome to Asian Sirens!
As I wrote earlier, I was at Comic Con for a few hours and didn’t see you myself but heard that you were extremely popular.
I apologize if anything I passed on about what I heard about your past relationship with Hef is innacurate but maybe it would be best to set the record straight to help dispel these rumours.
p.s. I enjoyed reading all the comments you made.
Thanks Zam! Where is this scan from?
I’m not sure where they’re from.
My guess would be a recent PB special edition mag
hello how I am interested in seeing lena’s playboy taiwan pics how I access it
Taiwan 16 scans by Nagual 3mb